
August 1, 2016

31 ways to make this August super fun!

August is a gorgeous month - both in terms of the weather (for those in the Northern Hemisphere at least) - and the potential that it holds. From this very morn, until the finally moment on the evening of the 31st, we get roughly four and a half weeks to make the absolute most of summertime while it's still here.

Though one can - and should - make a point of simply putting their feet up and watching the breeze at least once or twice this month (such becomes a lot less enjoyable when the temps are -30, not +30 as they are still are for many at the moment), I often find that I feel an ingrained sense to do, enjoy and experience as much about this month as possible.

Though the lovely weather may linger into September or even early October, this will be the final full month of summer and here on Canadian soil, I know that that I'll likely be waiting until next April before we start to see the first signs of spring again.

That's a rather lengthy haul for anyone, especially those in countries where your winters look like pristine, Christmas card worthy landscapes for the better part of that time. All the more reason, if you ask me, why we should try to really get the most out of August.

Recently I started thinking about some of the various activities that I hope to focus on this month and before long, I had a good sized list going (including a few that fall under the "daydream" heading).

I figured that many of you might enjoy seeing what's on it and perhaps adding to your own August itinerary care of this selection of thirty-one diverse, lovely activities to do throughout the eighth month of the year.

Of course, depending on where you live and the other various circumstances of your life, not all of these not these ideas will be equally easy to achieve. Hopefully though, they'll help to serve as a handy jumping off point when it comes making your August as exciting and enjoyable as possible.

31 ways to make this
August super fun!

1. Hit the open highway, or backwoods path, as you desire, and take a road trip someplace new and exciting!

2. Celebrate one or more (just-for-fun) National Food Days this month. Yum-yum!

3. Most towns and cities team with events in the summer months. Look on local community websites to see if there are any that catch your eye and then inquire as to if you can volunteer a few hours or more of your time to assisting them this month.

4. Set a fun challenge for yourself of taking at least one photo each day of something highly seasonally related. If you blog, consider writing a post at the end of the month in which you highlight some, or all, of the beautiful snaps you collected throughout August.

5. Head on over to Memphis, Tennessee and join thousands of other fans at the annual Elvis Week festival, which takes place this year between August 10th – 16th.

6. Just about any vintage, antique or second shopper's dream, The World's Longest Yard Sale (it spans multiple states!) returns between August 4th and 7th. Bring comfy shoes, lots of small bills, and your best negating skills!

7. Go camping, unfurl your sleeping bag, and enjoy an evening spend under the celestial beauty of the stars.

8. Try to source a great deal on local produce and join in the beautiful age-old tradition of summertime canning/preserving.

9. Sit outside, while the nights are still deliciously warm, and see if you can spot any shooting stars, fireflies, or bats zooming across the inky black sky.

10. Go through your sewing/knitting/crochet patterns and see if there's a fun, speedy summer garment or accessory project that you can make in a day and get at least a bit of wear out of this season.

11. Set aside an afternoon, or whole day, if you'd like, to write cheerful "thinking of you" letters, notecards, and/or postcards to loved ones around the world (extra bonus points in the stationary and/or postage stamps that you is seasonally themed) in which you share some of the highlights of your summer thus far.

12. Interview an elderly relative about their life and then afterwards, to sincerely thank them for sharing so much with you, present them with the gift of one or more of their most memorable pieces of wisdom displayed as a custom art print for them to hang in their home.

13. Break out your best 1920s or 30s finery and join scores of seriously stylish folks at that most beloved of deco era related summertime events, the Jazz Age Lawn Party on Governor's Island in New York state.

14. Start creating (or at least planning) your winter holiday season crafts and/or handmade cards. As much as we may not want to think about it yet, Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, and many other December festivities are now less than five months away!

15. Let your inner youngster out at the beach and make a sandcastle with the best of 'em!

16. Get up really early and go out on a local hot air balloon ride to watch the summer sun rise from a breathtakingly gorgeous - and very lofty - vantage point.

17. Spend time on, in, or near the water! Lake, river, ocean, tiny creek, it scarcely matters. The important thing is that you likely won't freeze in you get wet!

18. Track down a remaining drive-in movie theater in your state or province and take as many relatives/friends as you can legally load into the car for a night of classic film going fun.

19. Try to squeeze in some extra outfit photo shoots this month for those chilly fall and winter months ahead when the weather may not be nearly as cooperative, but you don't want to go too long between posting new looks on your blog.

20. Devote at least 30 minutes a day to quiet reading and make some serious headway on your summer book list.

21. Invite some friends over and hold a spa day/night using only cold or room products to help keep August's heat at bay while you pamper yourselves.

22. Head to beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia for this year's fun filled Pacific National Exhibition - better known around these parts as the PNE.

23. Pretend that you're still of a single digit age and leap (or at least gingerly step ;D) through a splashing sprinkler.

24. Find a local stable or ranch that offers such and hire a horse for a day of trail riding.

25. Have a good old-fashioned ice cream social and go wild with the variety of sundae toppings that you offer your guests.

26. Visit, or perhaps even take part, in one of the biggest annual Highland Games, the Cowal Highland Gathering, in Scotland.

27. As you get ready to start incorporating your fall/winter wardrobe into your life again, take this time to give your closet a thorough purging. Sell, donate, or swap those items you no longer want and, if you've had some sales, treat yourself to something from your vintage wishlist that you've been yearning to buy for ages now.

28. Go early season apple or pear picking at a local orchard.

29. As the month wraps up, join throngs of fellow tennis enthusiasts at the US Open, which runs from August 29th - September 11th this year.

30. Host at least one more full-on, done right family barbeque or picnic.

31. Start planning your Halloween costume - it's never too early to do so and many stores are already beginning to stock festive offerings, so the sooner the better!

{To learn more about a specific image used in this post, please click on it to be taken to its respective source.}

♥ ♥ ♥

Naturally the list above is a mere drop in the bucket (err, sandcastle pail) when it comes to the near endless number of things that one can do, savour and experience throughout the month of August, and it was tricky to cap my selection at just thirty-one entries.

It's doubtable anybody will do all of these entries this August, but we can each indulge in at least a few, adding in others that suit our lives and remaining open to some great on-the-fly fun as well.

After all, the ability to start your day early and end it late, both in glistening summer sunshine, is one of the most appealing aspects of this fantastic time of the year.

I hope that today's post will help to make your August even more enjoyable and would love to hear about some of the things that you adore doing, seeing, tasting, and otherwise delighting in this month!


  1. These ideas make me yearn for a summer it doesn't look like I'll have this year, as there's just too much getting in the way and the weather has taken a turn for the... well, I can't say it's 'worse', more 'usual' for this country to be honest! I missed the lovely sunny days because they hit while I was moving house, but isn't that just the way... Oh well, maybe, just maybe, there'll be a few more nice days to come this year. I have wanted to go to a drive in movie for the longest time, but the weather always conspires against me and there's just not that many of them around in this country anymore :( xx

    1. Goodness, do I hear you there. It had looked like maybe, just maybe, a very late summer was starting for us here in the final days of July, but this week, we've been getting tons more rain yet again and so things are taking more of a springtime turn yet again. I'm sorry that you're encountering similarly unseasonable weather in the UK, too.

      I think that come next year, I'll be so incredibly starved for summer, as while we had a proper one (weather wise) in 2015, Tony wasn't here, so I didn't experience it in the same (fuller) way that I would have, had he been. Now, this time around, he's (thankfully) home, but we don't have the usual super warm, dry weather, so I'm starting to feel like I've missed out on the last two summers. Oh well, I suppose. The consultation is getting to embrace fall in a few weeks - hopefully it will be at least a tad drier on both our ends.

      Many hugs & happy start of August wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. I thought they were all good ideas till I got to the last one... and prepping for Halloween is a GREAT idea. I'm planning to do Halloween properly this year. We usually mark Thadingyut (a Burmese Buddhist festival) and some years that comes close to Halloween, but this year the two are a couple of weeks apart so I can put plenty of effort into both my Thadingyut meal and Halloween.

    1. That's marvelous!!! As someone who is endlessly smitten with Halloween, I fully support starting early and doing it right. I hope that everything goes awesomely for you with you All Hallows' Eve plans.

      Many hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* That festival sounds really lovely.

  3. I went to the World's Longest Yardsale years ago, and it was so much fun! I'm so happy to see it's still going on

    1. Ooohh, how awesome! I would love to plan a trip to the States one year with the main goal of said getaway being to visit it.

      Have a fantastic first week of August, my dear!
      ♥ Jessica

  4. Well, I will be doing #1 in a little over a week. It won't be a road trip to any place new, but it will be an adventure all the same. I am quite looking forward to this trip with my brother.

    Although it wasn't in August, a group of my friends went on a trip to the beach this past weekend. Oh, boy was that fun.


    1. That's fantastic! I often find that simply getting out of town matters more (or at least as much as) the destination, so returning to a place (or places) that you've been before can still have nearly all the same benefits of venturing into uncharted territory (plus, it can be handy to have a lay of the land, so to speak, when you travel, which doesn't usually exist when you visit a place for the first time). I hope that you two have a stellar trip!

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. Great list. Im skipping the lawn party this year just too crowded and pricey

    1. That's really fascinating to hear, Kate. It's great that you were able to experience in person before though.

      I hope that you guys have a sunny, terrific August, no matter how you spend it.

      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  6. I live close to, or a daytrip away from, a bunch of hiking trails, nature preserves, lakes, and farms that offer fruit-picking and berry-picking. We've been having a bit of a heatwave here, though I hope it breaks in time to enjoy what's left of summer outdoors. If I were confident enough in my long-distance solo driving abilities, I'd go to Cape Cod to revisit it as an adult. I'm also long overdue for a daytrip to Northampton to get a little problem with my tragus piercing taken care of, and hopefully pick up a new ear piercing as well.

    1. That's fantastic! It sounds like you live in a really lovely area (that, interestingly, isn't that different from our neck of the woods, too, in terms of natural settings and the agricultural scene) with lots of great things to do.

      If only you could send your heatwave our way. It had looked like a late summer might have been emerging at the end of July, but we're back to rain again this week (it rained nearly all day yesterday and much of the start of this morning, for example). Care to swap for a spell? :)

      Big hugs & many thanks for your great comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  7. Dear Jessica,

    Wow, where did July go! It seems like it was just 4th of July last week.

    I have been working on canning my plums. Today I picked the last from the tree and am now cooking them up as plum sauce, much like rhubarb sauces. (As a child we often had rhubarb sauce on pancakes. Have you ever?)

    I have been meaning all summer to sew something; but I was hoping to lose another 5 pound, so I was putting it off because I did not want to make outfits that I might soon grow out of. It seems, however, that my weight has settled around 129, so perhaps I should just go about my sewing. I bought yards of fabric because Hancock Fabric (I don’t know if you are familiar with that name.) went out of business. I am so sad about that because it was the only decently priced fabric store around.

    We have lots of campouts in our back yard. Not quite the same thrill of camping in the mountains, but when we can’t do that, the back yard is pretty much fun, and the bathrooms are great at home :) We do have a lovely fire pit and love to roast marshmallows.

    I have also been spending nearly an hour on most days in the pool. This is the first summer that I have ever been able to do that – what fun!

    Your August post was fun and inspirational.

    Happy August, dear Jessica!

    1. Hi sweet Hope, thank you very much for your wonderfully nice comment and for sharing some of the recent highlights of your life with me/us. The plum jam that you posted about on your blog recently looks so delicious. I swear, whenever I see your marvelous recipe posts, I can all but conjure up how amazing your kitchen must smell most of the time. You're an awesome cook and it's always a pleasure to see the recipes you share with us.

      Indeed, I have heard of Hancock Fabrics. I don't believe they ever crossed the border into Canada, but they were quite well known (as many US only companies are/were) here all the same (just as, for example, stores like Joanne's and Hobby Lobby, neither of which we have, are, too). It's terrific that you were able to stock up on some new fabrics before they, sadly, closed their doors for good. Shame that another craft/hobby related chain wasn't able to stay afloat. That is happening far too frequently these days.

      Happy sewing & rest of this beautiful season,
      ♥ Jessica

  8. 127 mile yard sale? Elvis week?! It seems my summer should have been planned in North America!!! Doh! We're used to making our own fun though, so I'm sure we'll come up with a few things to entertain ourselves in August. Great suggestions xx

    1. Definitely! The US really knows how to do summer right. It would be flat out amazing to have the means (and other circumstances needed) to traverse the country during the summer months, hitting lots of great vintage related events like those along the way.

      Many hugs & thanks for your lovely comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  9. These *are* some super fun ideas, Jessica! My birthday is in August so that puts it right up there among my favorite months. ^_^ I'll have to try out some of these lovely activities before autumn leaves start to fall. It won't be long. {And I can hardly wait!} I'm always looking forward to the next season so I have to sometimes remind myself to slow down & enjoy right now. :D

    Michelle ^_^
    Delightful Handwork

    1. How exciting!!! Happy birthday month wishes, sweet Michelle. I hope that your celebration is a truly fun filled, marvelous one.

      Many hugs coming your way,
      ♥ Jessica

  10. Love this post Jessica! The longest yard sale sounds fantastic, and I have always wanted to visit Graceland. Recently I made a jar of preserved lemons, even though it's a winter fruit, it was fun all the same. Now what I really feel like doing is visiting a drive-in, I haven't done that in some time. Hope you enjoy your August Xxx.

    1. Doesn't it though? I think I might need the world's longest wallet if I was headed there though, as it would be mighty tough to not stock up on vintage treasures as far as the eye could see. :D

      Yum! Your preserved lemons sound fantastic. Are there any dishes in particular that you're planning to put them towards?

      Big hugs & many thanks for all your great blog comments this summer,
      ♥ Jessica

  11. Oh what a great, fun list of exciting/relaxing things to do...thanks for those great ideas Jessica! :)

    1. My pleasure, sweet Camilla. I'm happy to know that you enjoyed it.

      Big hugs & happy start of August wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  12. I'm looking forward to August, as this month, and September, is flea-market time here in Belgium. Hugs, Ann xxx

    1. Ooohh, that sounds just marvelous! I hope that this season abound with great flea market finds for you.

      Big hugs to you as well, dear Ann,
      ♥ Jessica

  13. Good suggestions. I'd love to return to Vancouver but that's not in the cards this year. I once went up in a hot-air balloon which was fun; sad about the recent accident involving one. Yesterday as I was conceiving the idea for my new blog-project, I thought of you because I want the project to center on vintage fashion. As I delve into the project, I may ask you for ideas or advice. There's nobody more qualified!

    1. It truly is heartbreaking about the crash. Horrific news is abounding this year from so many corners of the globe. All the more reason why we need elements in our life that bring us joy, such as the new project that you're working on.

      It's very sweet of you to want to seek my input on it. I'd be delighted to try and help in any way that I can and look forward to hearing more about your plans.

      Have a fantastic first week of August,
      ♥ Jessica

  14. Such a fun post!
    I'm not a very big fan of summer, but I think with your tips, august will be great!

    Many hugs,
    Sandra <3

    1. The extreme seasons - summer and winter - can be challenging at times for sure. It's wonderful that, no matter how brief they may be, we get treated to spring and autumn in between.

      Big hugs coming right back at you,
      ♥ Jessica

  15. I love your posts and this one is full of amazing ideas to enjoy August! I loved the National Food Days, the Elvis week in Memphis, interviewing an elderly person, thinking of Halloween and costumes, setting a challenge and the Worl Longest Yard's sale! I normally always had god Augusts, despite some people saying that August is not good, due to superstitious belief... but I always had good one, I think, apart from one. This August started with a sad note, I must confess, but I keep hope, and it will lead me through the month :) Hope you are having a beautiful day, dear Jessica! Hugs and regards,

    1. Oh no, I'm very sorry that your month has begun on a rocky, difficult note, dear Denise. May strength be with you and may the waters of life soon turn smooth once more for you.

      Many gentle hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  16. The idea of hosting a picnic or bbq has been in my head for sometime.. maybe August will be the month!

    1. It can be such a blast and a great way for people to enjoy hanging out in a less structured environment, which often puts folks in a better/more relaxed mood.

      If you proceed with one this season, I hope that it turns out wonderfully for you.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  17. Fabulous Jessica, your blog is always so very creative! And this one is no exception, I love the flash back photos and the ideas (they can even apply to us down here in the southern hemisphere - and thank you for always considering us). J.B.and I were in Calgary at the beginning of November a few years ago and with snow and -19deg we understand how short your summer is and how ready at the back door winter is for you. Enjoy this month (and every month). xx

    1. That is very, very sweet of you to say, dear Elizabeth. Thank you kindly.

      It's really neat that you guys visited Calgary. I lived there for about 2.25 years in my late teens and truly love that energetic, thriving prairie province city. If the chance ever arose to move back, I'd be off like a shot. Unlikely anytime soon, but we do make it out there for trips periodically, which is awesome. I hope that you had a great time on your Canadian trip. I'd love to zip across the globe and visit your beautiful corner of the world one day, too (fingers crossed).

      Many hugs & heartfelt thanks,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. Yes, we actually loved our time in the snow and cold - and loved Calgary and plan to go back to Canada again some time when the $$$$ allow!! Great people, great food, natural beauty everywhere. xx

  18. Fabulous ideas! I've to to go to the Jazz Age Lawn Party :)

    1. If you get the chance, you really must. It always looks spellbindingly incredible! If I lived anywhere even remotely close (alas, I'm in Western Canada), I'd be beelining it there, too. :)

      Have an awesome week!

      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  19. Whew! Where did July go? Thanks for reminding me that I need to do some of the things I planned to do way back at the beginning of summer. I still haven't checked out some of the local museums etc, and I know many of them close for the season on Labour Day! These are some great ideas of ways to enjoy the last month of summer- and I hope you enjoy your August too :)
    The Artyologist

    1. It really is jaw dropping that we're into the eighth month of the year. I scarcely feel like I've fully recouped from last year's Christmas season and here we are, closer to the next than the last.

      You're very welcome. I hope that you're able to visit each of the museums that you want to see. Museums are a huge (!!!) favourite of mine as well and one of the first things I try to visit when we travel.

      Oodles of hugs & happy August wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  20. Oh man, I wish I could go to the Elvis festival, haha! Fun list and what a great way to pumped for August! XO

    1. Wouldn't that be off-the-charts incredible? I'm a huge Elvis fan (third generation :)) and would jump at the chance to visit that festival, if it ever arose.

      Big hugs & many thanks for your lovely comment,
      ♥ Jessica

  21. So many ideas - I'm overwhelmed.
    There's just so many things to do in summer's months. Work is never-ending (that is, if yo WANT to work - lounging is not prohibited, but it might have a scary consequence: the cold and hungry winter).
    Over here, August is all about preparation.
    Moms & dads start with the preparation for the school days of the young ones. Oh, and if the child it so START the school this year, than it's all hands on deck, there's everything new in their lives: from the study-desk, over to backpack and notebooks.
    For the rest of us, it's the matter of making pickles, making jams (and chutneys), propagating pelargoniums (oh, who can forget that important task!) :)

    Here's to busy month ahead!


    1. Hi sweet Marija, there is timeless wisdom (in spades) in your reminder that we reap, come winter, what we sow now in the sunny summer months. Though such is less of a factor for many these days, we all still have the same humble human roots and whether we realize it or not, the seasons and how we interact with them impact us throughout the year.

      The activities that you have underway right now (chutney + jam making - yum!) sound wonderful and I hope that all go as smoothly as possible for you.

      Many hugs & joyful wishes for the second half of summer, my hard working friend,
      ♥ Jessica

  22. thank you for that fab list! you always have the best ideas!
    august is the month when rainer has 2 weeks off from the office! we will do some work on the house, go on hikes, met some friend at garden parties. and maybe we can squeeze some culture in :-)
    big hugs!!! xxxxxx

    1. How exciting that you and Rainer will have two weeks off together. That's absolutely wonderful! Tony will be taking some time off a little later in the season, too, and then he and I will be zipping off on an exciting road trip holiday (which I'll be posting details about here in the very near future), so we'll both get to spend some extra time with our beloved men this season.

      I hope that you guys have a fantastically fun time and that you're able to squeeze in everything, cultural events included, that you'd like to do.

      Tons of hugs & blissful weekend wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

  23. These are such fun ideas! I used to really detest August, it always seemed so boring to me. But now since I enjoy summer more, I made it my mission to make the most out of this last month of summer, which means plenty of late evening walks, bike rides, and our annual beach trip!

    1. That's a great way to approach this chapter of the year. I savour August something fierce, as it is usually the last truly warm month here before the first signs of another lonnnngggg Canadian winter start to creep in. Occasionally we'll get a warm, sunny September and/or start of October, but not that often, so one is wise to make the most of August while its here. Wonderful job on doing just that on your end, too, sweet Sarah.

      Big hugs & happy Friday wishes,
      ♥ Jessica

      *PS* Summertime evening walks are the best!!!

  24. Fun list! It's sad to see summer coming to an end but it's nice we still have a month to go! I'm hoping to make it to a drive in soon! I've never been and this list reminded me to look up in there are still any left in my area! <3

    1. Isn't it though? I sort of feel like I've missed two summers now in a way. This one due to the frequently rainy/damp/grey weather and last year's because Tony was away working in the States for three months straight and thus we only got the very tail end of it together. That just makes the rare sunny, beautiful days that have gotten here this time around all the more precious and worth rushing outside to embrace (and take photos in! :)).

      I hope you have a great time, if you do head out. Nice time of the year for it, for sure.

      Many hugs & thanks for your fantastic comments today,
      ♥ Jessica

  25. I love this list! I'm always up for adventure and doing something different. Number 16 go ride a hot air balloon is something I've wanted to do forever, unfortunately it usually is far too windy in my area to get a ride. But one day, I will. That one is on my bucket list ;)

    1. I'd truly love to give it a try at some point, too. There were a fair number of balloons in the skies over the town where we lived when I was really young and I've been fascinated with them ever since. I fear though that the hot air ballooning industry as a whole will experience a negative ripple effect from the horrible recent crash that claimed the lives of all 16 people on board. Hopefully though, folks will remember that such incidents are, thankfully, rare and that, in general, ballooning is a safe activity.

      Here's to hope that we're both able to take to skies one day.

      Big hugs & many sincere thanks for all of your terrific comments today,
      ♥ Jessica

  26. Such a fun list! I hope you have had a chance to do at least a few of these now that August is half way through. I am doing quite well on my summer reading and Mark made sandcastle switch our niece today in a giant sandpit. They both had fun!,

    1. What a lovely comment, my dear friend. Thank you! Given that many of these suggestions are based in locations far, far away from us, I have't checked off too many yet, but have done some and suspect at least one or two more will happen before August wraps up. This is definitely a list that I'll be referencing back to myself in the future and I'm thinking that perhaps a winter version would be fun, too. :)

      Aww, that sounds like a blast! Building sand castles is so much fun. I can easily see how some folks get immensely into it (competitions and such, I mean). What a beautiful memory of this summer for you guys to have.

      Oodles of hugs & sincere thanks for all of your awesome recent comments,
      ♥ Jessica

  27. Such fun ideas! I would love to go horse-riding, but as I don't own trousers, wonder how I could manage astride a horse, hehe!

    1. Thank you very much, honey. Indeed, that could be a bit tricky. Ladies did it for centuries, but they were usually brought up with the skill - something that few of us in the 21st century were reared with. Perhaps you could wear a pair of tights or leggings under a very wide skirt and ride across the saddle?

      Oodles of hugs coming your way,
      ♥ Jessica

    2. I was thinking circle skirt and bloomers, hehe!

    3. That could certainly do the trick, too. Bloomers are a far too under utilized garment these days, if you ask me. I hope such works out splendidly for you, if you give it a shot.

      xoxo ♥ Jessica

  28. Although August has ended by now, I read the this entire list, very lovely suggestions. We've had a fabulous August, with mixed weather I might add. From son's and DH's birthdays to our silver anniverssary river cruise, which was fantastic and which I will write you a mail with a few photos of later. This is my last vacation day, tomorrow is back to work and it is ok. Ok to get back in swing again. Since I have Wednesday off I know I'll survive. ;) I have a lot of mending to do, there's always something to do when wearing vintage. I have just finished a dark red cardigan I have to sew together and have gotten the most fabulous yarn as a gift for the next one. I love knitting. I've started crocheting environmentally friendly dish rags of all my single cotton skeins, which is fun and relaxting too. Son said they were so nice that is was a pity to use them, ha! And we do hope to prolong the season sitting in our wonderful greenhouse most of autumn. Well, now I'm not that much behind with your blog anymore, so I will end for today. Have a wonderful holiday, dear. And PS: I didn't know there was an Elvis week! I wish I could attend. :)
