
March 18, 2016

10 Easter perfect vintage dessert recipes

Though the days of collecting candy eggs in a brightly coloured straw basket might be behind many of us, that doesn't mean that we can't still indulge in the sweet, sweet side of Easter time and the return of spring alike.

There are certain foods that suit this gentle season especially well, many of which have been beloved staples for decades, if not centuries, and that speak to the shift away from winter and straight into spring that those of us north of the equator are (or will soon be, depending on whereabouts you live) experiencing.

For me personally, on the sweet front, some of the key tastes that I associate with Easter include - besides the endless classic that is chocolate - strawberry, blueberry, carrot, banana, lemon, almond, pistachio, and vanilla. I have childhood start of spring/Easter/May 1st/Victoria Day memories associated with each, so its no surprise that those particular tastes would jump out at me come the return of the Easter Bunny.

In general, with Easter and springtime fare, we often move away from some of the heavier, richer desserts and sweet treats of fall and winter and more towards things that are light, not only in terms of possibly being airy (chocolate soufflé, anyone?), but also in regards to their very flavours themselves. Heady notes of fragrant spices, mountains of dried fruit, harvest season apples and pears, thick sauces, and steamed puddings give way to everything from tulle cookies to mousses to the very first in-season fruit salads.

Though the weather may not be 100% ideal quite yet, this is a beautiful time of the year in so many ways, not the least of which happens to be what we can bring to our tables. It is my sincere hope that the following selection of ten springtime perfect vintage recipes will help to make March (as well as April, May and early June, too!) all the more fun, festive, and, quite literally, sweet for you, whether you observe Easter or not.

1. Aside from the fact that some of the bunnies here look a little sinister, this is one seriously adorable mid-century Easter cake that has the added bonus of being within the dessert decorating skill range of most of us possess (because, let's face it, pro looking cake decorating is a genuine talent that not everyone is blessed with).

2. Soooo many yums!!! I adore a creamy, sweet meets tart citrus dessert like this ultra simple to make no-bake Lemon Pudding Cheesecake from the 1950s - that would be a fabulously refreshing way to cap off any spring or summer meal.

3. Use any jam or jelly your heart desires in this lusciously silky mid-century Chiffon Pie, that's can easily be jazzed up further by the addition of some festive shaped candies or piped rosettes of whipped cream on top.

4. Cute as a button and super easy to both whip up and decorate, this colourful 1940s "Confetti Cake" is both wonderfully pretty and a great option for not only Easter, but also Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, and all kinds of important events.

5. Where would any Easter weekend be without this perpetual favourite? Instead of the store bought variety, why not try your hand at preparing a batch of hot cross buns at home this year. It's surprisingly simple and scents the whole house with the most enchanting - not to mention inviting - of aromas.

6. Speedy, fun and a great way to use up any leftoever wintertime peppermint candies that you might have to hand, this highly tasty looking mid-century Chocolate Topping Pie is served cold, thus making an ideal choice for late spring and straight on into the summer, too.

7. Springtime and pastels are a natural pairing, as is spring and strawberries, so why not toss together this absolutely delicious looking 1950s pink frosting topped strawberry chiffon cake - an airy mid-century classic - and nail two seasonal favourites at the same time?

8. Should you happen to be looking for an especially elegant dessert choice come Easter time, may I suggest this sophisticated 8-layer Chocolate Torte, which you could easily top, if so desired, with candy, fresh fruit, nuts, sprinkles (jimmies), or Jordan Almonds for especially festive touch.

9 & 10. Serve up a slice of chocolate pecan pie or treat your loved ones to a few Easter Egg Peanut Clusters. Both look and sound fantastic, not to mention festive as a spring garden full of fluffy white bunny rabbits.

And for even more vintage Easter dessert goodness, be sure to check out these past Chronically Vintage recipe posts featuring just that!

-Apricot Baskets

-Easter Egg Cake

-Easter Glory Cake

-Easter Sunday Pie

{To learn more about a specific image, and in many cases to view a larger version, please click on it to be taken to its respective source.}

Okay, I am officially hungry after gathering those all up! In particular, I'm craving pecan pie and might just have to give this delightful chocolate version a spin (come the warmer weather, you just know it would rock with a scoop of vanilla, berry, coffee, banana, orange, or cherry ice cream, too!).

Which of these ten lovely, Easter perfect treats are calling to you the most as we get ready to embrace spring's return with open arms and eager dessert plates alike?


  1. I love looking at old recipes, they all look so delicious! I would love to make something with coconut, it looks so springy and festive, but nobody else likes coconut in my family. Oh well! :)

    1. Oh no! Just about everyone in my family does. I wish we lived nearby, Laurie. I'd whip up a coconut dessert or two and we could dig into them and have a vintage filled gab fest!

      Big hugs & happy start of springtime wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

    Especially the first cake. The little bunnies are almost borderline funny/scary but i love the take on it. And yes thank you, i am also now hungry after this post and need some ice cream to go with!

    1. Definitely! Tony and I were just saying, while in the basement, this morning that we need to bust out the ice cream/frozen yogurt maker again pronto. :)

      Many hugs & joyful Easter season wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. Replies
    1. Same here! I cook a surprisingly (well, okay, maybe not given how much I adore all things old school :)) number of them, especially since they're often quite mild and easy to digest, which is really important for some of my medical conditions. Plus I have tons that were passed down to my from relatives and cooking (or baking) them gives me an extra sense of connection to my ancestors and (living) relatives alike.

      Big hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. He he, some of those bunnies do look a little menacing. These cakes look so yummy, I shall be trying some for sure. We will all be fifty stone in our house at this rate. The smell of hot cross buns never fails to make me hungry. I'm afraid these lovely desserts won't stop me eating the far too many chocolate eggs. Oh and Cadbury's creme eggs, I assume you have them there, well they are my nemesis at this time of year. They are too tempting. Best wishes to you my dear, and many hugs winging their way across the pond xx

    1. We do indeed have Cadbury Creme Eggs here. They're truly one of the most iconic tastes of Easter (though, ironically, the inclusion of real egg - I'm allergic to eggs - in their ingredients have stopped me from being able to indulged for several years now) and instantly remind me of childhood.

      Isn't the scent of hot cross buns divine? I love that they combine the baking sessions of winter with the lighter fair and mood of spring.

      Big hugs, happy Easter season wishes & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. How delicious do these treats look? Good grief they all look great. Don't you love these vintage recipes? They're always presented so beautifully in that much adored mid century way!

    1. Massively delicious! :) I so do! There was such style, thought and artistry put into them. Sure, some of the copy is antiquated (or worse) to us now, but many are every bit as lovely and appropriate today as when they were first created.

      Interestingly, with fewer and fewer people still sharing large amounts of vintage magazine scans online any more (on sites like Flickr), I'm starting to find it a bit trickier to unearth vintage recipes that are a.) appealing and b.) that I haven't shared here before. I haven't run out yet and certainly other such images will continued to be shared online, but this year is the first time I haven't easily unearthed oodles of new ones.

      Sending tons of joyful Easter season wishes your way, sweet lady!
      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  6. Happy almost Easter! The bunny adorned cake is delightful!

    1. Thank you very much, my dear! Isn't it delightful? I love cakes like that because they're accessible and easy to reproduce even by most who aren't skilled cake artists (which, goodness knows I'm not).

      Wishing you an awesome start of spring & Easter celebration,
      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  7. These desserts are so fun! The bunny cake is hilarious :)

    1. Isn't it though? I just love the sense of whimsy that was so prevalent throughout mid-century cooking, especially in the desserts department.

      Joyful first week of spring wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Replies
    1. Don't they though? Just the fun, festive and very sweet thing to usher spring's return in with.

      Have a beautiful Easter season,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Love the bunny cake! This one would be lots of fun to make with children. In fact, they all look very tempting! Now, if I could only find the time to try even one ... Thanks for a lovely post Jessica. xxx

    1. My pleasure, sweet lady. Thank you for your lovely comment. I hear you there! I think the Easter bunny needs to leave us some extra hours hidden throughout the day. :)

      Wishing you a splendid, fun filled holiday!
      ♥ Jessica

  10. Wow! What a detailed and fascinating post! Thanks for sharing. I seriously want to attempt that pudding cheesecake now.

    1. Cheesecake is my Achilles' heel when it comes to desserts, so that recipe definitely appeals to me as well. I hope it turns out splendidly for you, if you give it a go.

      Big hugs & joyful start of spring wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  11. My,oh my... what a treat!
    Honestly, just by looking at these marvels, I'm full. :) (that's something we like to say over here, but rest assured, we don't really mean it - never have I saw someone NOT taking a slice after saying these words) :)
    Your Easter is a WEEK from now!
    (ours, on the other hand is FAR off, it falls on May Day).
    When it comes to all things Easter, I must say.. I'll surely be making a carrot cake these days. It's a STAPLE, right? :)

    Have a great Sunday.. and have a great Easter count-down.

    1. It truly is - and it's also one of my favourite desserts of all time, especially when its swathed in a rich robe of lush cream cheese frosting (giant yums!).

      Indeed, less than a week to go until Easter. Definitely a sign that spring is finally here again. I hope that you have a beautiful start of spring, and come may, a marvelous Easter celebration, too, darling gal.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. All of them, I want them all! Is it just me, or were simple cakes somehow much more exciting back then?? I could really go for a slice of the confetti cake right now... xx

    1. Not you at all! While, objectively, some today may be fancier, more exotic, or more beautiful looking, there was a down home quality to vintage cakes (and numerous other types of foods, too) that just speaks to the soul. Perhaps because they're so accessible to most home cooks in ways that uber fancy/complex/expensive modern dishes might not always be.

      Sending scads of hugs & happy Easter wishes your way!
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Those marshmallow bunnies are just fabulous, if a little scary. Great, simple idea for decorating though. I like to make sure we have hot cross buns at Easter, I like to add extra cinnamon to make them nice and spicy. I love looking at these vintage recipes.

    1. Yum-yum! Cinnamon is my favourite spice ever and I'm always in favour of upping its quantity in a recipe.

      I love that we're into this time of the year again and look forward to whipping up some Easter treats of my own later in the week.

      Tons of hugs & festive wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  14. yummy funny stuff!!! :-)))
    nr. 8 we make with butter cookies for the light colored parts und a coconut fat&cocoa mixture, without any baking - just cooling. and it is called "cool dog" / "kalter hund"!!!
    <3 easter greetings <3 xxxxxxx

    1. That sounds really delicious! Butter cookies of the baked variety were a dyed-in-the-wool tradition in my house when I was growing up and I always associate them with this time of year.

      Wishing you and your family a splendid holiday celebration, dear Beate!

      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  15. What a mouthwatering selection! Do I have to choose?! I want it all! And now I simply something sweet, damn you, Jess. ;)

    1. I hear you there! I'll have a wee treat come Easter itself, but aside from that, I'm not going to indulge very much this year - there's summer fashions to fit into soon! :D

      Big hugs & happy Easter wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Yum! The Pudding Cheesecake has caught my eye and I might just have to try that one. As always I love these vintage recipes you share.

    1. The cheesecake is calling my name big time, too. I'm a cheesecake fiend and turn to them during the spring and summer months in particular. Two or three of my last birthday desserts have been cheesecakes and I'm already leaning that way again this time around (though, as it isn't until July, I have ample time left to decide on my b-day menu :)).

      Sending lots of hugs & festive Easter wishes your way!
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Love your recipe posts! And those marshmallow bunnies on the pink cake are so cute. It's given me the idea to make cupcakes with little bunnies and chicks on top for easter. The frosting would have to be sprinkled with coconut of course, because I love it too :)

    1. So cute! That sounds like a darling and very, very delicious Easter treat. I've grown fond in recent years, as they've become easier to find now in Canada, of topping some of my festive cakes, cupcakes, and even cookies with festive Marshmallow Peeps, as they can be had in both chick and bunny form.

      I'm delighted to know that you enjoy my vintage recipe posts, dear Theresa. I've got lots more fun, seasonal ones planned for this spring and I hope those ones will tickle your fancy, too.

      Big hugs & joyful Easter week wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. OMG that rabbit cake and the confetti cake!!!! <3 I love them!

    1. Aren't they fabulous? I just adore how fun vintage recipes like these are. They're pretty and impressive, too, but still "doable" for most folks.

      Big hugs & happy Easter wishes!
      ♥ Jessica

  19. I am always tempted by your desserts, specially those will jello as they're so easy, like that Lemon Cheesecake.... and then when I am at the grocery store I totally forget :(

    1. I hear you there. I've taken to keeping grocery lists on my phone and find that can help a lot on that front (lol, though do readily admit to usually having all the ingredients for a cheesecake to hand at any given moment - they're firm favourites in my family, so I make at least a few throughout the year for family events and holidays).

      I hope that you had a wonderful, relaxing Easter weekend, my dear friend.

      Big hugs & joyful wishes for April!
      ♥ Jessica

  20. I epically failed at hot cross buns this year, part of that was my hubbys fault...long story... this recipe is different than the one I used, I think I shall give it another whirl and maybe not wait till Easter!Thanks!

    1. Easy to have happen, sweet Ruby, don't beat yourself up for a second. I definitely think you should give 'em a go again long before next Easter. I've certainly been known to break seasonal baking/cooking rank and file before. From fruitcake in the summer to Italian ice in December and Halloween treats whenever the mood strikes, I've dipped into other holidays throughout the year when it comes to my menu and rather enjoy the special-ness of doing so every now and then.

      Many hugs & sincere thanks for your lovely trio of blog comments yesterday,
      ♥ Jessica
