
February 4, 2016

My computer died suddenly and other recent happenings

If you've seen less of me online this week, my dears, it is because this Monday, February kicked off by me attempting to turn on my computer and finding that it simply wouldn't do so. It was, as the old expression goes, as dead as a doorknob.
This was both worrisome and greatly surprising, as the machine was little more than two years old and was, in theory, a powerhouse of a laptop that cost quite a pretty penny when it was bought new at the end of 2013.

Hop ahead to this week and the issue lies in the motherboard, which is completely fried. The cost to replace such is comparable to that of many new laptops, so replacing this part isn't a logical route to take.

Thankfully, it would appear that the hard drive is intact and functional, so I should be able to import the reams of data on there straight onto my new computer and not lose anything vital in the process.

I'd honestly expected to get 4+ years out of my (now "old") laptop and was surprised that it would give up the ghost so suddenly. Even more jarring is suddenly being faced with the cost of new computer, something that falls under the heading of a business expense for me, and which has been quite a shock to the system and pocketbook alike!

After three days of nearly around-the-clock shopping, both online and off, I was able to determine that there was nothing locally that met my specs (chief amongst which was great screen resolution, as I do so much work with photos that I need to be as true-to-life as possible), so on Wednesday afternoon I placed an order with Dell and should have my new computer in two to three weeks time.

I opted to purchase an extremely extensive three year warranty package, so if - goodness forbid - my new computer were to run into issues in the next 36 months, it would be completely covered and, in theory, a replacement issued, if need be. Hopefully it won't be though and this new gem of a laptop will last be for that long and then some!

{Being computer-less for long  periods of time is simply not on option for me, especially considering that I make my livelihood online through my blog and Etsy shop, so a new one had to be ordered on the absolute double!!! 1950s photo source.}

This is, of course, not how I expected February to play out online in the slightest! Thankfully I have a fair number of this month's posts already written and ready to go live, so things will not be a ghost town here this month, fear not!

In general through, operating just off of my cell phone, or a borrowed computer, when I can get access to one, I know that much in the ways of my online plans and productivity for February will be temporarily curtailed.

I will be doing my best in the coming weeks to stay abreast of blog comments that I receive here, my emails, social media PMs, and your wonderful blogs. If something is very important/time sensitive and you need to get ahold of me, please email me with the word "Urgent" in the header of your message.

In other recent news, my family suffered a heartbreaking blow last week when my 95 year old step-grandfather - a wise, warmhearted, extremely hard working man - passed away after a long battle with various medical issues. His departure did not come as a shock to our family, given his health, but it is certainly painful all the same, especially for all nine of his children (of whom my step-father is one)        and their families.

Under our own roof, Tony and I have completed (or at least made serious in roads) a lot of home organization, DIY, and (early spring) cleaning jobs that we opted to tackle in January, which is awesome! Some remain to be wrapped up, but such is certainly in sight and we're delighted about that.

Speaking of Tony, the poor dear has been experiencing some rather serious back problems for several months now, which have only worsened in recent weeks (I'm sure that the above mentioned heavy-duty work around the house didn't help matters there for him one bit) and is going for a doctor's appointment to hopefully get the ball rolling on some answers at to what is at the route of this issue a little later today (he and I are leaning towards a herniated disk, but of course, until we find out more, that is just our educated guess base on his symptoms and our research).

Aside from those points, and some (normal level, for me) flare-ups with some of my medical conditions, we're okay and certainly hanging in there. Despite the various difficult points that have been, and continue to be, on our plates, we're in good spirits and remain hopeful that February will ultimately turn into a lovely, enjoyable month (very much including Valentine's Day itself, which I have some really fun posts already lined up for).

I truly appreciate your understanding regarding my computer situation and look forward to hopefully getting 100% back to normal on that front by the end of the month.

Wishing you all an awesome, fun filled February!


  1. Bummer about your computer. Most pc's just aren't built to last more than 3-4 years which is why I switched to a mac last time my laptop died. :( So sorry to hear about your stepgrandfather passing. I feel like a lot of people have lost family members recently (including myself) and it's very sad.

    1. Thank you so much, sweet Stephanie Lynn. True, very true - and it seems practically criminal given what computers, especially the better quality ones cost. The laptop that I had prior to the one that just died lasted for a bit over four years, so perhaps I was just "spoiled" by that experience. The new one that's headed my way is a stellar machine though, so I have high hopes that I'll get in that same range out of it (time will tell!).

      I'm truly sorry for your family's own losses. We've had some other folks in my step-dad's family pass recently, too, and others still who are dealing with some really serious medical issues. Tough times for a lot of people for sure.

      Tons of hugs & understanding,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. I'm sorry about the passing of your family member - that's really sad. I hope your family start feeling better soon. A shame about your computer too! Was it a HP by any chance? That's how long my HP laptop lasted too, and the same for my Dad's laptop of the same brand.

    1. Thank you very much, lovely Ellie. I'm sorry to hear that your and your father's computers only gave you a couple of years as well. That seems downright criminal in my books considering how much they cost. My computer that just died was a Lenovo, so I made sure to steer clear of them this time around.

      Big hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. I didn't see your post before I send my email today. What a lot of trouble :( Glad you've got a new machine on order and fingers crossed Tony's ok and it's nothing too serious - and nothing that can't be treated easily! My dad has always suffered from horrible back trouble and it's not fun watching someone in pain with it, for sure :( Surely February will improve for you from here out! Sending positive wishes and luck xxx

    1. Hi sweet CiCi, thank you very much across the board. It has been a "one of those weeks" for sure. Of course things could always be worlds worse, but it's starting to feel like a bit of a heavy (and expensive) year already and we're only five weeks in. Hopefully February will perk up as it continues and the year itself in general will go more smoothly.

      I'm so sorry that your father has battled back issues for ages. The poor man. I'm no stranger to them myself either and that just makes my heart go out to others afflicted by such all the more.

      Giant hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. I am sorry to read about your computer. Thankfully, your hard drive got saved. Hope Tony feels better soon!

    1. Isn't it though! There is that moment of dread when a computer dies and you don't know the cause where the words "hard drive" flash through your mind like a vivid neon sign and that is exactly what happened to me on Monday. Going forward with my new computer, I think I'll invest in a cloud backup system, which should help cut down on that sense of dread when future computers kick the bucket.

      Thank you very much for your caring words. I hope that you have a great first weekend of February, my lovely friend.

      ♥ Jessica

  5. Goodness you have been hit hard this month! Here is to hoping that the sun comes out and all will be shining at the end of the road.


    the Middle Sister and Singer

    1. Thank you deeply, dear Brigid. I'm doing okay personally and am happy report that I don't feel blue at present (just a bit stressed), but objectively it has been a rough patch for sure and I'm sincerely hoping that February will turn into a far more pleasant month soon.

      Many hugs & happy weekend wishes to you and your family,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. Oh no and poor Tony on top everything else! My friend has a herniated disc, it really is not pleasant at all. Please give him my best wishes for feeling better and getting some treatment that can help. I will greatly look forward to your forthcoming posts, dear lady. You are extremely beautiful, inside and out and I send you many many hugs xx

    1. As are you, sweet Emily. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the many caring, thoughtful ways you brighten my blog (and inbox). I feel honoured to know you and to share in our mutual love of vintage together.

      Huge hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. Can´t wait for you to be back!! :)

    1. That's really lovely of you to say, Moa. Thank you! As touched on in this post, I will still be here, just perhaps not as much, given the somewhat limited nature of making due with just my phone and borrowed computers for the time being.

      Many hugs & happy weekend wishes coming your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. I'm sorry, it looks like February has been a rough month so far with all the happenings! I'm very sorry to hear about your step-grandfather; that is so hard to deal with no matter how old someone is. I hope you all get back on your feet soon, and that the month starts looking up for you both.

    1. You're such a kind, caring soul, Sabrina. Thank you deeply.

      Tons of hugs & happy Friday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Oh no, what a horrible start to February! I do hope things get back to normal soon and that Tony recovers quickly, whatever it may. I'm sending good thoughts and big hugs your way which I hope will help just a tiny bit. xx

    1. Hugs received and truly appreciated, dear Cate. Thank you so much! I echo your hope entirely. The doctor is sending Tony for X-rays in a few days and hopefully we'll be able to find out more after that.

      Many hugs & joyful weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. Sorry to hear about your computer! Two years is such a short amount of time! I have such a hate, love, hate relationship with anything technological. While I love the internet, online shopping, and reading about life on the blogsphere, I really do like like computers and smart phones. I hope your new computer will fare much better than the last! Getting a new computer is the absolute worst! So sorry to hear about your step grandfather as well! It is always hard to love a loved one! I hope everything will work out for Tony as well and that he will get relief for his back soon!

    1. Seconded! I think that the web and things like smart phones are great in a lot of ways, but I often wonder (and worry) about how they're changing us - not just as individuals, but society in general. People where not built to stare into tiny electronic screens day in and day out, and surely doing so will catch up with us as a collective whole sooner or later (and, yes, I say that fully aware of the fact that the web and thus technology itself has been a vital part of my life and livelihood for many years now).

      Thank you so much for your caring, kind comment, dear gal. I hope that you're having a much more enjoyable first week of February.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. Of course !
    I'm a bit more into the blogging web this Time and I understand how this can be embarassing.

    LOVE From Paris anyway !

    1. It's awesome that you're blogging more at the moment, sweet Lorena. I always adore seeing new posts from you and in turn hearing from you here.

      Many thanks & hugs coming your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. Technology problems can be the worst because often the only solution is to throw money at the problem, whether replacing or repairing. I hope the new computer arrives promptly and lasts ages.

    1. Very well said, Rhiannon, that is so true! I find it disconcerting, too, that there is such a short lifespan/inherent "throwaway" quality to so much of today's technology (and, really, a good many other categories of modern goods as well). That seems so at odds with way things should be, especially when viewed through the lens of the industrious, make do and mend eras that many of us in the vintage community hold dear.

      Many thanks & joyful weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Heartfelt condolences, Jessica. <3

    1. Thank you deeply, dear Mary, that means a lot to me and my family.

      I hope that this month is off to a far more enjoyable start for you.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  14. I really admire people who can put everything together in their lives and organize themselves to keep a blog, like you do, and now with your pc dying, I mean you really have to be organized!
    I'm sorry for your step-grandfather and I hope everyone in your family can handle that in the best way they can :)

    1. What an immensely touching comment, Ines. Thank you so much. It does take a tremendous amount of work, time, energy, and drive, but I get a great deal out of doing so as well (I wouldn't blog if I didn't), which I think makes suddenly finding myself sans computer all the more jarring.

      Tons of hugs & heartfelt thanks,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. Oh boy... A loss in the family paired with technological failure. I'm sorry to hear it. Hopefully the rest of February will be better for you.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting

    1. Thank you very much, dear Jackie. I second your hope completely (especially since this is already starting to feel like a heavy year, and I really don't want it to - I went into 2016 with such a positive vibe about it and am loath to lose that feeling).

      Wishing you a terrific weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Oh dear, I have been there...nightmare..hang in there! Of course facing my own nightmares doing YouTube....

    1. Isn't wasn't fun for sure! I was truly shocked that my computer would die after just two years (perhaps in part because I got a bit over four years out of its predecessor) and it took me a couple of days to get over being jarred like that. Now, five days on, I'm doing a lot better and am seriously excited for my new laptop to arrive (it's going to be the best computer I've ever had).

      Thank you for being such a sweet soul, Ruby.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Oh no! That's terrible news. I'd be so upset if my computer died on me, although I've got a lot of stuff backed up to the cloud. I hope it doesn't put too much of a damper on your month, doll.

    1. Very smart lady! I think that I'm going to invest in a cloud backup service for my new computer as well. I was, it would appear so far (knock wood!) spared hard drive woes this time around, but one is always tempting fate there, so the cloud is definitely the way to go.

      It was quite the shock to the ol' system at first, but I'm happy to say that now, a few days on, I'm feeling much more like my usual chipper self and remain hopeful that February will turn around for us soon.

      Many thanks, hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. I feel you pain, our desktop computer died in January. Himself ended up buying some new bits and rebuilding it, I'm so lucky he knows how too, it saved a lot of money.

    I hope Tony is feeling better soon, nothing worse than back pain. x

    1. Thank you sweetly, dear gal. So true about back pain (I'm no stranger to it myself) and the profound impact it has one one's life.

      Way to go on fixing your computer. I hope it lasts for ages still to come.

      Many hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  19. I'm so sorry about this. I make during with an Ipad. Tough. My phone is my camera and it's very new and just died so I sympathize

    1. That is a rough double blow to take, sweet Kate. I'm very sorry that you are both phone and 'puter less at the moment. Fingers crossed new ones are able to land in your life soon.

      Many hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. oh my dear - this sounds like a heavy storm of life! from all directions!
    i´m shocked that the computer died that fast - i can remember when you bought it with great expectations!
    i feel sorry for your family´s lost of the grandfather! a consolation is to think that his suffer has come to an end - and that 95 is a age to be proud of! and you and all the relatives will have the wonderful memories forever!!!!
    but more important then everything is that tony´s back gets better!! i really hope that it will go without a surgery! as i have a man too i know from experience that such pain is a wake up call for our guys who likely to neglect their health to the point it breaks together. all toes and fingers and paws are crossed here for tony!!!

    1. Same here! I was really caught off guard by it. Two years is not a long time at all, especially considering it was a higher end laptop. The shock is wearing off though, I'm happy to say, and I'm in much better spirits on that front as we head into the weekend (especially since now I have my new computer that's arriving later this month to think about).

      Thank you deeply for your condolences, my sweet friend. 95 is a truly wonderful age for any one to reach and I hope that the same (or longer!) will ring true for my step-father himself, too.

      Many heartfelt thanks, too, for your caring words regarding Tony's back. He's going for X-rays in a few days and hopefully we'll get closer to some answers after that (and soooo true about hardworking chaps like ours).

      Huge hugs & joyful weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  21. Oh no, Jessica! When it rains it pours. So sorry about the loss of your sweet step grandfather. Even if someone close to you is of an advanced age when they pass, that doesn't make it any easier. You still miss them terribly.

    As far as your computer woes, I feel your pain. It has happened to me as well and as you know, when your business depends on it, it is quite a hassle. What I ended up doing is buying an extra laptop. You can buy refurbished ones for a very reasonable price. That way I've got a backup to use while I'm waiting for the warranty one to arrive.

    1. That's a truly excellent idea, Theresa. The warranty plan I purchased will cover almost anything but theft (goodness forbid), but that doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt to have another computer to hand in the slightest. I'll keep my eyes peeled for a great deal and really appreciate that suggestion.

      Many heartfelt thanks as well for your condolences and understanding. You're such a sweet, caring person.

      Tons of hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  22. Yikes Jessica ! these situations reinforce how very dependant we have grown to the computer.
    In my case, my computer is on its deathbed. Its an awful feeling and for me to see that a 3 year old items is considered oldand that needs replacement is just unnacceptable! Good luck.

    1. Doesn't it though. I felt so broadsided when my computer wouldn't even turn on (after being totally fine - or so it appeared - the day before), but thankfully a lot of that has now passed and my spirits are lifting again.

      I'm really sorry that your own computer is so close to kicking the bucket, too. It's amazing that these expensive parts of our daily lives tend to die so very quickly. What would or ancestors think of paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for an item that you only got, on average, 2 - 4 years out of?

      Thank you sweetly. Have a wonderful weekend!

      ♥ Jessica

  23. How very frustrating for you to have computer problems, especially as your laptop was relatively new. I hope your new one arrives quickly and is exactly how you want it. My sympathies for your stepgrandfather. Even when it is not a shock it does not make it any less sad. I hope Tony feels better soon.

    1. Thank you very much across the board, lovely Kate. It is indeed! Especially since this one died so very quickly. I was genuinely unnerved by it at first, but am feeling a lot more like my usual upbeat self now a few days later.

      I hope that your week is going more smoothly and things are well on your end, my dear friend.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. Well done for dealing with everything so well! I always feel like everything just goes wrong at once and it can be overwhelming, but once it's sorted out you will feel the biggest weight off your shoulders. I hope Tony starts to recover after seeing the doctor, it's a positive step in the right direction. Sending lots of love your way! X X

    1. Doesn't it though! I find that to be the case often, too. Of course (goodness forbid!) things could be a lot worse, but it has been a bit of bumpy ride in recent days for sure. Thankfully I've largely gotten over the initial shock of my computer dying so soon and feel my spirits perking back up again as we bound towards the weekend.

      Thank you deeply for your kind, caring comment, sweetheart. Have a fantastic weekend!

      ♥ Jessica

  25. I'm sorry to hear about your step-grandfather. It's hard to lose someone even when it doesn't come as a surprise. Also sorry about Tony's back! My husband had back surgery in September, so I know how debilitating that can be.

    Good luck with your new laptop!

    1. Thank you very much, lovely Lauren. I'm sincerely sorry that your husband has had some major back problems, too. I really hope that his operation last September helped and that he's in less discomfort these days.

      Many hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  26. ahhh Jessica, I'm sorry for your loss of your step-grandfather :( My condolences to your family.

    And I also hope that Tony's back clears up and it's really nothing serious.

    And technology is always funny and never works when you need it too. Good thing your a planner and this blog is all ready to go for you.

    Take care Jessica and virtual hugs your way.


    1. Thank you very much, dear Liz. It sure can be a fickle part of our lives for sure. Amazing, really, that we invest so much in these devices and rarely get more than 2 - 4 (maybe 5 or 6, if we're really lucky) out of them. Something about that will never sit entirely right with me.

      I truly hope so, too. He's going for x-rays in a few days and hopefully we'll get closer to some answers after that (fingers crossed!).

      Wising you a terrific weekend, my sweet friend.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  27. Oh, no. My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your relative. And I hope Tony's back feels better.

    1. Thank you very much for your caring words and condolences, Ally. They mean a lot to my family and I.

      I hope that this month is off to a far better start on your end and that the worst of those recent snow storms that hit the east coast is behind you now.

      Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.

      ♥ Jessica

  28. Jessica:
    Once you get your computing up and running again, you'll see this: I hope your're well. :)


    1. Hi sweet Marija, thankfully I can still navigate a fair bit from my phone and thus get the treat of seeing (and being able to reply to) your thoughtful blog comments now. Technology, eh! It may fail us (or die unexpectedly!!!) sometimes, but it certainly has its strong points as well. :)

      Many hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  29. Dear Jessica,

    I am sorry to hear that Tony's back in hurting. I will pray for him and you as well. I am sorry to for the loss of your grandfather. 95 years is good long life; most people do not make it that long. Even without his passing being a surprise, I know losing a loved one is very difficult. My thoughts and prayers will be with you, sweet Jessica.

    I remember you getting a new computer not so long ago and am surprised at it already dying on you. That has to be very frustrating for your business. Don't feel any need to take up your precious time replying to my comments or visiting my blog. I know that all that is not easy without your own computer. I shall wait for your new computer to arrive and know that you will visit when all settles down again :)

    May you have a blessed February,

    1. Thank you deeply, dear Hope. I sincerely appreciate your caring words, prayers and understanding.

      It seems like just yesterday to me as well. I really was broadsided by the loss of my old computer. Two years is not a lot of time (relatively speaking) and to be faced with that kind of expense again so soon was quite shocking. I've recovered from such for the most part, but I won't soon forget it!

      Many hugs and oodles more thanks for being the sweet, awesome lady that you are!

      ♥ Jessica

  30. Sorry to hear about your step grandfathers passing. I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way! I had a computer that turned off and never turned back on again. It is quite annoying and definitely puts a kink in things! I got a three year warranty on my next one and it's still going after five years, Figures! Good thing your hard drive is safe :)

    1. Doesn't it though! That is exactly what happened to me, too. It worked seemingly perfectly on the weekend, then come Monday morning it wouldn't even so much as turn on (it just made two or three little beeping noises when trying to do so).

      That's awesome about your current computer lasting so long. I really hope that same rings true for my new one, too.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your lovely comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  31. OH, what a shock. Poor girl! ... I'm so afraid of my Laptop dying one day ... mine is an old little girl, got her in 2011. Your post reminds me on talking to my Computer guy ... to plan on a new one and to do a clean up run with the old lady ... (petting the old laptop softly while I type these words.

    I hope Tony is doing better with his back!


    1. That is a seriously good run for a computer these days. I love that you're so attached to "her". I tend to form strong bonds with my computers, too, and that makes their eventual passing all the more difficult. Fingers crossed you two get to spend at least a bit more time together.

      Many hugs & heartfelt thanks for your sweet comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  32. Poor you! Both of you. What trials. Damn computers! We love them when they are working and hate them when they don't. I hope you get a much better one than the one that died. My vintage (10+ years old) pc is still hanging in, but I will replace it soon with one my friend and I build together. It is very unreliable and slow. And today dear husband is at home with back pain too, so we know about it. I've recommended him my clinic, and hope he gets better soon. Be well wishes to both of you, and take it easy, we'll all miss you, but we know you'll be back. XOXO :)

    1. Thank you very much, my dear friend. It is truly astonishing that you still have a functional 10 year old computer.

      Oh no, I am very sorry that your own DH is suffering from back related issues right now, too. Poor chap! I sincerely hope that, like Tony, he is able to get some help and answers soon (Tony is going for x-rays next week, which hopefully will get us a bit closer there).

      Oodles of hugs & happy Valentine's week wishes,
      ❤️ Jessica

  33. Oh dear! Very sorry to hear about your computer, the passing of your step-grandfather and Tony's back! I believe things happen in 3's, so I'm sending some positive thoughts your way and wishing for smooth sailing for the rest of the year <3

    1. Thank you deeply, sweet Meagan. You're such a lovely person.

      I too have experienced waves of there's before and think there's certainly something to that phenomena.

      Fingers crossed these are our only three this month (and that none come your way!).

      Big hugs & happy Tuesday wishes,

  34. I'm so sorry to hear about your step-grandfather. Even when it's anticipated, it's never easy. All people are surrounded by stories, and I find I grieve as much for losing their past as their present when I lose people, though retelling the stories and anecdotes helps. I bet at 95 he'd seen some amazing times.

    Two years for a computer? Even though yours gets plenty of use, that's a ridiculously short time for it to have lasted.

  35. I'm sorry for you loss and poor Tony, I have chronic back pain so I can to a degree sympathise.

    And phooey to computer woes xxx

  36. I'm so sorry to hear about your step-grandfather and everything else that you and Tony have been experiencing lately (I sincerely hope his back is feeling better!). Sending happy wishes your way for the last half of the month.♥

    1. Thank you very much, my dear friend. Thankfully - knock wood - aside from still being computer-less (Tony called up Dell yesterday and they're now estimating a delivery date in the range of the very end of February, which is even longer than they'd initially estimated), things have been a bit calmer and less stressful here in recent days and we were able to enjoy a lovely, relaxing Valentine's weekend (which was a much needed treat unto itself).

      Many hugs & happy second of February wishes,
      ❤️ Jessica

  37. I'm so sorry to hear about all these things happening to you all at once! I hope your family is doing okay in respect to your step-grandfather, and that both you and your husband's health is better now! It's horrible when things seem to be going along normally and then all of a sudden a major financial expense comes up, like your computer breaking, and especially because you need it for your income. Hopefully nothing happens to this one but it's better to be safe than sorry with the warranty so it's good that your new one has 36 months. Hope you're doing better now lovely, take care! x

    jessica -

    1. Thank you deeply, my sweet friend. Thankfully, for the most part, things have improved somewhat as the month has plowed onward. On his GP's recommendations, Tony's is going to start going to physiotherapy soon for his back (the tests, including x-rays) that he's had done are pointing more to a muscle than a spine problem, though personally, I don't think we can conclusively run anything out entirely yet, which we truly hope will help him.

      Again, thank you so much. You are a caring, wonderful soul and I really hope that you've been having a smoother February than we have.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica
