
January 22, 2016

Out with the old, in with the new!

Hard as it may to believe, 2016 is already more than half a month old and as such I thought now - with the marvelous hubbub of the holiday season over for most folks - was a good time to delve further into some points that I made in my recent Think Big, Dream Big post that kicked off January here.

Towards the end of that entry, I mentioned that I was planning to retire certain ongoing blog posts that had grown, to my mind - and based on post read and/or comment numbers, those of my audience as well - somewhat stagnant.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the blogging world - both inside and out of the vintage sphere - has changed a great deal in recent years. In general, far beyond the realm of my site alone, posts and topics that once garnered scads of attention, may barely catch a passing glance, whereas others (such as outfit posts, DIY tutorials, and food related entries) have only grown in popularity.

Though I do, and will always, blog for the sake of the immense pleasure and fulfillment that doing so brings me, it would be foolhardy of me to pour precious hours - each of which is worth its weight in gold amidst my ridiculously busy schedule - into posts that aren't garnering a lot of love any more and which, to be perfectly honest, in some cases I've grown a bit bored with (writing) myself, too.

As keen observers may have noticed already, towards the end of 2015, rather organically (aka, it wasn't a deliberately calculated move), I stopped capping off the end of each month with the usual Vintage Link Love entry that had been wrapping up most months for the previous couple of years. It was an enjoyable series and I know there are some die-hard fans of it here (thank you, each!), but it just wasn’t lighting my writing fires a great deal any more.

At present, I don't plan to wrap up the end of every month with a particular ongoing post series, instead, for now, it will be open to any and all topics. Perhaps one day another "end of the month" post will arise, but again, for now, nothing of that nature is in place.

I've also decided that I'm going to evolve the 25 Vintage Deals Under $100 post series into a similar entry that will continue to focus on a given theme each time around, but which won't be restricted solely by price point (or number of entries) and which may appear here at somewhat more random (aka, not strictly monthly) intervals. I know that a lot of you enjoy shopping, and learning of new sellers/online stores from, such posts, so the general concept is certainly not vanishing.

{Granted I won't be donning an acid green unitard to do so in, but I will be sweeping out some of the old post series from my blog and ushering in some new/revised ones, as well as a greater degree of "wherever the wind blows" entries on a wide array of topics here this year. Vintage Matico advertisement image source.}

After many of loyal service, so to speak, the time has come to retire my monthly Flickr Favourites post as well. I still adore, and will avidly source inspiration and blog post images alike from, Flickr, but this is another series that has experienced a sharp drop in reader interest and which I feel has run its natural course, too.

It's been quite a few months now since my last Vintage Fashionista Friday post (see here for an example of a VFF post from 2014). I haven't decided yet if this series will be be resuscitated for 2016 or not. I'm really on the fence about it. What are your feelings as to this particular ongoing post?

Less common reoccurring posts, such as Saturday Snapshots and Adventures in Vintage Advertising are staying put, appearing, as they long have, here every now and then, when the mood or inspiration for such strikes.

If we delve far back in the annals of Chronically Vintage history, there have been some other post series, too, but these have been the main ones for a few years now and those others are already long retired in my books (that isn't to say that one couldn't come back again some day, but I have no immediate plans for such).

These post series, though a fun and decent sized part of my site, were certainly not all of what I shared here and you won't be lacking for exciting entries as we continue along through 2016. In fact, it is my sincere hope and desire that by making these sorts of changes, I'll be able to bring you even more content that you not only enjoy, but eagerly look forward to.

On that front, you can plan for plenty of "what I wore" outfit posts, oodles of vintage fashion related entries, lots of vintage recipe posts, some musings from my daily life, travel related posts as the occasion trip occurs, lots more new editions to the popular "Meet a fellow vintage blogger" interview series, history related pieces, the occasional handy vintage related how-to, various YouTube videos that I create, holiday season happenings, and a smattering of this, that and the other thing that I get the desire to write about - in conjunction, of course, with the series discussed above that will be remaining/appearing here this year.

It's very important to me that this blog stays fresh, relevant and dynamic and I hope that these post series changes will go a long way on that front in 2016 and beyond. I truly welcome your impute here on these culled choices and new additions, and hope that these decisions will only help my blog to grow and flourish further, even in the face of an ever changing blogging world and a continually greater degree of social media posting dominance.

After all, who amongst us is is better suited to be "online old school" than us vintage bloggers?


  1. Replies
    1. That is such a great vote of confidence, Ally. Thank you!!!

      Have a fantastic weekend,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. I think it is important to do what pleases you in your blog, otherwise it just becomes a bit of a chore. So just do what you enjoy most.

    1. I couldn't agree more, Liz. Thank you! I'm a billion miles away from tired/bored of blogging and am aiming for a complete 180 here in the slightest. Just organically parting ways with some things that no longer appeal to myself and my readers as much as in years past and ushering in others I hope will do just that (along with plenty of favourites that aren't going anywhere).

      Many hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. I can't wait to see how inspiration strikes you as we go forward during the year :) I can totally understand the need to evaluate and retire things that both don't get as much interest as they once did or, perhaps even more importantly, you don't enjoy writing that much as well. I tend to shy away from series as I don't have the time to keep up a regular schedule, really, so I always admire when someone else does! But some of the most interesting and fun posts are the ones that strike us spontaneously, so I hope time you gain from retiring certain things will help your creative juices flow. Onwards and upwards! x

    1. Thank you very much, sweet CiCi. Precisely! Blogging should, to my mind, always be a natural progression, like most things in life, and goodness knows my site is not the same (in many ways) that it was when it began nearly seven years ago. I've parted ways with post series before, had others that were short lived, some that were longer, a few (like the very sporadic "Saturday Snapshots" and "Adventures in Vintage Advertising") that have been for the bulk of my blog's life.

      I'm not looking to overhaul things here entirely in the slightest. Just keep them fresh, fun, and informative - which has been my goal since day all the back in 2009 (an eternity in the online world! :D).

      Many thanks again & have a wonderful weekend!

      ♥ Jessica

  4. Whatever you blog about, I will be here reading and smiling :)

    1. You're awesome, Meagan. Thank you so much. I will precisely the same way about your fabulous blog, too. I adore everything that you share with us and get super happy when I see a new post from appear in my feeds.

      Thank you for making my day with your touching comment. Have a stellar weekend!

      ♥ Jessica

  5. I love everything about your blog and the new ideas sound great

    1. Thank you so much, lovely Kate. You've always been such a fantastic supporter of my blog and I just want you to know how much I sincerely appreciate that.

      Big hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. Sometimes change is good. No matter what you do, I will always enjoy reading your posts!

    1. That's really wonderful of you to say, sweet Sylvie. Thank you so much! I promise, I'm not doing a 180 (or even a "90") degree move here in the slightest. Just a little blogging housekeeping, if you will. :)

      Wishing you a terrific weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  7. I guess you see the numbers, but I feel that the best reason is that you're not feeling it anymore :)

    1. I'm with you there big time! I've always tried to ensure my blog continues to evolve and often that has happened because I wasn't feeling a certain type of post any more and/or wanted to introduce something new into the fold.

      Many thanks & have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
      ♥ Jessica

  8. I love vintage glamour so much !Best, Jessica :)

    1. Same here! Old school glamour is a type of beauty and loveliness unto itself.

      Thank you for your comment, sweet lady. Have a fantastic weekend!

      ♥ Jessica

  9. Dear Jessica,

    I agree with the other commenters here; whatever is enjoyable and is inspiring to you will be much enjoyed by me. I love your "what I wore" posts.

    Whatever you decide to post about, I will continue to read and enjoy your blog. You are such a kind and lovely person - I just love visiting you here.

    Love and hugs, dearest Jessica,

    1. That is wonderfully kind of you, dear Hope. Thank you so much for your unflapping support and readership. It means a great deal to me!

      Huge hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. i´m sure you would look fabulous in an acid green unitard - like a supercute elf! :-)
    a woman must do what a woman has to do..... in my books you cant go wrong - whatever you are writing about - i just love your style!!!!
    looking forward to the news! tons of hugs! happy weekend! xxxxxx

    1. You're so sweet, Beate, thank you very much for always being one of CV's most enthusiastic supporters. Again, no major changes in the works here, just a little bit of (early) spring cleaning and the introduction of some new post series - which I'm really looking forward to sharing with everyone here. :)

      Tons of hugs & joyful Saturday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. Sounds like a plan Jessica! Always great to keep yourself motivated if nothing else. I love seeing your outfit posts best I think, because I'm generally nosy about other people's wardrobes! x

  12. Sounds like a plan! Good to keep yourself motivated too. I like your outfit posts best I think and any posts that show the beautiful area where you live. I guess I'm nosy about people's wardrobes, and am a bit of an armchair traveller too! Have a super weekend xx

    1. Absolutely - I think it's vital that one doesn't become stagnant in terms of what they're writing about and how penning said posts makes them feel. I'm not, hand on my heart, feeling that way in general, but I do strongly sense that the time has come to retire some types of posts (post series) and make room for new ones, as well as other topics in general (that aren't per se part of series, I mean). After nearly seven years of blogging, one needs a hit of newness every now and then big time! :)

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment, my sweet friend. Have a fabulous weekend!

      ♥ Jessica

  13. Hey, a blog's gotta evolve! Plus, you have so much in your archives, readers like lil old me can enjoy hours upon hours still going back through them. From what it sounds like, the most popular posts are the more personal ones -- as a reader of a couple hundred blogs, I definitely tend to click into posts that are more personal, feature photos of outfits and every day life, etc., rather than link amalgams or monthly favorites. That's just me, though, but it fits the pattern.

    1. Often times, yes. Very good observation, my dear. Though there have been some "wildcard posts" over the years (ones that I didn't expect to be especially popular, but that really took off in the end!), generally speaking, I find that outfit posts, in-depth looks at fashion related topics, histories of products/companies, real world vintage photos and fashion illustrations, personal musings/posts about my daily life, recipe posts, giveaways, reviews, and interviews are amongst the best received and honestly, they're some of my favourite kinds of posts to write, so I don't mind focusing on them in the slightest, while also giving some new (or historically less covered) topics a spin, too. :)

      Thank you very much for your helpful, lovely comment. I hope that you're having a terrific weekend!

      ♥ Jessica

  14. I look forward to seeing how you roll out your new plan, and I appreciate that you've put such thought and effort into making your blog both appealing and practical. We must be ever-changing in today's world, and learn to keep pace.

    And on that note, I was just thinking how ironic - yet amazing - it is to be a "vintage blogger." Talk about having one foot in the past and other foot in the cutting-edge trends of today! ;-)

    1. Very well said, dear Grace. That we must be - especially online. I will always be true to myself and blog as a please, but by the same token, it would be foolhardy of me to not pay attention to what is (at present) interesting and engaging my readers the most. When those preferences jive with many of my own, it just makes sense to focus (even more) on those areas, while also introducing some new elements into the fold and seeing how they're received, too.

      Very much so! It is a juxtaposition of realities, so to speak: a marvelous blending of old and new, yesteryear and bracingly 21st century.

      Thank you for your stellar comment. Have a beautiful last week of January!

      ♥ Jessica

  15. Jessica,
    The times are changing, so is the blogging world. Who would have thought MySpace will perish and things like Instagram will grow big (big? no, no.. huge!)
    To those of us who still like a bit more than just a photo and some text (I praise those who actually leave some textual message with their Instagram picture, and not just lingering of "what may be" in the air) - to those hopeless read-the-blog folks out there, I'm glad you're keeping up with times.
    I am glad that you are keeping the Vintage Fashionista Friday posts; since they come as a valuable information and inspiration. :)
    ...I, for one, can't wait to see the cleaning process over here - with or without bright green the unitard :)


    1. Indeed they are, dear Marija. I sometimes wonder if blogging, in the much longer run, will experience a cyclical effect, wherein blogging will go through periods (perhaps even decades) where it's much more popular than in others. It's so new now, that we don't have a wealth of years to look back on and fully assess such things yet - as with so much in life, only time will tell.

      I appreciate you letting me know that you'd like to see more Fashionista Friday posts. They were generally well received in past years, so when time permits, I will likely try to get some new ones up in 2016. They're quite fun to put together, especially when they're holiday or strongly seasonally related.

      Big hugs & tons of happy wishes for the tail end of January,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. I couldn't agree with what Shortbread and Ginger said above... do whatever makes you happiest! Otherwise you run the risk of the blog feeling like a chore. Though just to throw it out there.... I do LOVE the outfit posts! Outfit posts are always my favorite and you've got such great style! <3

    1. Thank you very much for your encouraging words, sweet dear. I really appreciate it and am with you through and through when it comes to trying ensure that blogging never feels like unpleasant/tedious work. That is truly so important!

      Many hugs & have last week of January wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. I'm looking forward to reading whatever it is you decide to write. I don't think I necessarily have favourite types of posts, on the whole, if I like reading a particular blog I tend to enjoy whatever they choose to write about. I do agree though that blogging should stay fun so if there are posts that you don't enjoy as much anymore it is time to let them go. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

    1. That's really encouraging, sweet Kate. Thank you very much! I'm equally excited to share some of the new types of posts here, too, and to see which ones (hopefully!) hit the ground running. I'm certainly not planning a complete 180 of my blog in the slightest, just parting ways with some things that no longer excite myself and/or most of my readers to the same degree and welcoming others that hopefully will.

      Many hugs & joyful last week of January wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. Change is good, and although you retire some of my favourites, you know I love everything that comes from your hands. So I will dry my eyes and look forward to what you come up with. ;) I love the Flikr favourites, since I love the seasonal and holiday themes you always master, and they put me in such a nice mood. I also love the vintage link love, but as you know they took a good part of my time, since I simply had to click each link, because it was CV Approved (highest approvement in the world!). :) Vintage Fashionista is a lovely post, do make one when you feel for it and have the inspiration. Your shopping posts are great, but risky. I find so many new exiting sellers. You could also make post like these solely with news from your own shop, since Etsy don't show all news when following your shop. I thought about some seasonal era themed posts, like Easter, Halloween, summer holidays, and Christmas in the forties, fifties and sixties. I would love to see your fantastic pictures and read about what people did and how in the different eras. Just an idea. I'm ill, caught a cold and feeling bad. My nose is running all the time and I'm coughing my lungs out. :( So I'm trying to make it cosy for myself with milk with honey and some reading in the sofa. Have a lovely day, dear. :)

    1. Thank you deeply, sweet Sanne. Believe me when I say that I did not rush any of these series to the chopping block in the slightest. I started to notice a decline in reader interest in them quite a while ago and in some cases, my own passion for penning them started to wane a bit, so I knew that it was time to access if they were a good fit any more for my blog.

      Though it is already a bit strange to not go hunting for things like the images used in my (previously) monthly Flickr Favourites posts or links for Vintage Link Love, I've been putting that same time and energy towards gathering info and images for my new posts this year, be they of a series related nature or otherwise and so far I've been enjoying blogging this year even more than last.

      Unfortunately though, I largely have to take a hiatus from such this month, as my laptop (which was scarcely more than two years old) suddenly died on Monday and is completely shot (the motherboard is fried). I just ordered a new computer online this afternoon (nothing local met my needs), but it won't be here for 2 - 3 weeks. Fortunately though, I already had some of February's posts penned and ready to go, so there won't be any tumbleweeds blowing through CV this month. :)

      I'm really sorry to hear that you're under the weather at the moment. You poor thing! Please know that you're in my thoughts and heart and that I am sending tons of feel better wishes your way!

      Big hugs, many thanks for your great post suggestions (and whole comment itself) & happy start of February wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. Change is good, when you aren't feeling it any more, and this all sounds positive to me. No doubt that as well as the plans you have now, other ideas will surface in the future too and you will be glad that you've made room for them. I look forward to reading all that you have planned, as I always do!

    1. Absolutely and I so look forward to that! I think, generally speaking, the best blogs (especially lifestyle ones) are those that keep growing, trying new things and remaining very open to whatever cool opportunities (and ideas) come their way.

      Thank you very much for your awesome support and encouragement, my treasured friend.

      Huge hugs!
      ♥ Jessica
