Spring is well underway around these parts and I couldn't be happier about that fact. Even though, objectively, this winter was a fairly mild one (especially from early February onward), it felt like it went on for decades and I was quite excited to wave buh-bye to to the coldest chapter of the year.
The temps hadn't even hit double digits yet before my sundresses were rotated to the front of my closet and I was giving all of my summer hats and bags a once over to make sure that they didn't need any repairs before kicking off their time to shine once more.
As most of you know, I'm one of those folks who can never get enough of vintage hats. They're the one of my favourite items of clothing to wear and collect alike. Though I don't find too many around these parts any more, whether close to home, when I travel, or (occasionally, given the steep shipping costs on such) online, I'm always on the prowl for my next exciting old school topper and rarely go more than a few months without adding at least one new hat to my closet.
Hats are fantastic accessories. They can be expressive, bold, subtle, small, huge, lightweight, hefty, decorative, understated, one-of-a-kind, perpetual favourites (berets, for example), charming, chic, beautiful, exciting and at least a million other exciting things.
I've had a passion for them my whole life and have worn vintage examples frequently since my teen years (indeed, they were some of the first mid-century items I ever thrifted, back when finding them at thrift stores wasn't rarer than stumbling upon a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow).
These days my collection now numbers over 50 hats and shows no signs of slowing down (though I do keep reminding myself that I should prune through them at some point and sell or giveaway a tiny number that I don't wear very often; most however do see a lot of wardrobe action, so they're definitely staying put!).
Women (and men) the world over used to delight in the act of buying a new hat and doing so was frequently referenced in popular culture up until (at least) the 1960s. I will forever feel like we lost something great and gorgeous alike when most folks stopped wearing hats on a frequent basis, and love that many of us in the vintage/rockabilly/pinup world still keep this time honoured art alive.
With spring out in full force and my lighter, more seasonally appropriate hats (very much including all of my straw ones) making an appearance again, I thought it would be a lot of fun to kick off this week by sharing some wonderful photos that I've come across online lately of real world women from the mid-twentieth century wearing stunning vintage chapeaus.
While not all of these fifteen examples are strictly spring/summer related, they are each spectacular and can provide so much styling (and shopping/wishlist!) inspiring when it comes to how to successfully sport old school toppers in the scope of today's vintage looks that I felt it was a-okay to include them here, too.
Scroll on to soak up the vintage hat awesomeness, after which, I'm sure that like me, you'll be wishing for a time machine and a charge account at a mid-century milliner's shop even more than ever before! :)
15 photos of real world
vintage ladies
wearing beautiful hats
1. Lofty turban ruching over a hat form with long tendrils of millinery greenery jutting out of the back? Yes, pretty, pretty please! Here lace collar is really charming, too!
2. Though somewhat casual on the chapeau front of the day, each of these hats adds so much to their lovely wearer's ensembles, which would, at the time, have seemed at least a bit out of place without them. Plus extra styling points for the nearly identical belts.
3. Whimsical hats turn my knees to jelly and this double bow "antenna" style is doing just that big time! (While also reminding me of a similar vintage bow hat that I have and wear often.) Her companion's classic turban is pretty terrific, too - and can we take a moment to lose our heads over all of those fab bags!!!
4. A trio of gorgeous springtime perfect hats adorn the heads of these lovely ladies as they enjoy a Woman's Club Tea event while decked out in equally attractive printed daydresses.
5. Generously sized curving feathers that encircle the (front) brim of a hat are one of my favourite styles (see this example from my wardrobe, for example) and when they're partnered with a classic skirt suit like this you'd be hard pressed to find a more elegant 1940s daytime look (plus, how much do you love that she kept her gloves on even while touching up her lipstick - such a classy move!).
6. Let's all take a moment to appreciate the sharp styling of this well accessorized 1940s outfit and hat alike. This look would be great with almost any vintage hat of the era, but with this mile high topper it becomes a thing of Vogue magazine worthy brilliance.

7. Captured at a day out to Knott's Berry Farm, this charming 1940s group photo highlights a slew of beautiful hat, hairstyles and dresses alike.
8. Tipples, chic outfits (love the polka dots!), and good sized hats make for an extra fun night for these two stylish Australian gals.

9. Two beautiful ladies (seriously, they look like they could have just left a Hollywood movie set!) rock lush flower adorned hats on what appears like it could have easily been a sunny spring day, given that they've opted to remove their coats as they beam for the camera.

10. I feel like I need every awesome element of her plaid + brown hued ensemble in my life (and closet) right now, most definitely including that fantastic feather and netting bedecked felt hat.
11. Fab floral print dress? Check! Matching scarf/snood worn over one's head? Check! A killer handbag and pair of shoes? Check! Top it all off with a jaunty little nautical-esaue tilt hat? Check. It's outfits like this that make me love vintage fashion to the immeasurable degree that do.
12. A beautiful young woman posses with a girl that, I can only assume given how similar they look, is her sister, on the little girl's Communion Day, while rocking an awesome ruffled hat. I'd love to find something with a similar wreath of ruffles for my own hat collection.
13. I think that we can collectively agree that her ensemble - that mile-high hat very much included - is off-the-charts incredible! (It was worn for a fashion show in 1946.)
14. Stitched brimmed hats are the bee's knees - as are both of their fantastic dresses. I really like the look of a wide brimmed hat and a fitted, classic 40s frock like the example shown here.
15. This beautiful 1930s photo should be placed alongside definition of the word "elegance" in dictionaries the world over.
{To learn more about a specific image used in this post, please click on it to be taken to its respective source.}
♥ ♥ ♥
Over the years I've found, based on comments and emails that I've received on such topics, that the two areas of vintage fashion that the largest number of people seem to be leery of experimenting with are gloves and hats.
I get that big time on both counts. These accessories, especially outside of a utilitarian setting (baseball hat, snow mitts, etc), are not ones that most people sport anymore and they instantly stick out to all who see you as very distinct signs that you've consciously opted to dress differently than the mainstream twenty-first century norm (which, BTW, I commend you for!).
However, ultimately, hats are just like any other garment or accessory. The ability to wear them lies in your own confidence and how they make you feel when they're on your head. In all the years I've been capping off my looks (see what I did there?) with vintage hats, I honestly cannot remember ever once having received a negative comment about my choice of headgear and even if I had (or one day do), it won't phase me at all.
I feel sorry for those who don't know the joy first hand of wearing (let alone shopping for) a fabulous hat and how doing so seems to instill more confidence in you the moment you slip a killer chapeau on.
I hope that you'll follow both my lead, as well as that of all of these super chic yesteryear fashionistas, this spring and summer by giving your toppers plenty of outfit exposure, whether you're new to the world of vintage hats or have been delighting in them for ages now.
Here's to a joyful sunny season topped off, quite literally, with one fabulous vintage hat after another!
Thank you for a beautifully inspirational post Jessica. I love hats, they suit me, but I just can't afford the pretty ones I see online, and I only see drab, moth eaten ones on my travels :( I do have a lovely paper 'straw' sun hat which shrank somehow and now taunts me from atop the wardrobe and I have now decided to tack ribbon inside on the inner band and shall wear it with ribbon ties to secure it to my head as currently it just perches xx
ReplyDeleteIt's my sincere pleasure, sweet Melanie. Finding good quality vintage hats that don't cost a small fortune can be tricky for sure. They're always something I'm on the prowl for when I travel (both for myself and my Etsy shop), but I'm finding less and less with each passing month it seems. I really hope that a total mid-century beauty at a knockout price comes your way soon.
DeleteBig hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
♥ Jessica
"...seem to be leery of experimenting with are gloves and hats."
ReplyDeleteThis! I think for me it's because, since "nobody wears them anymore" on average days, they really date an outfit (in a good way, of course). We still have dresses, heels, blazers, wide skirts, and fun colors and prints, so just a dress alone isn't necessarily immediately going to jump out to strangers, but putting on a hat and gloves can suddenly transform an ensemble, to the non-vintage-enthusiast eye, to a "costume drama" level. At least, that's what goes through my head when I've considered it.
All that being said, I don't find myself afraid to try it. I just don't have many hats, and I don't have any gloves at all! I think I have one wintry vintage hat and a cheap straw sun hat, and that's it. I would *love* to branch out and find a bunch of multi-seasonally-appropriate toppers that I can mix and match with my outfits.
These photos are all so good, too! I love your posts, as always.
Excellently said, Kira. I completely agree that it is these kinds of beautiful "extras" that often cause a look to appear inherently more vintage and thus garner a great degree of interest from the general public.
DeleteI tend to find that people will approach me even when I'm in what one might dub a "vintage light" outfit or one with more of a subtle rockabilly slant. With the continued widespread casualization of fashion, it's eye-catching and unique to see someone just wearing a classic dress that hits below the knees, so the more you build on that sort of the look, definitely the more you're apt to standout (and that, honestly, isn't a bad thing at all - there's something so inspiring and powerfully beautiful about seeing a person who rocks their own unique sense of style, be it vintage or otherwise).
Vintage hat (and glove) hunting is so much fun! I hope that more great mid-century toppers are able to come your way. Do be warned about vintage gloves though, they're rather like potato chips or chocolate chip cookies, stopping at just one is nearly impossible! :)
You're such a dear! Thank you very much.
Have a stellar week,
♥ Jessica
Another lovely post, Jess. I wish I could pull off vintage hats, or any hat for that matter. I think I have kind of a melon head, ha ha. I swear that in my lifetime thus far I've found but one hat that I wore well. It was my boyfriend's straw hat for the beach that I "borrowed" all summer. He agrees that it looks better on me than him so I don't feel that bad about it. =D
ReplyDelete<3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting
I'm wild about wide brimmed hats as well. The older I get, the more they're becoming my favourite style to wear (or at least tying with tilt hats). I think they're also one of the most universally flattering hat styles and would definitely suggest them to just about anyone who was looking to get into sporting hats on a regular basis. How fun that you adopted a straw one from your BF. Nothing says summer fashion quite like a classic straw hat (I love dressing them up with colourful scarves or ribbons used as hatbands).
DeleteHave a marvelous week,
♥ Jessica
I love hats! They are what attracted me to vintage in the first place and I wear one almost every day. Even before I embraced full on vintage three years ago I was a hat wearer since my teenage years. Like you Ii feel sad when people afraid to wear hats and like you I get tons of compliments on mine. My only problems are when they blow off. Today a beautiful 40s straw number blew onto the subway tracks but the train went right over it and didn't damage it and the conductor rescued it I was so relieved!
ReplyDeleteRetro Rover
PS-I love all the hats pictured here particulalrly number 10
Oh my word, what an ordeal your poor hat endured! Thank goodness it was able to come out of it unscathed. Interestingly, the only vintage garment or accessory that, to date, I've ever lost, was a navy blue vintage hat (that I loved to bit). I was sporting it sans hatpin in the dead of winter on a very snowy, windy day not too long after I became a wig wearer and at some point it flew off my head without me realizing (because it was very lightweight and the difference in total weight on my head didn't change much with it on or off given that I was wearing my wig). By the time that I did, at least a couple of hours hat passed. We tried to retrace our steps (we'd been many places that day), but it never surfaced again. That experience still gnaws at me sometimes, but the takeaway lesson from it has been to use hatpins like there's no tomorrow! I've not lost (or even come close to) losing another chapeau since and hope that I never do (nor that you do, Kate).
DeleteBig hugs & many thanks for your lovely comment,
♥ Jessica
I love hats but don't wear them enough mainly because I'm not confident enough to. Cloches are becoming more and more acceptable which is great for someone who loves the 20s and 30s as I can wear them without the fear of being stared at. However, the one and only time I ever got a negative comment for wearing vintage was whilst donning a bright green cloche. The lady later came up and apologised for her rudeness, which I commended her for. Not many people would do that. xx
ReplyDeleteI'm deeply sorry to hear that you experienced negativity from a stranger due to your hat. While it is good that the person apologized, it was woefully uncouth of her to say anything unkind in the first place. Please don't let that put you off rocking hats. Really and truly, the longer you wear them, the more they become like second nature and you start to find your head feeling almost naked if you go out without one (at least if you're sporting and ensemble where such would be appropriate).
DeleteI'm always here to cheer you on in the wearing of hats and am sure that you'd look head turningly beautiful in any chapeau you donned, my friend.
Many hugs,
♥ Jessica
I love this post! I love looking through the photos of yesteryear and feasting on such eye candy of elegance. I am as you know also a bit of a sucker for vintage hats. :) I love that last picture with the old car. I am not sure what the most attractive part is: the car, the hats, the clothes, the posing!
How can one not be? They were, and are, such incredibly lovely, stylish, inspiring elements of fashion. It will never cease to boggle my mind to a degree that we as a society essentially gave up on the classic millinery arts (not entirely, of course, but there are many people alive today who have never worn a beautiful hat and that just seems like a crying shame to me).
DeleteI'm delighted to know that you adored this fun photo filled post, my fellow vintage chapeau fan.
Many hugs & happy Wednesday wishes,
♥ Jessica
What a lovely post! Amazing pictures<3
ReplyDeleteHave a great week =)
Thank you sweetly, darling gal. I really enjoyed gathering these beautiful vintage photos up and am happy to know you loved this post, too.
DeleteBig hugs coming right back at you,
♥ Jessica
I started experimenting with vintage with dresses from the 50s, 60s, but I confess I am way behind anybody in the area; if I have 3 of these dresses, that's too much. But I can always look for another! Gloves and hats, no, I never tried for that purpose. And you with over 50 hats, wow! I loved to see the photos, eras that I love, when women were sooo elegant and feminine!
Every single vintage fashion fan had to start somewhere, sweet Denise (hard as it is to fathom now, there was even a time, long, long ago, when I didn't own any vintage clothing or accessories). I think it's awesome that you have a budding vintage collection and hope that you're able to keep expanding it further as time goes on.
DeleteMany thanks for your lovely comment. I hope that you're having a sunny, terrific week so far.
xoxo ♥ Jessica
What a lovely collection of vintage photos and hats! I pinned one of the images to my "vintage" Pinterest board. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnd did anybody else notice the odd-but-cute stuffed animal the girl is holding in photo #10? ;-)
Great eye! I noticed that, too, and am still trying to figure out just what kind of stuffed creature it's supposed to be. Bear seems logical, yet the face is almost hippo-ish to me at that angle. Who knows! The important thing is that it's part of that photo and no doubt was a meaningful element of her day.
DeleteThank you for pinning one of these images, Grace. I really appreciate it and am delighted to know that you enjoyed this post so much.
Big hugs,
♥ Jessica
My hat obsession has been going on for so long that I no longer notice the stares my hats elicit. However I do remember lots of attention in the 1980's when I would fly home for visits rocking some great vintage hats. I do try to be aware of when a hat might get in someone else's way and usually remove my hat and keep it on my lap if at a concert, theater or other closely seated venue. At work I am known as the "Hat lady" and I think my coworkers get a smile everytime I come in with a hat. I was blessed to have learn millinery from my Grandmother who rocked a number of cool hats herself!
ReplyDelete- Morning Waters-
Well said, dear Morning, very well said. I too delight in my vintage attire, hats included, so much that I scarcely notice when people stare at me. I'm so completely at home and happy in my vintage threads. It's when, on those very rare occasions that such happens, I venture out in modern clothes that I feel self-conscious and like people are going to comment on such. It's awesome that you've been rocking vintage hats for many years now, too, and that you used to wear them while flying. I'd imagine that with the strict rules at airports these days, such might not be the best idea (though I might still be willing to give it a shot).
DeleteThat is a true blessing indeed and such an amazing skill to possess. I'm certain that I would love it, if I had a chance to learn how to make hats.
Thank you very much for your great comment. I always adore hearing from you, sweet lady.
Tons of hugs & happy mid-May wishes,
♥ Jessica
My fave hat is that of photograph #14. For some reason even though hats are so necessary in my sunny weather, whenever I do wear one I am looked upon as if I were a tourist..
ReplyDeleteI know this post is dedicated to hats but I have to mention the two amazing bags on image #3, which I see you also loved - I wonder what year these could be from ?
Fear not, mentioning of bags is always welcome and encouraged here! :) "Carpetbags" like that enjoyed a real moment in the 1930s, so chances are they were made then (though could certainly have been earlier pieces, too, as that type of bag dates back further still).
DeleteBig hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
♥ Jessica
These photos are beautiful. I love hats and gloves but sadly hats do not love me back. I can never get them to stay on my head and they just end up looking odd. You always wear them so well, you pair them with outfits that just look stunning. I would love to see more people wearing hats, they really add a certain something to an outfit. Big hugs my dear xx
ReplyDeleteDon't they though? I can remember (some) women still wearing beautiful hats in the 80s and very early 90s when I was a wee girl, but in the decades since then, they've become such an endangered species on the fashion front. It just blows my mind that we, as a collective whole, relinquished the wearing of great hats on a regular basis. As much as I hope that reverses one day, I'm not holding my breath and think that's all the more reason why it's fantastic that many in the vintage world appreciate and/or wear hats.
DeleteSending oodles of hugs & happy Wednesday wishes your way, dear Emily,
♥ Jessica
Hat-tastic! I do want to expand my hat collection and there's some great inspiration here xx
ReplyDeleteHow exciting! I hope that you're able to do so, sweet gal. Vintage hats are such fun, fabulous things. Sometimes, if I need a good pick-me-up, I just go look at/sort mine and, without fail, my mood always improves.
DeleteBig hugs & happy Wednesday wishes,
♥ Jessica
Lovely hats! My mom wore lots of beautiful hats and she looked fabulous in them! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful memories of to have of your mom. What I wouldn't give to go back in time for a while and get to experience the days when hats, gloves, and all the other elements of vintage fashion so many of us here hold dear first hand. Do you like wearing (vintage or modern) hats yourself, Laurie?
DeleteHave a splendid week!
xoxo ♥ Jessica
I have only just started getting in to hats. It is such a pleasure to express yourself with frivolous hats, they complete an outfit splendidly!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it though? So many vintage hats strike me as being like a smile that your outfit itself gives off. I couldn't love them more and hope that new ones continue to enter my life for countless years to come. How exciting that you're growing your own chapeau collection, sweet dear. Way to go!
DeleteBig hugs & happy Wednesday wishes,
♥ Jessica
I LOVE THIS POST. It expresses all my hat feelings, and believe me, I have a lot of hat feelings. I used to whine about how "people don't wear hats anymore!" because I felt that I couldn't if the rest of the world didn't. Now, I'm starting to wear hats a lot more, and I feel wonderful doing it. These pictures are gorgeous. The first communion one is my favorite; I love the halo of ruffles. Thanks for writing this. <3
ReplyDeleteI totally know what you mean about "hat feelings" and just adore that term. It's awesome that you've been embracing the wearing of chapeaus more in recent times. I've swooned (big time!) over those that you've shared with us on on your blog and think that hats look fantastic on you, sweet lady. Keep on rocking 'em!
DeleteBig hugs & happy Wednesday wishes,
♥ Jessica
Here, too, it exploded spring, late but also in the mountains the flowers and the trees have arrived shine of a tender green, temperatures are high in the afternoon and I should protect my hair and skin with a hat ... but I do not I have yet to find a hat style that suits me. Instead about yourself headtops are perfect, you have the caps sensational and they exploit you perfectly. Thanks to these photographs vintage, are a pleasure for the eyes and a major source of inspiration.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, Serena dear. I utterly adore wearing hats, so it's a surefire bet that you'll always see plenty of them sported throughout the year here. I hope that you're able to find a style or two that works for, and really speak to, you. Have you tried a classic wide brimmed straw hat? They're one of the most universally flattering styles and an unbeatable way to keep the sun out of your eyes.
DeleteMany hugs coming your ways,
♥ Jessica
I do love hats, especially vintage ones, but somehow I hardly wear them. I have some lovely winter hats, all picked up at charity shops last season, but lack some decent summer ones. You are looking gorgeous in your hats and you have some truly stunning ones. Many hugs, Ann xxx
ReplyDeleteYou're so sweet, Ann, thank you for the beautiful compliment. Hats bring me immense joy and are one of my favourite things to wear, so compliments on those that I sport mean all the more to me.
DeleteIt can be trickier to find good summertime hats for sure. Straw offerings are a classic, but lightweight ones made from other materials such as stiffened lace (a personal favourite), cotton, silk, and even woven ribbons can all be fab choices as well.
Thank you for your lovely comment. Tons of hugs coming right back at you!
♥ Jessica
Such an amazing article with gorgeous photos! My grandma never went out of the house without her hat and matching gloves, and I love wearing hats and gloves, too. I am a big fan of true vintage hats and am very proud of my collection.
It sounds like your grandma and I would have hit it off marvelously! :) How wonderful that you inherited a passion for these classic accessories and now adore wearing them yourself, too, dear Sandra. Way to go on amassing a collection of vintage hats. I hope that many more stunners come your way as time goes on.
DeleteHave an excellent week!
xoxo ♥ Jessica
These vintage pictures are beautiful! I wish I had more hat wearing occasions because I am loving this hat inspiration :)
ReplyDeleteIt is a shame that modern fashion is not overly accommodating to the wearing of hats on a regular basis. Personally, in my books, every day is an occasion worthy of sporting a hat for, so I say, if you want to rock one, just go for it! Hats are completely fun and should be donned whenever one's heart desires.
DeleteMany hugs & happy Wednesday wishes,
♥ Jessica
wonderful pictures!!!
ReplyDeleteyour post made me dust off my little boater-style straw hat - i really should wear it more often in summer!
tons of hugs and a tip on the brim of my hat! xxxxxx
You definitely should! I bet it looks fabulous on you, dear Beate. Hard as it is to believe, I don't actually own a true boater style hat (crazy, I know!). Definitely one to try and add to the ol' collection at some point. :)
ReplyDeleteOodles of hugs & happy mid-May wishes coming right back at you,
♥ Jessica
These photos are fabulous!!! I love hats and they generally suit me but I've always felt a little self conscious wearing them as I felt people already stared enough at my vintage fashion. Just lately however, I've been emboldened to give them a go and now have 4 beautiful vintage hats of varying styles that I wear (plus 2 pairs of vintage gloves!). My boss even gave me a beautiful 40's handbag for Christmas because it matched one of my hats! As you say, it's all about the confidence!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's seriously fantastic, sweet dear! Awesome job on gaining more confidence on the hat wearing front. Your collection sounds lovely and I hope it's able to grow even further for you as time goes on. What a thoughtful gift from your boss. 1940s handbags are amongst my favourites ever produced.
DeleteThank you very much for your great comment. I hope that you're having a beautiful month of May.
Big hugs,
♥ Jessica
My iPad is playing tricks on my, did you receive a comment on this one?
DeleteOh no! Silly, technology! Can't live with it, can't live without it...! :)
DeleteThis is the first comment from you that I've received on this post so far, sweet Sanne, so evidently, your iPad "ate" the other one. Please feel free to share it with me again anytime.
I hope that things are well on your end this weekend. They're good here. Intensely busy, but lovely and certainly inching closer to summertime temps with each passing day.
Tons of hugs,
♥ Jessica
Such great photos! I love seeing these more relaxed everyday snapshots from regular people, as opposed to the stylized model shots of the time. Some truly fabulous hats here!
ReplyDeletePrecisely! Both are awesome, but these sorts of photos, I find, often feel all the more relatable and like what us "everyday" gals might have sported ourselves a few decades ago.
DeleteThank you very much for your terrific comment, my sweet friend.
Oodles of hugs & happy weekend wishes,
♥ Jessica
Thanks for sharing these great photos! I love seeing what real people wore back then, not just what was in the Vogue magazines. (although those are wonderful too!) It gives me such inspiration for my day to day.
ReplyDeleteThe Artyologist
It is my sincere pleasure, sweet lady. I echo your feelings entirely. Both are important for sure, but there is such a deeply rooted relatability factor to actual "everyday" women of the past sporting the styles we hold so dear to our hearts now that makes me love and appreciate them to the moon and back.
DeleteI hope you're having a fabulous weekend! (We're having a very busy, very enjoyable one on this end.)
Big hugs,
♥ Jessica
These are such fabulous photos. I really enjoy looking at the fashions in old photos and always keep an eye out for them in antiques centres etc. These hats are all pretty amazing! I think the big bags with the wooden handles in picture 3 are work bags or knitting bags. I have a few that look similar and it makes sense to me that the lady on the right would have her neat handbag and then a larger bag for her knitting.
ReplyDeleteExcellent spotting! They definitely could be knitting (or similar bags) - and how fabulously cool would it be, if they were. I have a similar looking bag with with a more traditional purse clasp from the 1930s. It's held up very well over the years and is a bag I use a lot in the winter, as the fabric and colours lend themselves well to such.
DeleteI hope you're doing well and having a fantastic May, my dear friend.
Big hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
♥ Jessica
<3 Such a fun post! I always love browsing through vintage hats as well as seeing lovely bloggers such as yourself sporting them! I have yet to wear any vintage hats myself though I do have two in my collection. I am at least happy to say I've been slightly better in incorporating some hats (modern) into my wardrobe. I hope one day I will be able to venture more into vintage hats as well as gloves (for which I have a few but never seem to wear them either)! <3
ReplyDeleteCome over to the vintage hat and glove side! :D It's awesome that you're building up a collection of both. I think that once you one starts wearing them, they become like second nature and you're apt to wonder how your ensembles got by without them (plus both are wildly addictive, so there's always the fun and the thrill of the hunt at work while you're vintage shopping).
DeleteThank you very much for your lovely comment, sweet dear.
Oodles of hugs,
♥ Jessica
Well, I have to remember what I wrote then, dammit iPad. :( I'm not into hats, because my hair is so smooth that I cannot fasten anything in it. But I do admire hats, and especially real life photos like this lovely collection. I have studied them long for details, since they are so much better than moviestar photos to get styling tricks from. So thank you for making this charming list of real life fashion. Have a lovely day, dear. :)
ReplyDeleteThey really are! I get giddy when I find a new-to-me Flickr account with real world photos or another blogger's post with oodles of such. Each one is admired and studied from top to bottom, detailed filed to memory as best I can.
DeleteI'm sorry that hats don't jive very well with your hair. Have you tried styles with sturdy elastic bands that go under (or over) your hair in the back? My natural hair was very fine and straight and some hats worked better with it, too, than others, but I found those types of ones (which often translates as tilt hats) managed to stay put no problem.
You're very welcome. The pleasure truly is all mine and I'm so happy to know that you enjoyed this post.
Oodles of hugs,
♥ Jessica
What fun images! Great post...truly enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome to hear, Ruby! This post was such a blast to put together that I've already begun tucking away more of these sorts of photos, as I find them, to hopefully put together a "round II" version of this post at some point fairly down the road.
ReplyDeleteWishing you a beautiful week!
xoxo ♥ Jessica