
April 27, 2016

Meet Jessica Ebacher: Feminist, dynamic vintage fashionista, and all around (seriously!) cool lady

Whip smart, socially conscious, wittily funny (she's a fellow pun adoring gal just like me), fearlessly fashionable, and all kinds of beautiful inside and out, this month's interviewee in our ongoing Meet a Fellow Vintage Blogger post series is none other than Jessica Ebacher from the fantastic blog Zella Maybe.

I've had the pleasure of knowing this fellow Jessica for a few years now and I can honestly say that her blog is consistently one of my favourite reads.

While vintage fashion (both her own and inspirational images of things that have been whetting her stylistic whistle lately) is a core component of Zella Maybe, it is by no means the only element and I return as much for Jessica's brilliant outfit posts as I do those that delve into other topics as well, such as (but certainly not limited to) history, her city, feminism, and some seriously great link roundups.

Jessica is someone that I'd secretly hoped to be able to interview from the moment this series launched, so when she kindly volunteered, I all but began writing my questions for her right then and there on the spot.

I really admire the thought and perspective that she brings to a plethora of different topics on her site. The creative, fresh, strikingly cool outfits that she sports (many of which delve into a wide range of different eras), the wonderfully active role that she takes in vintage blogging community, and fact that she seems like she'd be incredibly fun to hang out with in person, to boot.

Chicago and Penticton are thousands of miles apart, so that isn't possible at the moment, but I can, very happily, present all of us with a chance to get to know this terrific lady better via today's interview.

Pull up a chair, get comfy and settle in for an awesome interview as we discuss everything from fantasy travel plans to the vintage scene in her city to why Jessica really admires Dita Von Teese.

Thank you so much for this exciting interview, Jessica. For those who are meeting you and your blog, Zella Maybe, for the first time here today, can you please tell us what inspired your site’s name?

My great-grandmother was named Zella May, and I’ve always thought it was a beautiful and unusual name. Originally my blog was called Cakes and Cakes Vintage, because I’d intended to talk about food (cakes), and vintage pinup style (cheesecake).

After I actually started blogging, though, I hardly ever wrote about food, so when I moved from my .blogspot account, I thought it would be nice to choose something a little more personal. I think it has a fun, retro ring to it.

How would you personally define your blog at this point in time?

It’s funny that you ask that, because I’m trying to figure that out myself! I’d say right now it’s 90% fashion, 10% pop culture and politics. Although I do love fashion (to a degree that I freely admit is pretty obsessive), I’d like to put a little more energy into talking about the other things that I’m interested in – books, movies, television, and music, and social and political issues that inspire or anger me. I don’t expect everyone to be as interested in those things as I am, but one of the things that I enjoy as a blogger is the opportunity to speak my mind about a variety of topics.

If you could start over again with your blog, is there anything that you’d do differently this time around?

This might sound silly, but I wish I’d started wearing sunglasses sooner! I often take photos in very bright sunlight, and there are some that I feel would look so much better if only I wasn’t squinting so hard. I also wish that I’d gotten out of my back yard a little bit sooner. While shooting in a private location gave me the freedom to be creative with my posing, there was a big jump in the quality of my images once I moved out into the world.

What’s something you wish that people knew about your blog that few (likely) do?

I wonder sometimes if people realize quite how much of my free time blogging takes up. I only post twice a week, but in a typical week I’ll probably spend about 8 hours doing work for the blog. Between brainstorming ideas, prepping for, taking, and editing photos, and typing up posts, it ends up being a sizable chunk of my evenings and weekends. There are some evenings where I’m on a time crunch and wish I could just zone out on the couch and watch TV, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

And what about your wardrobe?

I’m never not shopping. Even if I’m not buying anything, I’m always looking for new inspiration, or planning purchases, or trying to come up with different ways to wear the clothes that I already have. It’s a labor of love, but sometimes it starts to resemble the Augean Stables.

Never say never, of course, but are there a few items of clothing/types of accessories that you could just never picture yourself actually wearing?

Boxy 60s suits are just not my jam. I love a lot of 60s styles, particularly mod looks, but I feel like the classic Jackie Kennedy suit tends to make practically everyone look like a brick, unless you’re a leggy supermodel type.

How about one or two that you’d love to wear, but haven’t quite figured out how to pull off yet? (Socks + heels and women’s neckties are two that fall into that camp for me personally.)

I feel like with fashion, where there’s a will, there’s a way. You might have to do a lot of experimenting with different versions of a particular item, or tweak a tricky silhouette to make it more flattering, but I can’t think of anything that I’ve really loved that I haven’t been able to make work. Of course, sometimes making it work means throwing out the rules about what is and is not flattering on your body and just saying, “To hell with it, I feel cool in this.”

Your wardrobe is comprised of a marvelous assortment of genuine vintage, vintage appropriate and newer pieces. What are some of your favourite places (online and/or off) to source wearables from?

The list is so long! One of the consequences of “never not shopping,” I guess. I get a lot of my vintage locally, at a store called Knee Deep Vintage. Unfortunately they do not sell online, but that helps them keep their prices down. If you’re ever in Chicago, you really must stop in!

If I’m shopping online, I always check out Very Vintage Store and Voyeur Vintage, both of which have a great selection of pieces at a reasonable price.

Thrift stores can be a great place to find vintage appropriate items if you’re willing to spend the time. The pants that I wear most often, a pair of 90s Ralph Lauren wool trousers that I wore at least twice a week every week while the weather was cooler, were a thrift store find. Other than that, I also shop quite a bit on sites like Asos, Zara, and H&M. Because fashion is so cyclical, you can almost find something vintage inspired.

You’re a big fan of rocking lots of different hair colours, cuts and styles. Has there been a standout favourite for you over the years?

I looooooooooved my middy cut. Seriously, the best hair of my life was courtesy of that cut. Unfortunately, it ended up being really high maintenance, and it was frustrating to never have the option to just wash and go. Still, I highly recommend getting one, at least for a little while, if you enjoy authentic vintage hairstyles.

One you’d probably not want to repeat?

My platinum blonde phase. I always love being blonde when I’m blonde, but the moment I go darker I realize just how washed out I looked.

What role, if any, does feminism play in the context of your wardrobe?

I think feminism, in that context, is the freedom to wear what I want. I can be hyper-feminine and wear pink from head to toe, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not strong and confident.

I can wear men’s clothing, but that doesn’t mean that I’m ashamed to be a woman. I can cover up without feeling like I’m conforming to anyone’s idea of modesty, or I can wear a sexy, revealing dress just because I want to celebrate my body. I don’t have to conform to a particular idea of womanhood – I can just be the person that I want to be.

You live and work in the beautiful, historically rich city of Chicago. What are some of your favourite elements of life there?

There’s so much to love, I’m not sure I can cover it all. First and foremost, the food! I love trying different cuisines, and I wanted to, I could try a different one for dinner every night for a month and still have more places to go. I grew up in rural Colorado, and it was a big deal when we finally got a Chinese restaurant in my town, so sometimes there sheer number of choices here is almost overwhelming.

There’s also great architecture, a lively music scene, and plenty of great shopping, including a number of well-known vintage stores. On a more practical level, it’s easy to get around if you don’t have a car. I never learned to drive, so safe bike lanes and a great public transportation system are really important to me.

Does Chicago have much in the way of a vintage/rockabilly/pinup girl scene?

Very much yes. I’m lucky to live in the neighborhood that I feel is kind of the heart of that scene, since I’ve met a lot of cool, stylish, and talented folks because of it. The bar across the street from my house hosts a band called The Fat Babies every Wednesday and Sunday, and so many people turn up in amazing vintage ensembles to dance, socialize, or just enjoy some tunes and a beer. It’s wonderful to have that kind of community around, and of course that’s part of the reason there are several great vintage stores in walking distance of my house.

You and your partner have found some seriously cool locations to take blog photos in. Do you have any tips that you’d like to share with us for scouting and/or making the most of unique photography locations in one’s town/city?

My biggest tip – be bold! I mean, don’t get yourself arrested, but there are a surprising number of not quite public spaces where you can get away with shooting if you try. For the most part, people don’t even question it if you act like you belong. Be safe and be smart, but if you see what looks like a cool location, see if it’s accessible.

Admittedly, this is much easier to do if you have a partner in (sometimes literal) crime. I don’t think I’d have the guts to sneak onto a construction site if I was by myself. You cover a wide range of topics on your blog, in addition to sharing your some of your awesome outfits there with us.

What are some subjects that you’re especially passionate about discussing on Zella Maybe?

Feminism is a very important topic for me, of course. There are so many different ways that women, particularly women of color, are disenfranchised in America, and I think it’s incredibly important to speak out about injustice when you see it.

Some issues are literally life and death, like the disproportionally high homicide rate against transgender people, especially trans women of color. Other issues might seem trivial in comparison, like the representation of women of color on screen, but I think that if we don’t talk about these issues – large and small alike – we’ll never see the progress that we need to achieve anything like equality.

On top of your wardrobe and blog, what are some of your favourite ways to incorporate vintage into your daily life?

I enjoy old Hollywood films and watch them on a regular basis, and several of the shows that I watch are period shows – Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife, Mad Men, Agent Carter. Other than that, though, I live a pretty modern life. I know there are those out there who’d like to step back in time, but I’d really only want to be a time traveler if I could bring some clothes back with me.

In your opinion, what are some of the reasons why vintage fashion holds such widespread appeal to wearers the world over – and as time goes on, do you think we’ll see more/less/about the same number of 20th century fashion fans?

By far the most popular and widely recognized “vintage” look is the Dior New Look silhouette, and for a very good reason: it looks amazing on practically any woman. A nipped waist over a full skirt is just really flattering, whatever body type you may have.

I think there are a lot of women out there who love how uniquely and distinctively beautiful it can make them feel. I think Dita Von Teese said it really well when she talked about “created” glamour vs. “natural” beauty – when everyone else is rocking jeans and a t-shirt, it can feel really glamorous to put on your full, 50s style skirt, a silky blouse, and a swipe of red lipstick. Frankly, I think it’s a lot more achievable for many women. Not everyone can be a Victoria’s Secret model, but anyone can be a pinup.

Beyond that, I think there are a lot of vintage lovers out there who enjoy being part of a niche community. I love the rare occasions when I serendipitously encounter another person wearing vintage – the eye contact, the nod, the little smile. Even if you don’t stop and chat, it’s really lovely to have that moment of connection.

It’s like seeing someone wearing a t-shirt from your favorite band, or hearing someone speak your native tongue when you’re in a foreign country. Of course, vintage means different things to different people. When I wear vintage, I feel subversive, like I’m not conforming to a modern standard of beauty and style. For some, it’s a conservative gesture, signifying a sense of disillusionment with modernity. Still, the shared culture and love of a vintage aesthetic is there, and it can be wonderful.

Five people (past or present) whose styles never fail to inspire you?

There are so many! But to choose just five, I’d have to go with:

1. Audrey Hepburn: Whether she was playing a princess in romantic 1950s style or a clumsy thief in mod, 60s fashions, she always looked impeccable.

2. The Teddy Girls: More of a movement than a particular person, I love how those girls blended the new and the old, the masculine and the feminine. Every time I see a photo, I’m inspired all over again.

3. Dita Von Teese: I know, what’s more cliché than a vintage lover talking about Audrey and Dita? But clichés exist for a reason! Dita is the definition of a woman who knows what she likes and isn’t afraid to go for it. I love coming across paparazzi photos of her on the street, because her street style is surprisingly realistic, even for people who aren’t stars.

4. Blair Eadie from Atlantic-Pacific: As a general rule, I don’t follow modern bloggers, but Atlantic-Pacific is the exception. I love how much thought and detail that she puts into her outfits, and she’s always perfectly coordinated and polished. Aspirational style at its best.

5. Phryne Fisher: She may be fictional, but she’s the best dressed woman in the 1920s, and I am here for that.

{The breathtaking view from the dashboard that Jessica took while on holiday to Iceland.}

If you could only pack one (big!) suitcase and one carry-on bag for a year long trip around the world, what sorts of clothing, shoes and accessories would you want to take with you?

I like to think I’m pretty good at packing for a trip, if I say so myself! I’ve traveled for 10 days with just a dress, a pair of pants, and 2 shirts, so this is one area of my life where I don’t mind minimalism. I’m going to presume that the weather is pleasant wherever I’m going (so no coats), and say that I would bring along:

1. A nautical striped shirt

2. Two cotton/silk white button down shirts

3. Two short sleeve knit tops

4. Two lightweight cashmere cardigans

5. A pair of wide legged pants

6. A pair of skinny, cropped pants

7. Two calf length skirts in solid colors

8. A slinky cocktail dress

9. A lightweight waterproof jacket

10. Three pairs of shoes: black flats, black ankle boots, and black heels you can walk in

11. A few bright colored scarves

12. A great swimsuit

Call me crazy, but I really think that would be enough for me to travel and feel well-heeled! With the constant change of scenery, I don’t think you need much in the way of clothing or accessories. If I were really travelling for that long, I’d probably cut it down even farther so that I could make do with just a backpack.

And what would some of the stops along the way on this imaginary journey be for you?

Travelling is one of my favorite things in life, so I’ve thought quite a bit about where I’d go if I could just take off for a year or two. I’d probably start in Ireland and zigzag my way across Europe.

There are so many cities and countries that I’d like to visit it would get silly to list them all, so just assume that if you’ve heard it’s cool, I’d stop and see it. After that, on to Asia – India, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, the works.

And since this is an imaginary trip, I’d also like to see an imaginary version of the Middle East, where all of the amazing history is intact and ISIL, the Taliban, and other extremist groups aren’t threatening the lives of those who live there. Iran in particular sounds so beautiful, but I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to see it in my lifetime.

With the ever changing landscape of the blogging world in 2016. Why do you (personally) feel that blogging still has relevance and importance, and what inspires you to keep going in the face of ever great social media dominance?

Hm. What keeps me going? Probably stubbornness. Definitely longwindedness.

At the risk of sounding like a nihilist, I don’t necessarily think that blogging is either relevant or important, but I also don’t think it needs to be in order to be worth doing. It’s just fun! I love thinking about fashion; I love getting dressed up and taking photos; I love writing about all of the different things that I get to write about. Would the world be substantially different if I didn’t do these things? Only my own little world.

I also don’t really make that much of a distinction between blogging and using social media – to me, it’s just a different way to do the same thing. Where blogging has more depth, social media has made a virtue of brevity.

On my blog, I have the luxury of space and a time. I can post half a dozen different photos of an outfit (full-length, front and back, detail shots, action shots) and tell a full story to create context. On Instagram, I would never post more than two photos of the same outfit (maybe three, if I really loved the shots), because it would be repetitive. I try to keep my captions and hashtags pithy, because no one’s going to read a long one.

Part of it, I think, is a generational thing. I’m generalizing here, but I feel like traditional fashion bloggers tend to be slightly older, and we model our posts after magazine spreads. People who started out sharing their outfits on Instagram have a much more intuitive sense how to compress a post into a photo (or two) and some hashtags. Kids these days, I tell ya. Post a photo of a lizard with the caption “me” and everyone knows what they mean.

What sorts of plans/goals/dreams do you have for your blog this year and beyond?

This year, I’d really like to push myself a little bit when it comes to blogging. I’ve always tried to create quality content; now I’d like to try and get more eyes on it. I’ve already invested in a higher quality camera and have been trying to be creative with my outfits and my shoot locations, and I’d also like to start advertising (within my budget, of course), collaborating with other bloggers, and start posting more often on a slightly broader range of topics.

I know that in order to do that I’m going to have to be better about planning ahead – brainstorming more post ideas, doing more photo shoots ahead of time so that I have some in reserve for when I’m ill or the weather is crappy.

And last, but certainly not least, can you share five things with us that never fail to bring you joy?

1. My fiancé Brian (pictured above), who is consistently kind, supportive, and dead sexy.

2. This “perfume ad” from an episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race. 16 seconds of pure joy, baby.

3. When a stranger on the street lets me pet their dog.

4. Pad thai.

5. A new dress.

Connect with Jessica on the following sites:

Her blog 




Meet the past interviewees who have taken part in this delightful ongoing post series:

February 2015: Emileigh | March 2015: CiCi | April 2015: Helen Mae | May 2015: Esther | June 2015: Ms. Falcon | July 2015: Jessie, and Laurence & Sylvain| August 2015: Holly | September 2015: Rhia | October 2015: Franny | November 2015: Emily | December 2015: Porcelina | January 2016: Nora | February 2016: Kate | March 2016: Carla

♥ ♥ ♥

Massive thanks for this downright excellent – and very insightful – interview, Jessica. It was a joy and an honour getting to know you better, and I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to share so much about yourself, your world, and your blog with Chronically Vintage's readers.

If you're not already following Jessica's blog, run, don't walk, over there and add her to your feeds on the double!

Next up, in the gorgeous mid-springtime month of May, we'll be staying putting in the good, ol' US of A when we talk to another awesome vintage fan with a razor sharp wit all her own, who just happens to be especially fond of shirtwaist dresses, fabulous hats, red lipstick, reading, and the theater (clearly we share much in common!). I can hardly wait!

As always, my marvelous dears, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of this ongoing "Meet a Fellow Vintage Blogger" series and for the love you shower on the blogs of those who take part in it as well. It is hugely, hugely appreciated by all involved!


  1. I'm already following Jessica's blog and she's truly fabulous. xxx

    1. Immensely so! It's awesome that you're already following her, too. I hope that you feel like you know Jessica even better now (I definitely do! :)).

      Oodles of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. Yayyyyy another one of my favourite bloggers!! This interview was a particularly fun one to read, Jessica's efferv- (pause, whilst spellchecks...) effervescent personality comes across so well. I wish I had a vintagey bar across the street. Mind you, I might swiftly develop a gin dependency if that happened! Really fab interview xx

    1. I definitely drink a bit more than I would if I didn't have a reason to pop over to a bar twice a week! They have really good barbecue too, so there's that.

    2. I adore(d) this interview as well and am so happy that Jessica was keen to take part in this fun series. She's a fantastic, intelligent, and super stylish lady that we can all take inspiration from.

      So true, so true! Granted I can't drink, but I'd still be over there all the time to hang out with other vintage fans. The mere concept of that alone seems almost inconceivable to me after a lifetime of essentially lone wolfing it on the vintage front.

      Thank you very much for your terrific comment, dear Porcelina.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  3. Oh THANK YOU Jessica for getting me to know her, I'm delighted because she talks about blogging the way I love to do it and she is not only sticking into the vintage phase but adding lots of things all around which is very interesting.
    I will honestly check and follow her updates now !



    1. Thank you, Lorna! I'll have to look up your blog as well.

    2. It's fantastic that you see similiarities between how you each blog. In a lot of ways, as vintage centered as this blog is, I'm with you ladies both all the way there, too, and personally adore it when bloggers cover a diverse array of subjects/styles (as you each do).

      Thank you very much for your great comment, sweet Lorna. Have a marvelous weekend!

      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  4. So fabulous absolutely gorgeous clothes

  5. Hang on, what, when did you get engaged Jessica?! Did I fall down a black hole when that happened?? Or am I having one of those moments when I forget I've known something for years...?! Personal memory crisis aside, Jessica is an awesome, intelligent, fiercely creative lady and I look forward to seeing more from her! Also, number 3 - woman after my own heart :D xx

    1. We've actually been officially engaged since the holidays, but it was more like telling our friends and family that we were getting married (which we'd decided months before) than a big proposal. So no, you didn't miss it! At some point I'm sure we'll do the ring thing, and you better believe I will take a crap load of photos when the day comes.

    2. I've just spotted this conversation, I too thought I'd missed some big engagement thing and was frantically scrolling through past posts! Phew, glad I wasn't that unobservant. Congratulations on your decision anyway, I can't even begin to imagine what you'll both wear, you always surprise me! xx

  6. As a vintage fashion enthusiast and blogger, I appreciate being able to connect with other enthusiasts. One of the hardest things in such a relatively small community spread over continents is getting connected with one another.


    1. I'm really lucky in where I live because there is such a thriving vintage community here. There are so many other bloggers that I've connected with, though, and I wish I could meet them all!

    2. Very true, Sarah dear - great point. We're really fortunate to have the internet at our aid in that respect. So many of us are the sole (or very nearly so) vintage wearing person in our respective towns, so getting to create a community of fellow enthusiasts online is worth its weight in gold and then some.

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment. Have a fabulous weekend!

      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  7. I love this series so much! Jessica's photos on Zella Maybe are so gorgeous.

    1. I love that Jessica does this, it's such a great way to find new faces. And I'm glad that you like my photos, I love taking them!

    2. Aren't they though? I adore the array of places that they shoot in and the sense of fun that permeates so many of her shoots. We could take an inspiration cue from Jessica and her fiance when it comes to going big, bold and beautiful with our outfit snaps.

      Tons of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Thank you for introducing Jessica to me! I love her travel tips, and she is so dang cute. I'm going to follow her blog ASAP!

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy what you read.

    2. Isn't she though? Cute + chic + creative as a button! :)

      I'm delighted that I could introduce you two.

      Big hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Awesome interview - I'm headed right over to check her out.

    1. Thank you! I hope that you enjoy my blog.

    2. Thank you very much, sweet Shelia. I think that you'll be as smitten with Jessica's blog - and killer sense of style - as I am. You two are both fabulous fashionistas and I'm sure you'll hit it off online.

      Have a super lovely weekend, my friend!
      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  10. Such a great blog post! I'm always so glad when I find new inspiring people and blogger, so thank you for introducing Jessica to us!


    1. It's a really fabulous series, and I feel so honored to be included. I've seen so many of my favorite bloggers showcased here, so it was really a treat to be interviewed myself!

    2. It's my sincere pleasure, Sandra dear. That very point is at the heart of this series and I'm really happy that I could introduce you to Jessica through this month's post. If you're ever interested in taking part in it yourself, too, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

      Big hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. This lady is something special! How gorgeous is she? I love her style, she is right, a little bit of confidence can make all the difference. Truly inspirational post to read, it's so great to see so many strong, wise and caring women being showcased on your wonderful blog. It really is the gateway to the fabulous world of vintage. If you like it, then it's definitely worth a look. What a fabulous series! Xx

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. I love reading this interview series, so it was a real pleasure to be included.

    2. Immensely gorgeous, both inside and out. On top of all the wonderful characteristics of Jessica's that shine through in this interview post, she also has a heart of gold and is such a stand up person. She's heavily vested in the online vintage community and does a lot to encourage and promote others here, including Etsy sellers, too, which I admire and commend her on to no end.

      Thank you for your marvelously lovely comment, dear Emily. Have a beautiful weekend!

      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  12. I am so pleased with this interview, dear Jessica! Some parts were like I myself have answered that, so alike! I feel the same about blogging, I feel the same about social media, about interests and the amount of posts a week! Jessica is an amazing girl and I will go to her blog right after this comment! I love old movies, too, as I said, so many nice things here! I am sure she is as sweet as you and I love this series! If I ever turned to only vintage, I want the same interview :) But don't worry, I know it's about vintage, only, and I love to read these interviews! Hugs, dear Jessica!

    1. Thank you for saying such kind things! I'm really happy to hear that my interview resonated with people. I've been reading this series ever since Jessica started doing it, and it was an absolute pleasure to be included.

    2. Hi Denise, thank you very much for your fantastic comment and for saying such deeply lovely things about both of us. I know that you keen a keen interest in vintage, too, even if it isn't always the focal point of your blog (or wardrobe), so if you'd like to take part in this series, I welcome you email me about it and we can certainly take things from there, sweet lady.

      Big hugs & joyful Friday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. How lovely that her blog was renamed honouring her grandma :)
    I am checking her blog, 3, 2, 1..

    1. Thank you! I hope you enjoy what you find. ;)

    2. Jessica, thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart for including me here! I know I've said it before, but it really is an honor to be included in this series. I've seen so many of my favorite bloggers included (and found new favorites through the series), and it's actually really exciting to be in such good company. I know I'm not alone in appreciating all you do to support and bring together different parts of the vintage community.

    3. From the bottom of mine, coming straight back you, sweet lady, you are truly welcome and I just have to say (a huge!) thank you again for taking part in this series. Your replies resonated so deeply with me and I feel a closer bond with you now thanks to this exciting joint post.

      Many thanks, too, for taking the time to reply to all of the comments that have come in so far today (that is seriously awesome of you to do) - as well as for your deeply touching words regarding my roll in the vintage community.

      You're a gem of a person and my blog is richer, better, and lovelier because of your interview post now being a part of it.

      Endless hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

    4. Lorena, isn't that heartwarmingly beautiful? "Zella" is such a sweet name that we very rarely encounter these days. It's fantastic that Jessica is helping to keep it - and her grandma's memory - alive through her blog's moniker.

      Many hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  14. Ah, I had a platinum blonde phase, too. It was not good...

    1. You know, for all the hair colours I've sported over the years (in my teens and early 20s, mostly) platinum is one that I never tried. I knew from other shades that pale blondes tend to look frighteningly bad on me, so I didn't dare venture that light. There's always the temptation though, especially given how many ladies sported it back in the day.

      Have a marvelous weekend!
      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  15. What an epic read, Jessica. What a great post.
    Anyone who says "To hell with it, I feel cool in this" sounds like the kind of woman I'd hang out with. xxx

    1. I couldn't agree more! That has been my approach to dressing for ages now, too, and one that I readily encourage in others as well. I've said it before, but I'll happily say it again: we should each march to the beat of our own sartorial drum and dress however makes us happy in the moment.

      Many hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. O, what a marvelous lady!
    Both of you, Jessicas - two thumbs up for you, gals!
    Best advice one can get out of this post (pardon me: an interview!) is that we should embrace sun-glasses. They not only save our eyesight from the bright sun (yeah: sun is BRIGHT in spring, too - don't get fooled by temperature).. but "shades" also make better photos they eliminate that "about the sneeze" look. :)


    1. So true! I swear, summer is pretty much the only time in the whole year when I sort of wish I wore contact lens, as that way I could have a bevy of sunnies to hand, instead of needing to rely on my one and only pair of prescription sunglasses (I do have a couple of other inexpensive ones that are not prescription, but they're pretty much just used as props for outfit shoots). Thankfully my one pair is very classic looking though and goes well with a lot of vintage looks, especially those from the 50s and early 60s (this was not by happenstance, I assure you :D).

      Oodles of hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Thanks to both Jessica's for this inspiring interview! I love the photos and admire her efforts to stage photo shoots in interesting locations around Chicago. Look forward to following her blog!

    1. My (our) pleasure, dear Janet. I really admire that as well - and I just adore how often Jessica leaps in her photos. I've never been able to successfully pull off the end results of that (total bloopers reel there!), but do hope to nail it eventually - inspire to no end by Jessica's ability to make it look sooooo good!

      Have a fantastic weekend!
      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  18. Oh wow love this blog interview, your interview blogger series is way more detailed and you ask way more questions than I do then mine Jessica! :)

    1. *Blush* You're too sweet, dear Camilla. I absolutely adore your interview series, too, and always get super excited to see just who you'll be chatting with next. One of these days you and I should totally interview one another!

      Have a stellar weekend!
      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  19. what a chic and awesome lady!!!
    thank you jess c. for having jess e. here for interview!!!
    greetings to both of you!!!! xxxxxx

    1. Isn't she though? She's a fashionista in every sense of the word - creative, willing to take risks, happy to continually evolve her style, and a fan of all kinds of different colours, to boot. Her style, much like Jessica herself, rocks and I feel honoured to have been able to highlight here on my blog this week.

      Tons of hugs & happy weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. Great interview! So fun to see a bit and read a bit of this blogger! I especially loved the line: "sometimes making it work means throwing out the rules about what is and is not flattering on your body and just saying, “To hell with it, I feel cool in this.” So awesome! Such a great spirit!

    1. Immensely so! Confidence is one the best things anyone can ever wear and I greatly admire how much Jessica has on the fashion (and no doubt many others, too) front. She's a huge inspiration and great role model for style bloggers everywhere.

      Big hugs & happy Friday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  21. Really very interesting person and I really admire people who stick to their guns. I'm a feminist but a bit pragmatic about it. More like a pre WWI suffragette. I have never seen so many photos of one that all look like different people, it's amazing! No wonder Jessica has so many fans, you'd never get bored with her. Always beautiful!

    1. Likewise - confidence and conviction are two excellent traits to have, especially when it comes to one's wardrobe choices.

      Thank you very much for your great comment, Krystle. It's always a pleasure to hear from you here.

      Have a splendid weekend!
      ♥ Jessica

  22. "Of course, sometimes making it work means throwing out the rules about what is and is not flattering on your body and just saying, “To hell with it, I feel cool in this.” " AMEN Jessica! AMEN!!! Wow, she is awesome, thank you to her and you for such a cool interview!

    1. Our pleasure! :) Jessica is one seriously awesome woman, whose approach to fashion and, life in general, too, I greatly admire. We could, and should, all take a page from her books when it comes to what we wear and our attitude towards our wardrobes.

      Thank you very much for your wonderful comment. I hope that this month is a stellar one for you, sweet lady.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  23. This is such a great interview. Fabulous questions from you and Jessica has answered them so well. I love reading her blog, I enjoy all her posts. I am always amazed at her style chameleon ways, she looks so fabulous in such a wide range of outfits. She uses fantastic locations too!

    1. Same here! I adore never knowing just what she'll wear (and how her hair will look) next - plus her passion for wearing a large array of different colours really resonates with me.

      Many thanks for your terrific comment, lovely Kate.

      Sending oodles of hugs & happy wishes for May your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. Wow what a cool chick! Love your interview posts!

    1. Isn't she though? Jessica exudes coolness and has the kind of attitude to fashion that we could all benefit from adopting (or adopting all the more) ourselves. She's fierce, stylish, and completely cool!

      Much like yourself, I should say, dear Amanda. You're both off-the-charts stylish ladies with very inspiring approaches to fashion.

      Big hugs & joyful start of May wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  25. Great interview...very intetesting! Thanks for another wonderful read.

    1. My (our) pleasure, dear Ruby. These posts have become one my favourites here on the blog and I find myself getting genuinely excited as each new addition in this series rounds the bend.

      Many hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  26. Lovely to get to know even more about Jessica than I already did from reading her blog. I always love the variety, both in terms of fashion and other topics, that she shares.

  27. Same here! She presents us with such a great diversity of post topics and outfits alike that, for me at least, it's impossible to not adore and joyfully follow her blog.

    Many hugs & thanks for your lovely comment,
    ♥ Jessica
