December 23, 2015

If Mrs Claus was alive in the 1950s, this is what she might have worn

Outfit details

C. 1940s/1950s white faux fur hat: A wonderful gift from my mom via Frugal Frocks
Jingle bell dangle earrings: Claire's 1950s style red wrap dress: c/o The House of Foxy
C. 1950s white faux fur stole: Yard sale find
Ginger The Christmas Cookie Gingerbread Man Brooch: Erstwilder
Quadruple buckle black stretch belt: Forever 21
1940s/1950s black faux suede gloves with black beading detail: Mag 22
Gold tone faux leather bow clutch: (I think) Bentley Leathers
Black seamed nude stockings: eBay
1940s style faux suede round toe pumps: Walmart
Lip colour: MAC Russian Red

Photography by Tony Cangiano

Or so I like to think! :) I have an absolutely mad love for Mrs Claus, which took root when I was a small child and I first heard her referred to as my own name (Jessica) in the 1969 classic Frosty the Snowman.

Throughout the years, jolly old St. Nick's wife – who’s first mainstream first mention was in a 1849 short story called A Christmas Legend by James Rees - has gone by many names in various stories, movies, TV shows and the like (other include, but are not limited to, Gretchen, Martha, Mary, Juliana, Santarina, Annabel, and Layla). Yet to me she will always be Jessica and thus I cannot help but feel a special affinity with Mother Christmas, as she is sometimes also known as.

My ensemble here is what I'm wearing to celebrate Christmas this week and is a thorough nod to Mrs Claus. It is, as the title of today's post states, what I like to imagine Mrs. Claus wearing if she was alive during the 1940s or 1950s and something of a fashionista herself. I pulled from her classic attire, as well as that of her world famous husband (for example, my belt is a nod to his), when putting it together and must say, I was thrilled with how this festive ensemble came together.

The starring piece is a breathtaking crimson hued frock from The House of Foxy called the 1950s Wrap Circle Dress. This enchantingly beautiful garment was very kindly gifted to me by The House of Foxy (thank you so much!!!), whom I recently welcomed for the first time to my blog as a sponsor.

As I said to Tony the moment I put it on, this isn't just my new favourite solid red dress that I now have the pleasure of owning, it is seriously one of my top ten favourite dresses in my whole closet - which is, I promise you, saying a lot (as I own more dresses than any other type of garment). It fits like a glove, is superbly well made from a comfortable, slightly stretchy fabric, hugs your curves something fierce, and is absolutely evocative of similar frocks from the mid-twentieth century.

This party perfect dress also boasts 3/4 length sleeves, which I truly adore and am constantly looking for in my garments (as I almost never wear exposed short or bare sleeves in public or when entertaining, much preferring 3/4 or full length ones), plus its skirt is amply roomy enough to fit a crinoline under, if so desired.

Becoming and beguiling at the same time, this dress is a true dream and I suspect you'll see it again here as time goes on, as I know I'll be living in it all year long (the medium weight fabric and 3/4 length sleeves ensure that it could even be sported in the summer) - very much including in a few weeks time for Valentine's Day.

To further the Mrs Claus vibe, I opted for vintage white faux fur accessories, my endlessly beloved four buckle belt (that has appeared here numerous times over the years - ditto for my 1940s style round toe black faux suede pumps), a cuter than cute gingerbread man brooch that I recently picked up from Erstwilder, jingle bell earrings, sophisticatedly beaded black vintage gloves, and a sweet little gold hued faux leather clutch.

Naturally a look this December 25th approved called for a wintry background and Mother Nature was quick to provide one this week after a few days of new snow. These photos were taken just up the street from our house and do a marvelous job of showcasing the stunning natural setting that we're blessed to live with right across the way from our home.

It's hard to believe that Christmas Eve, Eve is here already! Like many people the world over, Tony and I will be spending most of our time over the next few days with family and friends. There will be presents to open, feasts to consume, and simple pleasures – such as taking these photos in the tranquil snow (which we did yesterday afternoon) - to enjoy.

And much like Mrs. Claus herself, I'll be busy continuing to bake cookies, wrap presents, and ensure everything flows smoothly at the North Pole (aka, our house in Penticton :)) right up until the big day itself.

Joyful Christmas week wishes, my sweet friends, I hope that you each have a magnificent one!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, sweet dear. I hope you have a marvelous Christmas as well.

      Merriest Christmas wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. I totally agree :) This outfit is like...Christmas embodied!

    And I always love how informative your posts are. I love the Mrs. Claus trivia!

    1. That's awesome to know. There's certainly something to be said for outfit posts that are little more than photos, but I need words usually and really enjoy sharing fun facts on a wide array of topics here with everyone.

      Many hugs & joyful holiday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. You look gorgeous darling! Merry Christmas <3

    1. Thank you very much, sweet lady.

      Have a fantastic holiday season!
      ♥ Jessica

  4. Jessica, you look fabulous! The contrast of the red in your ensemble and the white of the snow is marvelous (and I am quite jealous of your snow!). You are quite the pinnacle of a 1940's/1950's Mrs. Claus. Merry Christmas (quite nearly)!

    1. You're as sweet as a sugar cookie, dear Jessie. Thank you so much for the beautiful compliment.

      Tons of hugs & marvelously merry Christmas wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. You look absolutely beautiful Jessica! What a stunning outfit!

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmastime xxx

    1. Thank you very much, lovely lady. We're having a delightful week filled with family events, feasting and plenty of snow. A great Christmas in my books for sure.

      Happiest holiday season wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. As always you look lovely in red and would set Mr. Claus's heart a flutter wearing this dress, I'm sure. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!

    1. Many thanks, dear Debra. That's really sweet of you to say. While I can't speak for Mr Claus, Mr Cangiano was certainly a fan! :)

      Joyful Christmas wishes to you and your family,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. WOW!! You look beautiful.
    Jilly oxo

    1. Thank you sooo much!!!

      Wishing you a fantastic holiday season!
      ♥ Jessica

    2. I just wanted to add your Blog and videos bless me a lot. I hope you are also having a wonderful Christmas.
      Jilly oxo

  8. Ahh, that's so beautiful and very Christmassy. You have snow which helps things feel a bit more festive. It's 14 degrees in the UK, and it's not looking like changing any time soon.

    1. If you're craving a white Christmas, I'm sure that must be frustrating. If I could ship you a tanker of snow, I definitely would. Canada always has plenty to spare! :)

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment. I hope that you're having a fantastic Christmas week!

      ♥ Jessica

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Mel.

      Joyful Christmas wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  10. I am rushing about like a mad thing (who isn't this time of year?) but I had to come and see what you were wearing for Christmas. Perfect! Mrs Claus. And even better that the wonderful dress was donated to you. I love the full skirt, it really suits you. Once again your accessories are inspired. AND you have snow! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas. See you in 2016. xx

    1. Thank you very much, dear lady. One lovely perk to living in Canada is that a white Christmas is quite a common occurrence. We don't always get one, as we're located fairly south in this country, but it's as good as guaranteed this time around (there's several inches on the ground at the moment).

      Have a resplendent holiday season!
      ♥ Jessica

  11. It looks lovely! I love Foxy's clothing, I'm crossing my fingers that Santa brings me a dress I've had my eye on/ And you have SNOW! It's so warm over here, it barely feels Christmassy at all.

    1. Thank you sweetly. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you that Santa sees your wishlist. This is my first House of Foxy product and I'm beyond smitten. Great quality, beautiful old school styling, and comfort to boot. They've got a solid fan in me now big time!

      Joyful Christmas wishes, dear Mim!
      ♥ Jessica

  12. You look gorgeous! Merry Christmas to you and Tony! :)

    1. Thank you very much, lovely Tasha. I hope that you and Mel have a fun filled, fabulous holiday season, too.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. OMG that dress is gorgeous! Everything about this outfit is adorable. I want your pendant! Love LOVE LOVE IT. Happy Holidays my dear friend!

    1. Thank you so much, darling lady - not just for your wonderfully nice comment here on this post, but for all of the kind words and support that you've showered my blog with this year. It's been awesome getting to know you better.

      Many hugs & joyful holiday season wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  14. Hello Jessica!
    Christmas is just around the corner and I'm working very hard, as I'm tired! Luckily I have a quarter of an hour of rest, and I can give me your post! Here everything is beautiful, even snow !? Here we have a little 'wet fog in the morning and fortunately now a bit' of sun that is the space between the dark clouds! You are truly radiant, beautiful and magical! I did not know the story of Mrs. Claus, so today for me his name will be Jessica, of course! Your clothing is superb .. the red dress, the belt (fabulous and very feminine! I see it perfect for a goth clothing!) And the brooch is really nice too!
    I too love the dresses with sleeves even in summer, I find them more feminine ... Now I say goodbye, but before .. my best wishes for these holidays, for you, Tony and your family! I hope for all of us a Christmas filled with warmth, color, good food and tranquility above all! We deserve it! And thank you for being here with your blog!

    A hug


    1. Thank you so very much across the board, sweet Serena. It's great to find a fellow fan of longer sleeved dresses even in the summertime.

      I really hope that you and your loved ones are having a joyous, fun and fest filled holiday season. We're enjoying plenty of time with family, great meals, and soon the big day itself. I can hardly wait! :)

      Big hugs & endlessly happy Christmas wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  15. Stunning. SO jealous of your winter background. Christmas is suppose to be chilly and white and filled with snow, warm alcoholic drinks and a fire. These photos of you are really stunning. So beautiful.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet lady. These photos really are spectacular. Tony knocked it out of the ballpark with this shoot and them some!

      Tons of hugs & joyful Christmas week wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Oh my, what a beautiful outfit. And now that I no longer drive regularly, I'm jealous of the snow. We would have a white Christmas down here if it were 25-30 degrees colder, but alas, rain. Your post also reminded me of a recent story I saw about "Fashion Santa" -- an attractive older man with a silver-white beard dressed in holiday-themed fashionable clothing. Have you seen that? Happy holidays!

    1. That sounds really cool. I hadn't caught wind of "Fashion Santa" yet. Off to check him out right now. Thank you for the intro. :)

      Have a joyous holiday season!
      ♥ Jessica

  17. So cute. So darn cute. If Mrs. Claus ever slips on a banana peel, you could slide in and become Santa's wife in a New York minute. Speaking of which, I love the snowy backdrop. Here in NY, it's 60-degrees F.

    1. Overnight courier delivery of homegrown Canadian snow? :) Jokes aside, it sounds like a ton of places in the US are green this Christmas. As that awesome mid-century movie of the same names encourages us to remember, there's always the possibility of a white Christmas right until the last moment (eternal optimist, I know).

      Thank you very much for your sweet comment, Ally. I really hope that you and your loved ones are enjoying a fantastic, fun filled holiday season.

      ♥ Jessica

  18. You look gorgeous in this lovely dress, Jessica! As fitting for one sharing Mrs. Claus' name, for sure! I first heard her name as Jessica in "A Year Without a Santa Claus" (that's the one with the Burgher Meister Meister-Burgher).

    Merry Christmas to you and Tony!

    1. Thank you very much, lovely Sheila. Our week is going great - tons of all the things that make this time of the year so warm, memorable and fun. I really hope that you guys are having a splendid celebration, too.

      Big hugs & he merriest of Christmas wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. Absolutely beautiful! You look just like you walked off a 40's/50's Christmas card! Merry almost Christmas!

    There is something especially enchanting about Mrs. Claus and all her portrayals over the years and the different ways she's worked into the stories about Santa. I think my fondness for 1996 musical "Mrs. Santa Claus" comes from the fact that it seems to be one of the few movies that explores her character (not to mention it stars Angela Lansbury and its like one of the classic musicals).

    1. What a fantastic compliment, sweet Inky, thank you so much!!!

      Isn't there though? I think she's every bit as awesome as Jolly Old St. Nick himself and hope that she'll get even more coverage of her own in popular culture as time goes on (love that musical, too - Angela Lansbury is the ideal Mrs Claus, IMO).

      Tons of hugs and joyful Christmas wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  20. You must watch Santa Claus is Coming to Town. It is a children's special from the 1960s in which we learn Santa's backstory, including how he met his lovely wife, you guessed it, the red haired Jessica. You look stunning. I think I will steal the white accessories idea and pair them with a blue dress I have in a similar style for my Christmas Eve ensemble. Thank you for the inspiration your blog provides all year long, and happy holidays to you and yours.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Piper. You always leave such touching, supportive and wonderfully nice comments here for me. As soon as you mentioned Santa Claus is coming to town, I had a flashback to the 1990s and feel like I watched it then right around when it came out. I can scarcely remember the particulars though and will definitely try to track down a copy or see if it's available to watch online. Thank you for the lovely reminder of the movie and the fact that Mrs Claus is portrayed as a redhead (adore that! :)) in it.

      Huge hugs & the very happiest of Christmas wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  21. OH MY GOSH....this is just WOW!! This ensemble is so breathtaking and is definitely Mrs. Clause approved! It also reminds me of something from "White Christmas". I can't get over the snow.....I miss that here in Texas. Also, that ginger bread broach is the cutest:) Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you very much, darling gal! What an awesome comparison. White Christmas is my favourite winter holiday movie ever and was so (!!!) influential in my the development of my early childhood passion for mid-century vintage.

      Have a stellar holiday season and a wonderful New Year!
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* Love your current Blogger profile pic - that hat looks fantastic on you!

  22. Replies
    1. What a terrifically nice comment, sweet Kariss. Thank you so much!!!

      Have a joyous, fun filled holiday season!
      ♥ Jessica

  23. This may just be one of my favourite outfits of yours :) You look absolutely beautiful - everything about it suits you to a tee. Even the snow suits you! Gosh, I can't even imagine getting actual snow at Christmas - it's something I haven't seen here since I was a child. I feel like the weather is ruining my Christmas outfit photos therefore ;) hope all of your seasonal activities are going well and it's not too stressful! Still busy here but getting to the calm after the storm now :) xx

    1. You what? It's one of mine, too. I love not only festive theme and the fabulous way this gorgeous House of Foxy dress hugs my curves, but the immense glamour at work here. In many ways, this outfit is how I feel a lot of the time, especially being so immersed in the gorgeousness of old school fashion day in and day out, but don't necessary get to sport on a frequent basis in my daily life. My New Year's outfit (which hasn't been photographed yet) is going to follow in that same vein and I can hardly wait. Tis the season to be chic!!! :)

      Tons of hugs and the very merriest of Christmas wishes, my beautiful friend!
      ♥ Jessica

  24. Aww the gingerbreadbrooch.
    I have the same and your whole outfit looks soo nice
    Wish you auf happy very merry christmas

    1. Hi sweet Jen, thank you very much for your lovely comment. It's awesome that we both have this same adorable Erstwilder brooch. I am a massive fan of their super charming creations and was so happy to snag this darling gingerbread man before they sold out on Erstwilder's official site.

      I hope that you're doing well and having a fun filled, fabulous holiday season!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  25. Wow! Just stunning photos and outfit both! Goodness I am jealous of that gorgeous dusting of snow, ours has melted away and I want my white Christmas back! I love the way the feathers of this darling hat pop against the red of your hair, and the red of the dress looks extra beautiful surrounded in all that dreamy white! You are a holiday vision in this ensemble!

    1. Thank you so much, my wonderfully dear friend. This shoot is, hands down, in my top ten favourite we've ever done and I love it all the more for the fact that it was captured literally just a few hundred feet away from our house.

      Fingers crossed that the temps drop and you get some snow tonight so that you can wake up to a White Christmas, too.

      Tons of hugs & the happiest of holiday season wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  26. Oh how utterly delightful is your 1950s Mrs. Claus outfit Jessica! I love your beautiful dress and all your scrumptious accessories! Your jingle bell earrings particularly make me smile along with that adorable gingerbread man brooch! Your gloves are fantastic and remind me of a pair I used to have but gave away... Why?????...anyhoo, I think that Mrs. Claus would totally have worn this most delightful and festive outfit! Laaaaaaaaa!!!!

    1. Hi sweet Gina, thank you very much for your wonderfully lovely comment. Aren't those earrings terrific? I love that that not only are they endlessly festive, but they're very lightweight despite their substantial appearance.

      I hope that you're doing well and enjoying a marvelously merry holiday season.

      Big hugs & tons of happy Christmas wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  27. absolutely fabulous!!!
    jessica! this is a truly beautiful ensemble! the cute hat! your x-mas themed jewelry! hot red dress and white fur! and that tiny waist! wow!!! tony is a very lucky "weihnachtsmann" :-)
    and you got snow!!!
    merry christmas my dear!!!!

    1. You're such a dear, Beate. Thank you very much!!!

      Indeed, we've been blanketed in snow for several days now and it just keeps coming, so we're virtually guaranteed a white Christmas for tomorrow. How about on your end?

      I hope that all is well and that you're able to savour and really enjoy each magically marvelous moment of the Christmas season.

      Tons of hugs from snowy Penticton,
      ♥ Jessica

  28. Whoa!
    You are a true vision of vintage glamour! I can completely see your inspiration-- every detail is too decadent and perfect for the inspiration.

    1. What a tremendously lovely compliment, sweet lady. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

      Have a resplendent holiday season!
      ♥ Jessica

  29. You look positively smashing Jessica!

    Have a very merry Christmas dear!

    the Middle Sister and Singer

    1. Thank you so very much, sweet Brigid. My heartfelt thanks to you and your sisters as well for each and every awesome comment and collaborative post this year. It was such a pleasure sharing 2015 with you ladies and I eagerly look forward to continuing to do so next year.

      Joyful Christmas wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  30. OH. MY. GAWDS! Jessica, you look like an absolute dream!!! Winter perfection at its finest! WOW. Seriously, I see why this is one of your top 10 favorite dresses in your wardrobe -- it's perfect. It's like it was made for you.

    And you lucky girl! You have snow!!! It's warm (70 degrees ... in December ... in NYC) and raining cats and dogs. Talk about depressing. :(

    Happiest of Winter Solstices and a very Merry Yuletide, my dear, dear friend.

    1. Giant thanks across the board, my beautiful friend. Goodness, that is roasty-toasty for this time of the year. Perhaps things will take a nosedive soon and you'll be able to enjoy a white New Year's. Fingers crossed!

      Many thanks as well, dear Franny, for all of your awesome comments, FB messages, emails, and correspondence this year. I treasure our relationship and really look forward to sharing in the joys of 2016 with you.

      Happiest Yuletide and winter holiday season wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  31. What lovely photos! And I'm so jealous of your snow. ;-) Have a very merry Christmas, Jessica!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Grace. I hope that you have a beautiful Christmas and last few days of 2015. Many thanks, too, for each and every one of your wonderfully lovely blog comments this year.

      Big hugs & tons of festive wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  32. What a wonderful idea! Such a great outfit, adoring the gingerbread man brooch. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. Thank you very much, sweet lady. Isn't that brooch off-the-charts adorable? I have a real affinity for food themed clothing and accessories, so the moment I saw this cutie pie (err, cookie :D) I knew that I add to add one to my wardrobe.

      Wishing you a beautiful Christmas!
      ♥ Jessica

  33. I love this outfit! Red and white is one of my favorite color combos during the season! Your brooch is perfection too! I have yet to get something from them.

    I can't believe these were taken near your house! How delightful!


    1. Same here! It's such a vibrant, energizing counterpoint to the season's often darker/more somber tones.

      Ooohh, I think you'll adore Erstwilder's offerings. I'm more than a little addicted myself and definitely think the ol' "they're like potato chip" analogy applies to these well made Australian novelty brooch.

      Thank you very much for your great comment. I hope that you guys are doing well and enjoying a really fantastic holiday season.

      Merry Christmas wishes & tons of hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  34. Uhm.. excuse me. Can I get that sixth photo - the portrait - printed and signed and sent to me please? YOU LOOK SO FRIGGIN AMAZING!!! I had to show my hubby all these photos and basically told him that we must aim to produce better photos in 2016 because these are friggin beautiful!! I love the backdrop so so much!! It looks so cold Jessica ahhahah I can't believe you are wearing heels! You look so ethereal and beautiful in this ensemble it makes me giddy!! I know the last time I wrote you I said I wasn't excited about Christmas but omg your outfit definitely is changing my mind! I am so so so in love with that fascinator - how beautiful is that thing against your red hair! Red and white are just so beautiful on you - that fur wrap, the gloves, the gingerbread man!! OMG!!! Seriously one of the best outfits I've seen this year from anyone!! I LOVE YOU!!! XXX

    1. *Serious blush* What a phenomially lovely - and very touching - comment, sweet Nora. Thank you so much! If I ever get a printer that prints really decent quality photos, I would be more than happy to send you an autographed copy of that image.

      I love that this festive ensemble helped to up your Christmas mood. That is the best compliment I could receive on this look.

      Huge thanks again. With all my heart, I wish you a gorgeous, fun filled Christmas and rest of the holiday season.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  35. Love these photos! The dress is stunning on you!

    1. Thank you so much, lovely Caitlin. I'm with you entirely. This dress is a dream fit (and every other) wise and I just know it will be a beloved go-to for me the whole year 'round.

      Big hugs & the very merriest of Christmas season wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  36. so so beautiful! not much else to say have a wonderful Holiday season:)

    1. Many thanks, my sweet friend.

      Endless happy holiday season wishes coming right back at you!

      ♥ Jessica

  37. Wow! You look very lovely! Fabulous dress!

    1. Thank you very much, dear gal. Isn't it a total knockout. This is my first taste, so to speak, of The House of Foxy's terrific offerings and I am beyond smitten.

      Wishing you a beautiful Christmas!
      ♥ Jessica

  38. Mrs Claus wishes she looked like this!! Stunning. A classic, elegant outfit full of winter romance. And although I guess I'm happy sitting here in just a singlet and skirt, I'm still jealous of the gorgeous snow-covered scene so close to your house. Merry Christmas, Jessica Claus!

    1. Your splendidly lovely comment made me beam a smile that would rival Rudolph's illuminated nose. Thank you very much, my sweet friend.

      Huge hugs & the very merriest of Christmas wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  39. You look stunning! I love the hat, those feather curls are too cool. And that belt is a great touch... I'd love to find one with buckles like that.
    Most of all, I am jealous of your snowy weather... it's supposed to be almost 70 on Christmas Eve here in Boston and it hardly feels like the holidays!

    1. That is certainly on the balmy side for December, goodness! Hopefully you'll get at least a bit of snow before the season wraps up (which, to be fair, is a fair ways off still).

      Thank you very much! This is my favourite belt that I own, hands down. I've had it for several years now and wear it quite often. If I ever see another one akin to it for sale online, I will be sure to let you know, sweet Frances.

      Tons of hugs & joyful Christmas wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  40. This look so so festive! I love it! The accessories are so perfect from the fur stole to your jingle bell earrings. I definitely see the Santa Clause inspiration. You look wonderful!

    Happy holidays!

    Jamie |

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Jamie. Aren't those earrings darling? The perfect Christmas pair for sure.

      I hope that you're having an excellent holiday season.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  41. Love love love the outfit! Absolutely darling!!!

    1. Thank you very much, sweet lady.

      I hope that you're having a fun filled, wonderful holiday season.

      Happy tail end of December wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  42. What a perfect ensemble & a perfect setting, but don't take off that wrap, because, baby, it's cold outside! <3

    1. Thank you very much for the lovely comment. No worries there. :) I can handle the cold quite well, but even I draw the line at getting frostbite in the name of a great shoot.

      Have an awesome holiday season!
      ♥ Jessica

  43. What a perfect ensemble & a perfect setting, but don't take off that wrap, because, baby, it's cold outside! <3

  44. Merry Christmas darling Jessica. You look practically perfect as Mrs Claus. So glamorous and elegant. I'm so jealous of the snow that has blessed your town with a Christmas world. I hope you and your family have a magical day.

    1. Joyful holiday season wishes to you as well, sweet Christina. I hope that you're having a fun filled, gorgeous holiday season. Our December 25th was terrific. One of the nicest Christmases that I've had in quite a while.

      Thank you for your splendidly nice comment.

      Big hugs & happy tail end of December wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  45. Oh my stars sweet Jessica! This is just winter wonderland perfection! I feel like you are the living epitome of a Christmas carol, though you could definitely be Mrs. Santa Claus as well because this outfit is the tops in festive spirit! The fur stole and hat are a particularly delightful combination, but also the detail on your gloves caught my eye. So, so very merry and bright! ❅❄❅⛄❅❄❅

    Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to you and your family ~ I wish you a very joyous holiday season! ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Bonita. I just adore how this ensemble came together. It's one of my favourites I've ever worn, not just on camera, but throughout my life in general. From the glamorous red dress to the white faux fur accessories, the multi-buckle belt (my favourite belt that I own) to darling Erstwilder brooch, it was my dream Christmas ensemble and I'm so happy I could share it here with all of you.

      Tons of hugs & happy tail end of December wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  46. I say: if Mrs Claus saw this - she would approve!
    Your poster-perfect look radiates festivity! There's nothing more cheerful that wearing bright colors on a bright day (having a great photographer to "capture" all that glow helps, too).

    Here's my two thumbs up for you!
    Oh, and

    both you, and Tony... & Annie, too. :)

    Holiday hugs!

    1. Thank you so very much, dear Marija. Tony really did a brilliant job here. He has a way with shooting in the snow that is absolutely aces!

      Tons of hugs & joyful holiday season wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  47. So sweet and christmasy look! I love it!! Happy Christmas! <3 :)

    1. Many thanks, sweet Sara. I hope that you and your family are having a joyous, fun filled holiday season.

      Big hugs!
      ♥ Jessica

  48. Aw Jessica, you are just festive fabulousness!!! That dress is gorgeous on you, and I love the accessories (that hat!). Happy Christmas to you and Tony xxx

    1. Thank you very much (from both of us), my lovely friend. I hope that you guys are having a fabulous holiday season! (Ours is going wonderfully.)

      Oodles of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  49. *Blush* Thank you very much!!! My mom made a similar comment, and I must say, I agree with both of you lovely ladies. This dress, partnered with the particular underpinning that I wore beneath it, really does make my hourglass curves pop all the more in a tasteful way, which is always really important to me.

    Thank you as well from the bottom of my heart for all of your wonderful support and encouragement here throughout the past year. You're a lovely soul and I feel very fortunate to have you as a blogging friend.

    Happiest holiday season wishes!
    ♥ Jessica

  50. Stunning! I just LOVE the earrings and the ginger man brooche!! I want to wish you a great christmas and all the best for the upcoming year! Love and hugs, Liz

    1. Thank you so much, Liz. I really appreciate the wishes and hope that 2016 rocks on countless fronts for you and your loved ones as well.

      Big hugs & happy holiday season wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  51. Merry Christmas to you and your beloved ones!
    This Outfit is just stellar! The perfect of version of a festive Christmas outfit.
    I spend Christmas eve, which is the 24rst herein Germany in a cozy MInnie Mouse sweater and comfy leggins, because as every Chrsitmas, I got sick. Hahaha, I'm used to it.

    1. Oh no, I'm really sorry to hear that, sweet lady. I frequently get sick and/or experience flare-ups with some of my conditions during the holiday season, too, so I can fully relate.

      Thinking of you and sending tons of happy holiday - and feel better - wishes your way.

      ♥ Jessica

  52. Merry Christmas morning dear Jessica,

    Wow, what a perfect setting for this beautiful red dress! Your outfit is absolutely lovely.

    Have a blessed Christmas Day!

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear Hope. Agreed, I doubt we could have found a better "Christmas card-esque" setting around these parts than this one, right up the street from us. Proof positive that sometimes the best things in life are right in front our eyes already.

      Joyful tail end of December wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  53. what a lovely dress! and that hat! I hope you had a wonderful christmas Jessica :-D

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear Natalie. Our Christmas was terrific! Hard to believe that the 25th of December has come and gone already. Thankfully there's still a few more days of the festive season left to savour and enjoy.

      Big hugs & happy tail end of December wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  54. This outfit is completely perfect!

    1. Thank you so very much, sweet lady! I'm elated with how it came together. This is honestly one of my favourite outfits I've ever worn before, online or off.

      Wishing you a great New Year's countdown,
      ♥ Jessica

  55. I think this is the most fabulous outfit I've ever seen! You look absolutely stunning, dear. I love it all, from the red dress to the white fur, just fabulous! I am sure Santa have kissed you many times during Christmas Eve. ;) The first photo is like a Christmas card. I wore a deep red wiggle dress with rhinestones from the Swedish brand Daisy Dapper, her dresses suits my figure so well, they are pricey I've been lucky when she has sales. Merry Christmas, dear. :)

    1. Thank you very much, sweet Sanne. Your own holiday ensemble sounds terrific! Wiggle dresses look awesome on you!

      I want to take a moment to thank you from the bottom of my heart for each and every one of your thoughtful, caring, enjoyable, supportive and just plain lovely blog comments throughout 2015, my dear friend. It is such a pleasure to converse with you here via them and I happily look forward to continuing to do so in 2016.

      Huge hugs & joyful end of December wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  56. I only can say one word here, WOW! you look fantastic! I love the dress, the hat, the gloves, the shoes, the stole and the brooch and earrings. The only two accessories that I am not fond of are the belt (steampunk maybe?) and the bag (I'm mad about small bags, sorry). This is just a personal taste and I hope I have not offended you telling you the two parts I am not mad about. But all the ensamble is just beautiful and the contrast with the snow is amazing :-) Pitty that we do not have snow around here :-( Have a great Christmas time with your beloved ones ;-) Eva.

    1. Hi Eva, thank you for your honest comment. Fear not! We each have different tastes and ideas of how an outfit should come together. I'm beyond in love with this festive ensemble and the photos we took that day. I certainly don't expect everyone else to love every detail of each look I share and it's totally okay that you don't like the belt and bag here.

      Wishing you a great holiday season,
      ♥ Jessica

  57. The snow! Your eyebrows! The bright, cheery red!!!
    Oh my word what a delight this outfit is! I love your writing as well, hoping that you and yours had a wonderful wonderful Christmas this year, dear Jessica!

    1. Thank you very much sweet, Abigail. We're enjoying a splendid holiday season. Christmas Day itself was a joy and feels like such a comforting, uplifting note to (very nearly) wrap up this year on. I really hope that your Christmas is going wonderfully, too.

      Scores of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  58. Positively creamy! Your little hat is adorable and I love the earrings. Hoping you had a fab Christmas xx

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear lady! Very much so - one of the nicest in recent years. I really hope that yours rocked as well.

      Big hugs & happy countdown to New Year's wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  59. You look amazing, and I love all the details! I regret not getting that brooch, and the jingle bell earrings are perfection. So wonderfully festive! <3

    xoxox Sammi

    1. Thank you very much, sweet lady! I swear, I had a feeling you'd be a fan of this festive look. Isn't that gingerbread brooch darling? I'm so happy I was able to nab one up before they vanished. I picked up some (non-Xmas) ones at the same time to add to my collection and look forward to sharing many (if not all) of them here in 2016.

      Big hugs & joyful New Year's countdown wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  60. What an amazing outfit! I adore your hat and every accessory. So beautiful!

    1. Thank you ever so much, sweet lady!

      Have a stellar New Year's celebration and beautiful year ahead!
      ♥ Jessica

  61. You look stunning! Your outfit is pure christmas perfetion with all the lovely accessories and of coure the colours. I guess Mrs. Claus would be flattered ;)

    1. What a delightfully lovely comment, Katrin. Thank you very much.

      I hope that you're doing well and enjoying a terrific holiday season.

      Happy New Year's wishes to you and yours!
      ♥ Jessica

  62. Wow! A fabulous festive frock! You look absolutely super, really rocking that Mrs Claus look! I love all the thought that you have put into all the tiny details. I hope you had a truely wonderful Christmas.

    1. You're as sweet as a sugar cookie, dear Kate. Thank you very much! I'm delighted to report that we did indeed have a fantastic Christmas season from start to finish. Uber busy (in general, not just because of the holidays), but a lot of fun and chalked full of no shortage of the sorts of wonderful things (food, family, gift giving, new fallen snow, classic movies, etc) that one associates with this merry time of the year. I really hope that you guys had a splendid one as well and that the new year is already off to a smashing start for you.

      Tons of hugs & joyful wishes for every day of 2016,
      ♥ Jessica

  63. I'm speechless - this ensemble is amazing! This would have to be one of my favourite outfits so far. The dress is simply stunning and the way you've accessorised it is perfect! Sitting here on a beach in sunny Australia I'm suddenly wishing it would snow!! I hope you've had a lovely Christmas and New Year and can't wait for another year reading your wonderful blog (although I rarely comment, I am an avid reader).

    1. Thank you ever so much, sweet dear. It's one of my favourite outfits ever, too. Not just here on the blog, but that I've worn in my whole life as well. It's the pinnacle of my personal style expressed with a festive touch and I could easily see it standing as my favourite Christmas outfit ever.

      I really appreciate your readership and love hearing from you anytime. Enjoy that gorgeous beach and sunshine for me. We've had fresh snow here almost everyday now for about three weeks and I could sure use a hit of nature's vitamin C right about now! :)

      Many hugs & joyful wishes for 2016!
      ♥ Jessica
