
May 13, 2016

13 fantastic vintage related YouTube channels you should be following

Goodness knows that my own YouTube posting is, to put it mildly, sporadic at best, but I do love creating videos a great deal and know that in periodic bursts, all things willing, I'll continue to post there when possible.

I might not be uploading every day or even every month, but like many people, I do swing by YouTube numerous times throughout an average week as a viewer and always delight in seeing new videos from some of my very favourite vintage related YouTubers.

A delightful blend of more traditional vintage, pinup, rockabilly, retro, and vintage inspired, the following selection of thirteen awesome YouTube channels - a number that was selected in honor of the fact that today is none other than Friday the 13th - never fails to entertain, inspire, and often teach me.

I really feel like each of them deserves all the viewership love that they can get and am so happy to get a chance to share them here with you in this post.

You may already be following some, or even most, of these awesome ladies, but I hope that amongst this baker's dozen of talented, friendly vintage adoring YouTubers, you'll discover at least a name or two that is new to you.

Without further ado, may I present (in alphabetical order) thirteen seriously fabulous vintage related YoutTubers and their channels (along with one of their videos for you to get a taste of what their channels are like).

1. A Vintage Vanity: Passionate long-time YouTuber Jennifer, aka, A Vintage Vanity is one of the most vivacious, enjoyable, and talented people you could ever hope to encounter. With frequent videos spanning a wide range of topics (from styling and beauty how-tos to giveaways, reviews of classic movies, and so much more!), a killer sense of humour, beautiful pink locks that will make you want to up your dye job game big time, this vintage YouTube maven is an absolute must-follow in my books.

2. Bonita Vear: It might surprise you to learn that a fair number of us longtime (and a few newer, too) vintage bloggers also have YouTube channels (love that!). One of whom is my dear Australian friend, the endlessly lovely Bonita Vear (from the blog Lavender & Twill), whose YouTube channel is a terrific place to get to know her better, very much including through charming haul videos featuring products from some of the leading vintage repro brands around the world.

3. Glamourdaze: From the immensely popular, longstanding website of the same name, comes a YouTube channel that is sure to make any vintage fan's heart skip many a beat. Jam packed with incredible real world vintage video clips (many pertaining directly to fashion or beauty), plus twenty-first century how-tos to help you nail the perfect vintage look, this channel is simply not to be missed! (I've been known to binge watch Glamourdaze's videos on many an occasion! :))

4. How To Be Fancy: This channel is a downright joy! Bursting with colour, happiness, fun and great videos highlighting her passion for style and beauty, Heather blends old school glamour with modern know-how to create videos that are sure to inspire and entertain many both within and outside of the vintage world alike.

5. Iris J: One of the first vintage related YouTube channels I ever subscribed to, easily seven or eight years ago now, was that of Iris J's phenomenal hairstyling videos. With her warm smile, friendly demeanour, and super helpful (not to mention continually creative) hairstyling videos, Iris brings vintage and rockabilly gals the world over a treasure trove of 'do ideas year after wonderfully enjoyable year. She's a font of knowledge and definitely worth following no matter your level of vintage hairstyling ability.

6. Lilly Jarlsson: From Northern Germany comes the immensely elegant and very charming Lilly Jarlsson, a freelance writer and beautician who imparts her passion for living a vintage lifestyle to her beautifully shot videos, which abound with how-tos and great tips alike to help us all join her in celebrating so much of what is wonderful about being an old school fan.

7. Lisa Freemont Street: A vintage related YouTube channel that likely needs no introduction to many in our midst, this longstanding and highly popular account is chock-a-block with fantastic vintage/pinup hairstyle tutorials, repro fashion reviews, and oodles more that is sure to have you digging deep through the achieves of this fantastic account.

8. Making It Modern: From Bethany, aka The Glamorous Housewife, comes this seriously fab channel that shines the spotlight on revamping vintage recipes into appealing dishes for the 21st century palette, as offering up handy household management and cooking tips. Fun, well shot videos and Bethany's gorgeous wardrobe (and kitchen!) will have you coming back for another helping, so to speak, time and time again.

9. Miss Rockabilly Ruby: From sunny California one encounters the beautiful and talented, Miss Rockabilly Ruby, a pinup modern, retro hair stylist and makeup artist who brings her passion for all three areas to her lovely YouTube how-tos. So far she's only shared a handful of videos with us, but those that have appeared are aces and you'll quickly find yourself champing at the bit for her next upload!

10. Nora Finds: A beloved fixture in the vintage fashion and social media world, Nora (who you may remember from her recent blog interview here on CV) from the blog Nora Finds launched a YouTube channel a while back and has been filling it with a delightful array of videos, such as how to style a vintage inspired hair scarf turban and a beginner's guide to dating vintage fashion. Just like her blog, these videos are captivating and oodles of fun!

11. Ruby's Musings: Created by a woman of many talents and interests, this recently launched channel is helmed by Ruby from the eponymously named blog Ruby's Musings. Both do a great job at presenting a diverse assortment of topics pertaining to vintage and modern homemaking, cooking, fashion, and other elements of life in general from the perspective of a deeply passionate long time vintage fan.

12. Stephanie Lynn: From the wonderful lady who has long brought you the vintage and historical sewing blog, Girl with a Star Spangled Heart, you'll discover this engagingly lovely YouTube channel that documents many of the different vintage and everyday happenings (including travel vlog videos and recently her exploration of the Konmari system of home decluttering) in Stephanie's life.

13. The Long Haired Flapper: Talented fellow vintage adoring Canadian Kate (from the blog Vintage in a Modern World) presents a wonderful channel that focuses primarily on Victorian and early 20th century hair and beauty related topics, complete with scores of seriously inspiring hairstyle tutorials, each of which will have you itching you get your 1920s look on something fierce!

♥ ♥ ♥

Naturally, this list does not include every channel pertaining to vintage out there on the ol' interwebz and if you, or an account you love watching, didn't appear here, chances are it was simply because this list was capped at a mere thirteen entries. By all means, if you have a vintage related channel or want to share some of your favourites that fall under that heading, please feel free to do so in the comments below. The more names, the better!

With so few TV shows that have even the slightest to do with the vintage/rockabilly/pin up lifestyle (I don't mean those set in the past, such as Mad Men and Call the Midwife, but rather ones that realistically portray what it's like to be a vintage adoring and wearing lady or gent), YouTube helps to fill the gap for us there and the work, dedication and creativity that the video makers highlighted here today put into their channels cannot be praised highly enough.

It requires a great deal of time and effort to regularly (or even just semi-regularly) create (and edit!) videos and I have nothing but respect for those in our circle who take on this wonderful roll and help to enrich many of our lives all the more with their own unique take on vintage.

Let's all shower these hardworking individuals with adoration and subscribe to their accounts on the double (if you're not doing so already, that is).

Who knows, with these thirteen talented gals frequently filling your Subscriptions tab with new videos, it might just inspire you to start a vintage related YouTube channels of your own! :)


  1. OH goody! New awesome people to follow on Youtube (there goes more of my social life lol!). Thanks Jessica for sharing all these wonderful ladies on your blog today, I'm thrilled to discover so many new faces.

    Have a great weekend!

    Liz :)

    1. It's my sincere pleasure, dear Liz. I'm delighted that I could introduce you to some new channels. We have Netflix, but not cable (by choice), so since ditching the latter a few years ago, I've gotten massively into watching YouTube when I do have time to watch anything at all (lol). I love the way in which one almost feels a bond with their favourite YouTubers after a way, even if you've never spoken or emailed with them. That sort of personal element is rarely there with TV and is no doubt a sizable part of the reason why YouTube is so beloved the world over.

      Big hugs & happy mid-May wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. Replies
    1. You're sincerely welcome, my dear. Thank you for the many fabulous videos you've created and shared with us over the years. I always enjoy seeing a new one from you and try to catch each one that you post.

      Have a beautiful week!
      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  3. I'd add Vintage Current to the list!

    1. Big time! Candice's channel was one of the first vintage ones that I ever found and I've always greatly enjoyed her wonderful videos. Thank you for adding her channel to this list here, Lynette.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  4. Good to know! Even though I recently started a YouTube comedy channel, I know so little about other Youtubers! Thanks for sharing! XO

    1. My pleasure, lovely Lauren. It's fabulous that you're on YouTube as a content creator now as well.

      Have an awesome week!
      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  5. I will have to explore these! They look like fun choices! Thank you so much for sharing, dear Jessica, and I hope your weekend will be wonder filled! Hugs. :)

    1. Aww, thank you so much, sweet Linda. What a lovely wish! Our weekend was a lot of fun - busy, sunny, productive, all that good stuff! :) I hope yours was enjoyable, too, and that the second half of May will rock for you.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  6. Subscribe button has been deployed!

    1. Awesome! I hope you really dig all of these channels, too. We haven't had cable (by choice) in a few years now, but almost never miss it with so many uber talented + inspiring folks doing their thing on YouTube.

      Have a fabulous week!
      ♥ Jessica

  7. Wow, all of these videos look awesome! I have to make some time this weekend to watch them.

    1. These channels really are fantastic. Sometimes I'll intentionally bank up unwatched videos from them just to have a slew at the ready when I need a relaxing evening or whole day and just want to park my brain and get lost in the creativity and inspiration of other peoples' worlds.

      Have a terrific week!
      ♥ Jessica

  8. Yes I've watched a few of these lovely ladies youtube channels but I especially love watching A Vintage Vanity, she is quite entertaining that's for sure! :)

    1. Isn't she though? I just love her sense of humour and the diversity of topics she covers - not mention her fab hair and outfits.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your lovely comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. Wow lovely!! I just subscribed to most of these now that you shared this!!

    1. That's awesome to hear, sweet gal - I'm delighted to have been able to introduce you to all of these seriously talented folks.

      Have a fantastic week!
      ♥ Jessica

  10. I've seen a few of these channels, they are lovely. I wasn't aware that the delightful Nora had a channel too, her blog is so sweet and she has a delightful smile. I will be very interested to check out the ones I don't know. I love your own channel, no matter how sporadic you post, they are always well worth the wait. I have lots of things to keep me entertained of an evening now, thank you xx

    1. Thank you so much, Emily, you really are as sweet as they come. I'll tell you something interesting and perhaps unnerving in a way too (when it comes to how immensely fast time flies by, that is). The first time I posted to YouTube was in 2014, then nada happened there for almost a year. It felt long and I was racked by guilt about not posting more often. Well, the last time I posted most recently was in October 2014 and here we are more than half a year later and it barely feels like a week has passed and I don't have any of those negative feelings at all (though I do miss it for sure). That's great unto itself, but time vanishing at the speed of light, not so much! Oh well, it will do as it pleases and hopefully I'll be able to get some more videos up this year. I just need about five thousand more hours in the day and we should be golden! ;D

      Big hugs & joyful mid-May wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. You know, I don't watch many Youtube videos, but I think I will have to check some of these out. I am always wanting to learn more! (especially hairstyles)


    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, sweet Sarah. I really hope that you enjoy all those that you visit.

      Have a beautiful week!
      ♥ Jessica

  12. Great list, thanks for these, I have only seen Lisa Freemont Street's videos so there is lots of viewing ahead for me! xx

    1. So exciting! I hope that you click with these channels, too. Thanks to them, I almost never miss TV (we haven't had cable in years) and learn + am inspired so much in the (viewing) process.

      Many hugs & happy mid-May wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. These all look fab. I'm very intrigued by rubys musings

    1. Do you follow her blog? I think you'd really adore both it and her YouTube channel (ooohh, and her delightful Instagram account, too).

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  14. I rarely watch videos but I do love them for hair inspiration particularly! Lisa Freemont Street is ace and I do also love Cherry Dollface, who's great for those of us with longer hairstyles. Some great picks here - will be a good start as and when I broaden my video education! x

    1. That's awesome to hear! I'm happy to have been on help to you that front, my dear friend. LFS was one of the first vintage YouTubers that I really got into as well and I've greatly enjoyed her videos for years now. She's uber talented and such a joy to watch.

      Oodles of hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. Most of these lovely channels I already follow, but I was happily surprised to find a couple new ones to add to my subscription list.
    And thank you so much for including my channel on your list! :)

    1. You're wholeheartedly welcome, sweet Kate. I can't emphasis how much I adore your channel (I think that I live out my long, healthy hair fantasies vicariously through them at times :)). The moment I conceived the idea for this post, I put your name onto the list, as there's no way a roundup of great vintage YouTubers would be complete with it out.

      Big hugs & happy mid-May wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. Hmm. I never watch videos on YouTube. I'm more of a reader than a watcher, though I might be tempted to watch one for a specific tutorial.

    1. As a huge bookworm, I get that for sure. We don't (by choice) have cable though, and while Netflix can rock, it doesn't always abound with fresh content for hardcore vintage fans, so I find that YouTube really helps to fill a void for me there and is just plain fun to boot. :)

      Happy to know that one of these thirteen really jumped out at you, dear Mim.

      Have a fantastic week!
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Very interesting, Jessica. I must make time to check some of them out. Many hugs, Ann xxx

    1. I hope you instantly adore each one that you visit, lovely Ann. There might not be a million vintage related YouTubers out there, but many of those that do exist are immensely talented and such a blast to watch, which helps to create a (very appealing) quality over quantity element big time.

      Scores of hugs coming right back at you,
      ♥ Jessica

  18. Thank you, lovely, delighted to know that you enjoyed it.

    Have a beautiful week,
    ♥ Jessica

  19. Amazing YouTuber! I'm already following some, but now I found even more. ;)


    1. That's terrific - and definitely what I was aiming for here (to hopefully introduce each of my readers to at least one or two channels that were new to them, that is). :)

      Thank you for your lovely comment, sweet Sandra. I hope that all is well on your end this week and that you're having a marvelous May!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. So many wonderful resources out there! Fantastic list Jessica!

    1. Thank you sweetly, my dear. This such a fun list to put together! Hopefully as time goes on more vintage folks will jump on the YouTube band wagon and I can present a "round two" version with lots of additional names.

      I hope that all is well on your end and that you're having a splendid week.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  21. Thanks for posting this list! I was looking for some more retro ladies to follow on youtube too :-) And glad to see that two of my favourite channels made the cut

    1. Yay! I'm delighted to hear that. Please, if you have other vintage related favourite YouTube channels that weren't mentioned here (and which, ideally, do get updated still at least once in a blue moon), please feel free to share them. I'm love to do a round II of this post some day down the line.

      Big hugs & many thanks for all of your wonderful blog comments today,
      ♥ Jessica

  22. Aha! I was wondering about the bewildering spike of subs to my channel ~ but I think I might have found the source of my mystery... {I really couldn't figure it out!! Haha!} Thank you dear Jessica for the lovely mention! Being rather a sporadic YTber myself, I feel like I don't quite deserve it, but it's very kind of you. And I'm so glad to see some faces I don't know, so I will be checking them out asap! :D ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    1. You're sincerely welcome, sweet Bonita. As a fellow "sporadic YouTuber" I can fully relate and wanted to be sure that I included a mix of channels with very frequent updates and more periodical ones alike. I always enjoy your videos immensely and hope that we're both able to make some more new ones this year (it's sort of blowing my mind that my last one was in October '15 - how time epicly flies!).

      Many hugs & huge thanks for your wonderfully nice comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  23. I want to file a claim! Seriously!! I had promised myself NOT to go on the YouTube wagon, and now I suddenly have a subscription list full of interesting videos. And I don't have time for that! Shame on you! Oh well, I might find time come winter, and they can all wait. This was a truly lovely list and I added most of them, I am especially in love with Glamourdaze since it is real vintage videos, they almost go right to my heart. So thank you for making this fabulous list - which took me quite some time to go through. Have a lovely day, dear. :)

    1. Your comment made me smile, sweet Sanne. Many apologies for being a YouTube enabler. For what it's worth, I'm quite addicted myself and feel that since we don't have cable and Netflix, handy as it is, doesn't have a ton of things that are up my alley, I can justify it. ;D

      Glamourdaze is sensational! I love everything that they share (ditto for their informative, vintage image filled websites) and always find myself wishing for a time machine when I watch their fab video clips.

      Many hugs & joyful start of summer wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  24. I like better from all Lilly Jarlsson. I think she is more authentic to what vintage is and a real lady. Enjoy ladies!
