
November 3, 2015

Two coincidental pirates and an adorable scarecrow

(My) Halloween Costume Details

Grey curly costume wig: eBay
Ghost Pirate costume and hat (sold together):
Ghost parrot (on my shoulder): Party City
Bat skull necklace: Wal-Mart
Skull handle pirate sword & skull and bone bracelet, both: Spirit Halloween
Four buckle belt (seen in numerous outfit post here over the years): Forever 21
Black faux leather tall boots: (I think) Zellers (had for several years)
Costume make-up: Walmart & Spirit Halloween
Lip colour: MAC Diva
Nail colour: Wet 'n' Wild Black Creme

Photos - a mix of iPhone and DLSR - taken by Tony Cangiano,
as well as some iPhone snaps captured by my step-dad

(My necklace kept flipping over all night, including in this shot, which no one spotted at the time. Oh well! No biggie!)

Not everyone in my family dresses up for Halloween night, but those that do make a point of not discussing their costumes with one another in advance (save for me and Tony telling each other what we’ll be sporting). The element of surprise as to what each of us will be wearing has become a much beloved part of our family get-together and always results in big smiles and rousing cheers.

Perhaps none have been more enthusiastically exclaimed than those that went up this Halloween when, by 100% pure coincidence, my mom and I both came dressed as pirates. She of the more traditional (costume) ilk, whereas I was a ghost pirate. We both did double takes and burst out in the biggest grins - what are the odds that we'd each opt for such similar costume theme on the very same night? Slim, I'd say, and that just makes the fact that we did all the more cool!

I first started thinking about, and searching in earnest for, my Halloween costume for this year back on Canada Day (July 1st). I felt pulled towards being a ghost this time around, but wasn't finding too much, especially outside of the classic bed sheet ghostie style, that was catching my eye until I struck upon this awesome Ghost Pirate costume. I'd been both a ghost and pirate as a child (see this post for fun photographic proof), but never an ensemble that married the two.

Though I did keep looking at various costume options for another two or three weeks after first spotting this one, in the back of my mind, I kept returning to it and by August, I knew the time had come to place my order. No Canadian sites were selling it then (and I'm not sure if they ever did) and the most affordable source actually turned out to be, which was nearly half the price - even with shipping and the conversion rate factored in - as the lowest American source I could find for it (that is not something that happens every day by any means).

I scoured eBay for a curly, Lady Pirate appropriate grey wig and came across this fun (surprisingly comfortable) costume one for a total song. A few accessories and some make-up gathered far closer to home, plus a trusty pair of boots (that I've had for the better part of a decade now) rounded out the high seas meets graveyard inspired mix.

It was an immensely fun costume to wear and one that I could easily see myself sporting again down the line. My darling husband went for something not only fun as well, but awesomely iconic in terms of the season for his festive garb: a cuter than cute scarecrow costume, that he looked so fabulous in! I've never gone as a scarecrow myself, but I must say, after seeing how great Tony looked as one, I'm giving serious thought to finding a similar costume of my own for a future All Hallows' Eve.

Speaking of the big day itself, on the morning of last Saturday, it was raining absolute buckets and didn't stop until the early afternoon. I think that this may have factored into why we got fewer trick-or-treaters than in recent years (we kept a tally and had 45 in total by the end of the night). Still, thankfully some did come ring our bell and we weighed their pillow cases and plastic pumpkin pails alike down with oodles of sweets, as it quickly became apparent that we weren't going to be getting the 100+ kids we'd been thinking we might (and bought treats for) based on past numbers and the fact that it was a Saturday.

Inside and out, our condo was appropriately attired as well and I must say, I think this year was my favourite ever in terms of the decorations. I certainly loved my costume, too, as well those my photo mates are sporting here. My mom looked marvelous as a pirate and I'm still smiling ear-to-ear like a carved jack-o-lantern that we, independently of one another, both opted for the same sort of costume. Like Halloween loving mother, like Halloween loving daughter! :)


  1. Ha, that's so awesome that you picked virtually the same costume! You all look amazing and I love your ghostly spin on a pirate costume. It looks incredible! And you nailed the make-up ;) x

    1. It really is!!! I am secretly (or not so so-secretly, if I'm saying it here :)) hoping that this happens again with a different costume theme one year.

      Thank you very much for your super lovely comment. The makeup might not have been Hollywood special effects artist level, but you know, it came out better in the end than I had imagined it would. Yippee! :)

      Here's to a fabulous November on both our ends!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. You look too frigging adorable. These are great photos!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Sylvie!

      Here's the fun filled twelve month countdown to next year's celebration!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. Great costumes! Your makeup is amazing. And that's your mother?! I thought she was a sister or cousin. I'm glad you had fun. Effort we put into Halloween always pays off with good memories.

    1. That is indeed my lovely mom. She's always been a stunning beauty and only becomes more so to my eyes with each passing year.

      It definitely does - well said, Ally.

      Wishing you an over-the-moon fantastic birthday today!!!

      ♥ Jessica

  4. Awesome, Awesome and Awesome! That's one for each of your spectacular looks! I had my costume all picked out and then the rains came. For three years we've had rain, downpours in fact which means less kids then usual. So this year we grabbed a tarp and strung it across the front lawn. Started a fire,bundled up in our winter gear and handed out candy. I ended up donning a cat hat and not the tenth doctor costume I had put together :( . We ended our night by watching a not so spooky movie " Nightmare before Chirstmas" to keep my sweetheart happy. ( not a fan of scary movies) . Not the Halloween I had planned but had fun just the same. Maybe next year bigger tarp, fire, candy and hot apple cider to keep everyone warm and toasty.

    1. Way to improvise in the face of Mother Nature being anything but cooperative on the big night. It's wonderful that you guys were still able to hand out candy and celebrate despite the downpour. We have a wee speck of a front porch that's covered, so we could have done so as well (had the rain continued here on this end), though I doubt we would have gotten many trick-or-treaters had it been coming down in spades.

      Your cute kitty hat sounds like a lot of fun all the same. Hopefully you can don your Dr. Who costume next year (or perhaps for a costume party before then).

      That sounds like a wonderful way to cap off your night. I prefer fun/campy/only slightly scary movies to blood and gore slasher/horror films, too.

      Big hugs & happy start of November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. Awesome costumes, Jessica! How fun that you and your mom both dressed up as pirates, without knowing it !

    1. It seriously was! I'm still shaking my head in disbelief and happiness that we both hit on the same costume theme. We don't even discuss possible costume ideas beforehand (to keep the surprise element as strong as possible), so this really was a total coincidence and one of the most enjoyable I've ever experienced.

      I hope your Halloween was a blast, too!

      Lots of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. Brilliant! Amazing costume(s), and I love that you host a spooktacular party for your nearest and dearest every year. Looks like fun! PS: It rained buckets here too on Halloween.. We were a soggy bunch! ;)

    1. Thank you so much, sweet Erin. October was, by and large, a dry, gorgeous month, so the rain at the end was a bit of a surprise. At least though, this being Canada, it wasn't snow in either of our cities.

      Big hugs & tons of happy November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. That's your MOM? Holy smokes, I'll have what she's having - she looks great!

    You look amazing, Jessica! I love that curly wig. I actually laughed out loud at Zellers - now there's a name I have not heard in a long time! I actually worked there in 1985 as a cashier!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Shelia. I will pass along your super kind compliment to my mom the next time we chat. She really does look incredible for her age (57) and has always been a knock-out beauty her whole life. We don't look much alike and many people, especially from puberty onward (for me, I mean), don't think we look like we're related, but that we are and I couldn't ask for a better or lovelier mom.

      I miss Zellers so much sometimes. I wish they could have stayed afloat and/or that we had more than just Walmart on the affordable department store front still these days. Penticton's Zellers held in their nearly to the very end of the franchise, but it's been gone for about (I'd guess) three years now and I really do pine for it sometimes. How cool that you worked at one in the 80s!

      Wishing you a stellar November!
      ♥ Jessica

  8. YOU LOOK AWESOME! And your MOM! HA! Great minds think alike!!! And Tony is adorable. WAHOO!

    1. Thank you very much, lovely lady! Wasn't he just darling looking in that scarecrow get-up! It's my favourite Halloween costume he's worn to date and I soooo want to go as a scarecrow one year myself now.

      Big hugs & tons of thanks for all of our awesome interactions this Halloween/Samhain season,♥ Jessica

  9. What a great idea..a Ghost Pirate! Love it :) It's really fun to see you out of your lovely vintage and into something so very different for you.

    Good job and glad that Halloween was fun.

    Liz :)

    1. Thank you very much, dear Liz. It was a blast to venture fairly far from my usual attire, too, and it drives home, in a roundabout way, a desire to do so a little more often, especially since I've always adored a wide range of styles (for daily attire, I mean), not "just" vintage. In particular my goth side has really been coming out again the last year and I'd love to weave more goth-y looks into my wardrobe and occasionally my outfit posts here. Are there any fashion genres aside from vintage that you feel pulled towards, too?

      Big hugs & happy start of November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. two very cool and beautiful pirate queens and the cutest scarecrow ever!!!!
    just wonderful!!!

    1. Wasn't he though? I don't know if Tony realizes just how gosh darn adorable he looked that night, but I do and had to title my post accordingly. :)

      Big hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. You look fantastic, I'd never think of a ghost pirate how imaginative! And how funny that you shared a costume theme with your mum. I have to say Tony looks fab too, the most cheerful scarecrow I've ever seen.

    1. Isn't he though? He looked sooo fantastic and suited this costume to a tee. I'm so happy we found it online and that he got to be the sweet counterpoint to our more sinister pirate looks.

      I hope that you had a fun filled, terrific Halloween as well!

      Oodles of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, lovely Grace. Did you dress up this Halloween, too?

      Big hugs & happy first week of November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Oh, wow, I looooved your costumes! The scarecrow is brilliant and you and your mom as pirates, and it was a coincidence! It was fantastic and you look amazing! I loved that it was a ghost pirate, never thought of that before! So good you could find that costume! Trick-or-treat is so sweet - I remember when I did that, so nostalgic these days! I am sorry for my short absence; somehow I feel kind of exhausted and can't figure out what it is. If things are not OK till Saturday I have to go to the doctor, so keep your fingers crossed that I feel well soon :) Hugs and kisses!

    1. Please don't worry for the tiniest of moments, dear Denise. I'm very sorry that you've been feeling especially fatigued lately and hope dearly that it's not a sign of something serious. I've been uber busy and at times very drained myself lately, too. Hopefully November can provide some much needed time to recoup between the (fun) hectiness of October and December.

      Thinking of you and sending tons of gentle, revitalizing hugs your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  14. Your costume was so well put together. One can tell you put in a lot of work to get it just right, my favorite is the jewelry and the dead (faux) parrot on your shoulder. The perfect lady ghost pirate, LOL.

    1. What a wonderfully lovely compliment, my dear. Thank you so much! I did indeed and was just thrilled with how it all came together in the end.

      Big hugs & joyful November wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  15. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, sweet Kim. I hope that you guys had a fun filled, delightful celebration this year as well.

      Sending tons of hugs & happy November wishes your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Your costume is fantastic - you look as if you stepped out of Tim Burton film, come to think of it, Tim Burton should make a film about ghost pirates! Love it!

    1. That is a compliment of the highest magnitude, dear Harlow. Thank you so very much! Consider not just my day, but my whole week thoroughly made. :)

      Tons of hugs & happy November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Wow, Jessica!!! You look AMAZING!! I wish NZ did halloween a bit more, it's definitely more of a Northern Hemisphere thing, but it always looks like so much fun :) Plus, now that I have a baby, there are so many cute things I can imagine dressing him up in, hehe.

    1. Thank you very much, lovely lady. I hope that Halloween continues to spread and become more commonplace in NZ. Even if it doesn't, hopefully you guys can still celebrate in your own wonderful ways all the same. If there's ever anything you can't get a hold of there that I might be able to send you from North America, please don't hesitate to let me know.

      Big hugs & joyful first week of November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. Lovely photos, Jessica! You look stunning! I love your outfit and makeup!

    1. Thank you so much, sweet Linda. This was a super fun costume to put together and I was tickled pink (err, black and orange? :D) with how it came together in the end.

      I hope that you had a marvelous, fun filled Halloween celebration as well!

      Big hugs & happy Wednesday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. You all look amazing on these costumes! Wonderful photos capturing this fun moment of the year :-)

    Sending you a special hug my dear Jessica...

    Beta xx

    1. Huge thanks, my treasured friend. It's awesome to hear from you as we embrace the second half of autumn. I think of you (and your family) frequently and hope with all my heart that you've been having a positive last few months. I'm always here if you need/would like to talk about anything.

      Giant hugs & joyful November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. I love seeing your family costumes each year! You all look fabulous, as always, and it's really cool that you and your mum both went as pirates. Your mum really does look very young - you must be happy to have those genes!

    I love Tony's scarecrow outfit. As you say, iconic, and a great use for hessian too (I have a bag of old sacks that I don't really know what to do with, so maybe a scarecrow should be in my future!)

    Your pirate ghost is a great ensemble and the makeup is perfect. What fascinates me though is how good you look in such a different silhouette to your usual. I can now imagine you in a 1910s outfit and you would look amazing! Those long slender lines and the wide belt...just fabulous.

    1. Thank you very much, my dear friend. I am thankful indeed and just hope, even with the battering I know that my health plays on such things, that I can look a fraction as a great at 57 (her current age) as my mom does now.

      That is such a great compliment and not one I've heard often before. It's very encouraging and inspiring to me to know that you could see me looking lovely in an Edwardian ensemble. I've long said that I'd love to do a project, likely over the course of a full year (it would be logical to do so, but certainly not strictly necessary) in which I wear one look from each decade between the 1900s and the 2010s. I could pull off the 1920s - though present day right now, but have very little in the way of Edwardian appropriate garb in my wardrobe right now. On the off chance I acquire some before 2016, maybe I'll start that project in the new year. If not, hopefully, sooner or later, as I really think it would be both a blast and a great way to step out of my usual fashion comfort zone.

      Tons of hugs & happy start of November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. That would be such a fabulous project! I'd love to see that! I'd quite love to do something similar myself :)

    3. Thank you! I think it would be fantastic, too. I've been thinking about it a fair bit actually since we chatted here and am going to try very hard in 2016 to find some pieces for the decades (chiefly the 1900s, 10s, and 20s) that I would need to make a project like that happen the following year. Of course, on the really off chance I found them in the last few weeks of this year, I'd launch it for 2016, but that seem very doubtful and even having it happen for 2017 could be optimistic. I feel like it's something I've been contemplating doing for years now and that the time has come to try and make it more of a reality. It sure will be a blast, a good excuse to venture out of my usual mid-century fashion comfort zone, and no doubt a learning experience for me, too.

      It would be amazing if you decided to do something similar, too. I'm sure the hats you might make for it would be off-the-charts incredible!

      Many hugs & happy wishes for this new week,
      ♥ Jessica

  21. Wow you all look perfect together, amazing combinations!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Imogen. I just adore that Tony was a the cheerful character and counterpoint to mine and my mom's darker, more sinister ensembles.

      Lots of hugs & happy wishes for the eleventh month of the year!
      ♥ Jessica

  22. That is such an awesome costume! I said it last year, but I'll say it again - this witchy, gothy thing really suits you. And that dress is actually incredibly flattering to boot (look at your little waist!), so I'd say you hit on the perfect costume. I hope you and your family had a lovely Halloween.

    1. Thank you so much, my sweet friend! I agree with you completely regarding goth styles and really, really feel like I want to incorporate more of them into my daily wardrobe, at least from time to time, again ("again" being in reference to when I was a goth wearing teen). I've never stopped adoring and appreciating the goth culture and its fashions and feel the pull towards such things deepen all the more as I age. Thank you for encouraging words - perhaps I'll do a more goth-y ensemble outside of October here on the blog.

      We definitely had a great Halloween and I really hope that you and yours did as well.

      Big hugs & joyful start of November wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  23. I absolutely love your outfit, you look like a very glamorous ghost! It reminds me some what of The Pirates of The Caribbean, very cool. Tony looks fabulous as a scarecrow and I imagine him walking about like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. It looks like you had a fantastic evening! xx

    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear We had a marvelous night that was made all the more fun by our festive attire. Tony really did make for an amazing (and adorable) scarecrow. That is, hands down, my favourite Halloween costume he's worn to date.

      I hope that you had a fun, festive October 31st as well.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. love it. Marvellous effort by you all Jessica

    1. Thank you so much!!! It was a total joy putting this festive ensemble together over the summer and early fall months. I don't have a costume in mind yet for next year, but I'm already looking forward to planning it - I might just take my lead from Tony and go as a scarecrow. It's such a cute look and something I've never done before.

      Many thanks again & have a stellar November!
      ♥ Jessica

  25. You look ARRRRRsome!

    (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

    1. Love the fab pirate pun! :) Thank you very much, dear Mim. I've always had a thing for pirate ensembles and love that I finally got to rock one here on the ol' blog.

      I hope that you guys had a fun filled, delightful Halloween, too.

      Lots of hugs & merry November wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  26. You are so fabulous! I absolutely love all of your costumes. You look simply like a work of art. Can't wait to see next year's costume haha!

    1. What an awesome compliment, sweet lady. Thank you so much!!! I'm super excited already for next Halloween and whatever it is I may wear for it. No concrete ideas as of yet, but luckily there's twelve months left to figure it out. :)

      I hope that you had a fun filled, terrific celebration as well!

      ♥ Jessica

  27. The three of you look amazing and so cute!!! You should be in Pirates of the Caribbean, Jessica! ;)) hugs

    1. That would be a blast! I've always been drawn to pirate tales and movies (though, of course, do not actually condone any pirate related crimes) and love that I got a chance to let that interest shine through in my Halloween costume choice this year.

      Your Wednesday Addams costume was awesome, too, and your pup couldn't have looked any cuter as a vampire (awww!!!).

      Big hugs & happy first week of November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  28. What a great costume! You make a fabulous ghost pirate! The lines of the costume are very flattering and your waist is tiny! Love the wig and make up! I think it is lovely that your mum and yourself went for the same theme! Tony's scarecrow outfit is great, very a Wizard of Oz!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear. Wasn't Tony's costume fantastic? It's my favourite one he's ever worn and I really, really want to go as a scarecrow now myself one day because of it. Maybe we could swap costume concepts and he could be a pirate then! :)

      I hope that you guys had a fun filled, terrific Halloween as well and that this month is off to a lovely start for you.

      Oodles of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  29. Just lovely, Jessica! I totally dig how truly into Halloween you are. I still have to post a few Halloween treats. It's been kind of a wild week. But I did just publish my first fashion post at Let's Go Thrifting, with a link-up party. Feel free to add a link or two of yours. Your outfits are always inspiring.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting

    1. Thank you very much, lovely Jackie! Yes, ma'am, I am one of those folks who absolutely eats/sleeps/breaths/can't stop thinking about Halloween. Always have been, always will be and I just adore that my blog gives me another avenue through which to delight in my passion for October 31st.

      Your post sounds terrific, off to check it out at once!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  30. I realize you probably don't want to sport grey hair on the daily, but the curly style looks so good on you! A pirate has to be one of my favorite Halloween costume ideas, too funny that you and your mom ended up on the same wavelength this year! I don't think I could get my mom to dress up even if I paid her, I'm the only one who likes to dress up in my family! Luckily I get my revenge by making her take photos of my get ups :)

    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear. I'm not quite ready to go grey all the time - unless maybe it was an uber vintage-y looking styled wig - but I must say, I'm quite happy with how it looks on me and find that comforting to know as the years pile on. :)

      :D Your last line made me crack a big smile. Please tell her that she does a terrific job!

      Many hugs & happy start of November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  31. That skeleton parrot is simply fabulous!

  32. Pirate costumes for Halloween - not scary! lol ;)
    Seriously though, we could use less scary Halloween costumes.

    Love that the look is complete, including the hair (or straw, in the case of your adorable scarecrow)!

  33. Such a fantastic costume! I do envy the Halloween tradition you have. You all look superb!!!

  34. Oh what fun costumes! I love them! Our Halloween involved pumpkin pie, our bunkin and two films, Jeepers Creepers and The Lost Boys plus a telly screening of a stage production of the Rocky Horror Show. We didn't get a single trick or treater though xxx

    1. That sounds like oodles of fun!!! I made GF, EF Pumpkin Apple Sauce Spice Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting as one of our Halloween desserts, so we both had pumpkin treats on our minds and tables alike on the big night. :)

      Tons of hugs & happy November wishes, my sweet friend!
      ♥ Jessica

  35. Hello Jessica!
    At last I can write here! I had seen this wonderful post, but I had no time to write this week .. I was always in a hurry, now seeking a little 'rest! You are all fantastic, really! your mom, Tony and then ... you! This pirate costume ghost is really beautiful, I really like the color, a pirate girl very, very glamorous! Compliments! Even your mom was divine, then this coincidence makes everything magical! Now it's up to me to tell my halloween!



    1. Thank you very much, sweet Serena. I was so excited for you to see our costumes, as I knew you'd been waiting for them as eagerly as I'd been psyched to share them here. It's hard to believe another Halloween has come and gone already. They always whiz past, but that's okay, it just means another twelve months of happily looking forward to, and planning for, the next one. :)

      Big hugs & joyful November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  36. Woah! What a creative and unique costume idea. You look absolutely smashing! I'm loving the grey striped dress and your ghoulish wig. And as a massive fan of The Wizard of Oz, I'm also smitten with Tony's costume. I'm so pleased that you had a great Halloween.

    1. Isn't that wig fabulous? It's straight up costume quality, but it's still quite nice and very comfy. I hope I can come up with other Halloween and/or costume party ensembles in the future to sport it with. It seems to pretty, bouncy and fun to wear but once and then relegate to the costume storage tote downstairs.

      Thank you very much for your wonderfully lovely comment and for sharing that you loved Tony's costume, too. I think it's the best one he's ever worn and he's definitely inspired me to go as a scarecrow now one year, too.

      I hope that you had a fun filled, terrific All Hallows' Eve as well, my dear friend.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  37. Was your mom dressed as a pirate? Seriously, I thought she was dressed as your sister! My goodness, she is a beautiful lady, do tell her. :) I simply ADORE your ghost pirate outfit, what a fantastic idea paring the two. You have such an eye for details so of course you also have a ghost parrot. And your makeup is splendid. You three look so lovely, and I also love that Tony is on the wagon now, he is a cutie. I wish my husband would do so too, but it is not going to happen. As mentioned (and seen on IG) I wasn't home on Halloween's eve, but left candy for the kids to help themselves with a note telling them that there should be some for all. It was empty when I came home, and I don't know if the first took it all or if they really shared it, but I do hope that I am now known as the kind neighbour. Well, now I am into Christmas. I've started reading Christmas magazines and took up my Christmas LP collection today. Christmas is my absolute favourite holiday, all the glitter, colours and cozyness, yes please. Have a fabulous day, dear. :)

    1. I will indeed, and I promise you that you will have made her day. She really is a knockout beauty and has always been. Had she wanted to model when she was younger, she could have in her sleep. She looks so fantastic for 57! People routinely think she's at least a decade younger than that. I hope I look a fraction as youthful as she does now when I'm that age.

      I adore that Tony dresses up now, too. This is his third Halloween in a row with a costume and I think he's officially hooked now. His scarecrow garb was awesome and has genuinely inspired me to want to go as a scarecrow myself one year.

      You know, I'm a fairly Christmassy mood this year myself, too - at least at this early stage in the game. :) Health permitting, I'm hoping to start decorating a bit next week. Christmas records are the best! I always make a point of listening to my Bing Crosby one when putting up seasonal decor.

      Here's to a marvelous, fun filled winter holiday season on both our ends!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  38. How cool that it was a coincidence ! I have to say it is visible how much you love Halloween!!! You look spectacular! What a beautiful pirate :)

    1. Thank you so much, my dear friend. Yes, ma'am, it's my favourite day of the year (tied with our wedding anniversary) and I beyond love getting to celebrate with my family and then again here with all of my awesome blog readers. Hard to believe that another one has come and gone already. This year has been super speedy!

      I hope that your October 31st was a lot of fun, too, and that you're having a lovely November.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  39. I've had a hard time catching up on blogs lately! So I am extremely late to the (Halloween) party here. But outstanding costume!!! I love all of the details of it, especially the cobwebs and parrot!


    1. Thank you very much, sweet Janey. I was so happy with how this costume came together - very much including finding the skeleton parrot. He was definitely the icing on the Halloween cake here. :)

      I hope that you guys had a marvelous October 31st, too!

      Big hugs & happy November wishes,
      ♥ Jessica
