{As the days grow shorter and the temperatures chillier, why not take an entertainment cue from this lovely group of 1950s ladies and spend a fun filled evening playing bridge? (Love their outfits and hairstyles!)}
{With another school year well and truly underway again, it's hard not to feel a surge of pep/cheerleading squad spirit (like this wonderful group from 1960 had) once more, even if you haven't sat in a classroom for decades.}
{Her outfit (those slacks!), that car, even those beautifully classic glass milk bottle - how can one not want everything in this serene slice-of-life snap from 1957?}
{And speaking of style perfection, how awesomely lovely does this mother and her two young children - also coincidentally photographed in 1957) - look in their fall time finery? (This snap was taken in October of that year).}
{Summer is definitely winding down and the days of going bare armed are numbered (if not a memory already) in many parts of the world, but while the last vestiges of warmth remain, I simply had to include this awesome photo of a chic c. 1930s young lady in her fashionable wide legged beach pajama style ensemble.}
{Sister, cousins, besties, possibly even a very youthful looking mom (on the right) and daughter? Whatever the case, one instantly senses that these two lovely 1940s gals had each other's backs no matter what.}
{Two young ladies engaged in one of my all-time favourite activities - especially come autumn - shopping for Halloween decorations. Oh, to be able to go back to the 1950s and pick up some of these delightful festive goodies with them (Plus, as a side note, check out both of their seriously cool pairs of earrings!)}
{This is such an excellent yesteryear cross section of society photo. From the gents in their dapper suits to the men in their work wear, and of course the elegantly attired ladies of various ages, images like this (from December 1942) are about as close one can get to accidentally travelling back in time and landing smack dab in the middle of small town America.}
{Vintage nighttime colour photos taken by everyday folks aren't overly common, so when I spotted this lovely (undated) one - that I'd estimate to be from the 1960s or 70s - recently, given the season that we're heading into, I knew that I had to share it here on the double. This image was captured at the Autumn Festival in Rimouski, Quebec.}
{Two youngsters (from 1942) getting in the spirit of Halloween by carving a cheerfully fun jack-o-lantern. I can hardly wait to follow their lead in a few week's time!}
{All images above are from Flickr. To learn more about a specific image, please click on it to be taken to its respective Flickr page.}
Travel brings with it the potential for a near limitless array of gifts, and, unquestionably, this is one of the primary reasons why I adore it to the moon and back. It can - for some people at least - also have a darker side however, too (and I don't just mean things like the inherent risks – whatever their likelihood may be – of visiting a new destination, such as getting pickpocketed, having the airline lose your luggage, etc).
For those, such as myself, who tend to find traveling to be a time of intensely powerful introspection and deep thought, venturing away from home, even just for a few days, can cause certain concerns, worries, stresses, and anxieties to come bubbling to the surface. Or, if they were already there to begin with, to manifest even more strongly.
On our very recent adventure to Edmonton (which we returned home from this past Monday evening), I experienced precisely that for much of our time away.
Though I do not wish at this point in time to delve too much into the specific concerns that were at the forefront of my mind, the fact that they were there, like a heavy grey cloud hovering over the peaceful prairie landscape that was our holiday to Edmonton, rattled me and continues to do so, even though we're back home now.
It is far too early in the year to sum up 2016 yet, but over all this has been a strange one that has seen many ups and downs, curve balls and, to be perfectly frank, moments of being downright blindsided by certain happenings that have come my (our) way.
Throughout it, the elegant quote from Nelson Mandela that opens today’s post has often floated through my mind. As while many of the aforementioned issues were ones that I had little to no say in the (initial, at least) development of, certainly some of them stem from actions and choices that I've taken at various stages along the path that has been my life up until this very point.
I think that all of us, from the dawn of time onward, have wanted our choices to reflect our hopes and our dreams, the things that make us smile and keep our spirits alight.
Yet, objectively, sometimes our decisions are shaped or determined point blank, by our fears, concerns, doubts, and uncertainties. More often than not, it is these sorts of choices and experiences that tag along for the ride when we travel - and, let's be honest, when we're under the safety of our very own roof as well.
Over the years, I've talked here before about how the beginning of autumn has always felt like the start of a new year for me (just as, I know, it does for many others too,) - a point that, historically speaking, has a great deal of merit, as it was just that for many different cultures. No doubt this is playing into why change and choice are front and center in my thoughts at the moment.
I know that there are presently some storms in my life that I simply have no choice, given current circumstances, than to see through to the end – a time that may be months or even years away. There are others though that, ultimately, I have a greater degree of say in and where such is involved, I know that I may need to make some serious decisions in the near future.
This prospect does not scare me per se, but it does call for some tough choices, late nights of pondering, and, looking forward, a coming year that may be at least somewhat different from most others in recent times.
I do not mean to sound/be cryptic and I assure you that nothing truly insurmountable is on my plate right now. From its earliest days, at times, I have used my blog as a place to journal my concerns and, in the process, often find greater clarity, regardless of the issue(s) at hand when I do so.
It is for those reasons that I kicked off this latest edition of Saturday Snapshots with Mandela's poignant words and speak, if only in subtle terms, about some of what I'm going through at the moment.
Though I have had some tough days recently - and throughout 2016 in general - I assure you that Tony and I are both okay. And that, hand on my heart, for each current concern, there are zillions of positive things - many pertaining to autumn itself - to help balance the scales and ensure that my natural upbeat-ness isn't snuffed out at the moment.
Far from it - if anything, turning all the more to the elements of my life that bring me joy will help to make the choices I face not only more bearable, but - I truly hope - more often than not, enable them to be reached with hope and positivity as their driving force.
Beautiful, romantic photos.
ReplyDeleteps.everything in fashion return...partcularly from 50th.Greetings
Thank you sweetly, lovely lady. There really is a dreamy, romantic quality to many yesteryear photos - particularly for those of us who are dyed-in-the-wool nostalgists.
DeleteWishing you a splendid start of autumn,
♥ Jessica
thank you jess for that gorgeous pics!!! love the bridge playing ladies too! :-)
The pleasure is all mine, dear Beate. Thank you very much for your lovely comment. Doesn't they look like a fantastic group? I'd happily learn how to play bridge if I could hang out with them. :)
DeleteMany hugs & joyful start of fall wishes,
♥ Jessica
Travel really does have a way of making everything seem acute, doesn't it? In both good and bad ways.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in Iceland I fluctuated between euphoria and panic, and everything I experienced was in sharp mental focus, both internally and externally because of the clarity of the landscape. It was a really surreal symmetry. It's weird to be afraid of flying and "stranded" thousands of miles from home on an island in the near-Arctic, to be existing for a few days in this foreign, bizarre, beautiful environment -- simultaneously in awe and utterly terrified by it. I say that in direct reference to my anxieties, but honestly, that's what travel truly is, that combination of euphoria and complete unmoored terror. I probably need to be unmoored more often. It's living. :)
And although you write vaguely about 2016's struggles, know that all my well wishes from Texas are beaming toward Penticton with laser focus! <3 Hugs!
I really admire how openly you talk about the mental and emotional sides of traveling, dear Kira, and sincerely appreciate you relating more of your experiences here with me/us. That is an excellent - and very insightful - point regarding the two extremes (euphoria and terror) that can accompany travel. Hopefully, so long as the former outweighs the latter, the trip will go down in our minds as a positive one.
DeleteThank you with all my heart for your caring words and well wishes. Honestly, just penning this post was deeply helpful/cathartic and drives home, as I touched on in it, just why blogging is such an extremely important part of my life.
Huge hugs,
♥ Jessica
I'm glad to hear that your troubles aren't anything truly insurmountable though I am sorry to hear that your troubles and worries put a cloud over your holiday! I love that you are trying to stay positive throughout it all! <3
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, my dear friend. The universe must have read my post, because a workaround sort of solution to one of my problems (it isn't gone, but the solution provides a stopgap of sorts for it) arose this past weekend, so that has helped to lift some of the current worry weight from my shoulders.
DeleteMany hugs & sincere thanks,
♥ Jessica
Hello my dear, at last I can go from here with a bit 'of calm, the last few weeks have been difficult and strange to me, and in my free time I was so closed in myself ..
ReplyDeleteThanks to these images from the past, they are a source of joy and serenety .. also I love that lady with the red shoes! See you soon Jessica! I wish you a beautiful, bright Sunday!
Hi sweet Serena, I'm sincerely sorry to hear that you've been going through some rocky times as of late as well. My heart and understanding are are with you big time. Let us hope with all our might that autumn unfolds into a much more relaxed, stress free season on both of our ends.
DeleteTons of hugs & positive wishes coming your way,
♥ Jessica
Thank you for the lovely photos you've collected here. But more heartfelt, thank you for sharing what you can about your own journey here in 2016. Like you, 2016 has been a very mixed bag for me, and there's storms I have to just weather. I appreciate your candor in sharing, and I appreciate your words.
ReplyDeleteHi Jen, thank you deeply for your caring and very understanding words. I'm genuinely sorry that you've been going through quite a "mixed bag" sort of year as well. I'll take such over just plain bad, of course, but the highs and lows that can accompany a roller coaster sort of year can really start to take their toil after a while (especially if you've had other recent years of that nature).
DeleteI really hope that this autumn mellows into a much more serene, enjoyable season for both of us.
Many hugs & positive well wishes,
♥ Jessica
Beautiful, inspirational photos! The mother and two children is possibly my favourite.
ReplyDeleteHang in there Jessica, dark clouds eventually pass over and leave us extra appreciative of the blue skies. I hope that your troubles soon drift away. Each week in my yoga class we take a moment to think of someone and send them positive thoughts, so I'll make sure I dedicate that spot to you this coming week xx
What a beautiful, caring practise for your yoga class to take part in. I'm deeply moved that you'll keep me in your thoughts during the next class. Thank you with all my heart.
Deletexoxo ♥ Jessica
What fun photos! Hope the rest of the year brings only good things for you! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you sweetly, dear Laurie. I second your hope to the moon and back. It (the year) isn't over until it's over, so to speak, and I know that a slew of positive things and a reduction in my current worries/stresses could certainly happen at any point.
DeleteBig hugs & joyful start of autumn wishes,
♥ Jessica
I'm sorry to hear that your visit to my province wasn't as stress free as it should have been! I hope that things are looking up for you, now that you are home, and also that if you ever get a chance to visit Alberta again, that your visit will be more of a holiday for you!
ReplyDeleteAlso, lovely vintage photographs. I never get tired of looking at vintage photos, and I especially love the one of the lady in the pyjamas, and the mother with her two children! Thanks, as always, for sharing :)
The Artyologist
Hi sweet Nicole, thank you very much for your wonderfully sweet, caring comment. Edmonton itself was a blast and we had a great time there, I promise you. I don't think it would have mattered much if I'd been in Alberta, Austria, or Algeria, the worries/stress/anxiety would have followed me anywhere and might even have been more intense in a far off destination, as I might have felt (even more) guilty about not being able to detach 100% from my home life in such an exotic part of the world. As it was, I think that Alberta made for an excellent holiday destination this time around and I did find the trip quite relaxing. Plus, by about day seven (especially after a long talk with Tony in our hotel room one evening about some of my the things that were weighing on my mind most heavily right then and there), some of my worries (et al) were taking a backseat to the trip itself, which was epicly appreciated. Perhaps had we been able to stay on the road for another couple of weeks, they would have almost vanished (for the time being). As things stood, that wasn't possible, but the time away was really helpful on a lot of fronts and did provide me with greater clarity on some matters. So really, the trip was a big win in so many ways (massively including getting to meet up with you!).
DeleteSame here! Real world yesteryear photos are my favourite type of vintage images, hands down.
Thank you again & have a really beautiful weekend,
♥ Jessica
Those are such lovely pictures! It's so fun to peruse pictures of years gone by and see these vintage slices of life from everyday people.
ReplyDeleteI hope the issues you're facing find a happy resolution as speedily as can be possible. All things must pass, after all.
Isn't it though? No other image source has ever inspired me on the vintage front quite like yesteryear real world photos do.
DeleteThank you very much for your sweet, caring words, my dear. I really appreciate them.
Many hugs coming your way,
♥ Jessica
The strength.
ReplyDeleteThat is the feeling if this post, my dear Jessica.
I can feel the strong emotions, strong aim for the positivism and a fighter's strength in the word that I have read, and t took me time to sum up all the ideas that came to my mind after reading this. Because, just like you - I belong to the group of people that feels Autumn's seasonal changes quite strongly. I feel that our every emotion, all our thoughts - everything - is magnified.
There may be (and I know there ARE) so many reasons to be threading lightly these days, since life has been throwing a bit more curve-balls at you than usual; darn, it almost look you're in a game a dodge-ball, Jessica.
I say: let's take the "weather man told us" approach. It just like listening to the forecast: plan your life the way you want it, and then the life's "weather-man" gives you the precise data (like a sudden rain on your parade), do not despair - but instead: simply adjust to the current times.
Just like rain.
Smile is your umbrella.
(and, if you need anything - you know where you can stop by for a "cup of tea") :)
What an apt, insightful way to look at things, dear Marija - that life is currently more like a game of dodge, not curve, ball. Isn't that the truth? I always genuinely appreciate your impute and wisdom on all matter, handing life's ups and downs very much included.
DeleteThat is also a fantastic way to approach things (re: the weather forecaster) and an important reminder that every storm will pass and that many a dark cloud has a secret silver lining.
You're an awesome friend, Marija. Thank you for everything.
Giant hugs,
♥ Jessica
Hmm... I was going to say how much I adore the old photos you manage to find; the one from 1957 was taken right when I was born and captures the era perfectly. But reading your self-described "cryptic" note about challenges you are and will be facing in the future puts me in a different frame of mind -- one of concern for your well-being. If there's anything you need or want to share with me privately, please e-mail or call. I'm always here for you, Jessica. Sometimes it helps to confide in friends.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, Ally. I really didn't mean to alarm you or anyone else and apologize if I caused you to worry. I think I just needed to vent some of the steam, so to speak, from the current issues that are on my mind and as Saturday Snapshots are often reflective/introspective posts, it seemed like a fitting time. There's nothing insurmountable on my plate right now. It's just been a bit of a tough year coupled with some issues that stretch further back and some newer ones that came out of left field in recent months. I'm honestly okay, but assure you that I won't hesitate to take you up on your thoughtful offer, if I need someone to talk in greater detail about anything I'm going through.
DeleteYou're a great friend and a wonderfully caring soul.
♥ Jessica
I'm sorry to hear that times are a bit tough right now! But I know that you have an optimistic personality and that you always look for the silver lining of things. I hope that the rest of the year takes a better turn for you.
ReplyDeleteLove the photos that you picked for your Saturday Snapshots! Funnily enough, I was just playing bridge with my boyfriend and his parents, and I was really pleased to be reminded how fun a game it is. Maybe I'll have to start a bridge club...
What cool timing! I've never played bridge before. It's such a classic game - I really should learn one of these days.
DeleteThank you very much for your caring, supportive words, my dear. Penning this post itself really was powerfully beneficial to me and has helped me to feel like I could, so to speak, a breath a little more (under the weight of my pressing worries/stresses) after it went live. Hopefully fall time will bring further "lightness" with it.
Many hugs & heartfelt thanks,
♥ Jessica
I know that feeling of travel turning your thoughts inward. You have such a wonderful attitude to life and I am sure that you will be able to face all of these challenges and overcome them x
ReplyDeleteI sincerely appreciate that, dear Holly, thank you from my heart.
DeleteBig hugs,
♥ Jessica
Dear Jessica,
ReplyDeleteWelcome back :) I look forward to reading more about your trip! I enjoyed the pictures,especially the chic mother with her red shoes and handbag. I adore red shoes!
I wish you and Tony all the best with whatever life throws your way :) I think we are all in the same boat...there are ups and downs...some things we can control and other things we can't. I greatly admire your positive attitude.
Best wishes,
Thank you deeply, dear Dee, on all counts (welcome home wishes very much included). It's true - so many of us are in the same boat and I'd argue that for many, life isn't getting any easier in today's world. It's wonderful that we can support, encourage, and comfort one another through the web and to be reminded that we're all in this (game called life) together.
DeleteMany hugs & heartfelt thanks,
♥ Jessica
Now then, I had no internet connection for several days due to problems caused by the mining done in our area for years, I think it causes underground landslides and sometimes above ground ones. Anyway, I was dying to catch up on your blog and will admit to being alarmed at this post. I know you have a complicated history and suffer many health related history but this appears to be something different. I have never heard you sound this stressed before. I completely understand you not wishing to go into detail in such a public space, but I know every one of the lovely blog ladies who comment here will all be thinking of you. I truly hope you and Tony are OK as a whole, I would never want to think that beautiful relationship is in jeopardy. Please feel free to contact me if you need anything at all, I am always available to you, it's the least I can do given what your blog has done for me. I am thinking of you xx
ReplyDeleteHi sweet Emily, thank you very much for your immensely kind, caring words and concern. Though some of the issues weighing on my mind right now do tie into my health, many are not directly related to such (though worrying about them can impact my health for sure). I've certainly gone through rougher times over the course of both my life in general and the 7+ years I've been blogging, but year has been a rocky one at times for sure. I want you to know, hand on my heart, that I'm doing okay and that there is no need cause for serious alarm as things sit right now (and promise you, with every speck of my being, that none of the issues on my/our plate right now relate to mine and Tony's relationship; we're doing awesomely on that front).
DeleteI sincerely appreciate that and won't hesitate to take you up on your offer, if I feel I need to discuss something personal in a more detailed manner.
Endlessly sincere thanks & tons of hugs coming your way,
♥ Jessica
Wow, Jess, now you got me thinking! I am worried for you. You sound so serious and very worried, I truly hope you are over-thinking it and wish you all the best in the world, my sweet e-friend.
ReplyDeleteI love real life vintage photos, as you already knows, and this was such a great mix.
I love Mandela's quote, I think I love all his quotes. He is such a clever man. Very admirable.
I also loved the cheerleaders, I love that back then they were not looking like porn stars, but sweet cheerleaders doing their cheering job.
I adored the mom with her grey suit and red accessories (those shoes!) - and her children (the little girl's purse!)!!! Pure elegance.
I hope you are feeling better, and remember if you feel like writing all your troubles down, then you are always welcome to send them to me. I cannot guarantee that I can help in any way, but I can give you my honest opinion and some advice, just as I always to do son. Have a lovely day, dear. :) lots of warm e-hugs coming form autumny Denmark
My dear friend, thank you very much for your kindhearted concern. I'm the first to admit that I'm prone to worrying too much in some instances and it is certainly possible that I'm doing so a bit here. I think it's just a combination of a lot of tricky/rough/painful (emotionally) situations this year coupled with some more recent pressing concerns, few of which have clear cut solutions or quick remedies. My anxiety (which I've had for my whole life) has also really been coming out in full force lately, complete with two full-fledged anxiety attacks (two of, thankfully, only about six in the past 10 - 12 years) - though neither was, almost ironically, directly triggered by the issues that I'm currently worried about (one pertained to our home alarm system and the other to something that I saw on TV that scared the pants off me).
DeleteI'd hoped that our trip to Edmonton would help some of my worries (et al) to dissipate and that I'd come back feeling recharged, but, by and large, neither thing happened in any major way. Nothing further arose that was negative and that's awesome unto itself, but it would have been great if I could have returned feeling as though a bit of the weight of my worries/stresses had been lifted from my shoulders, as I do usually encounter that with travel. Oh well! Hopefully the return of my (our) favourite season will help on those fronts. Honestly, starting to blog about fall topics and filling my home decor and daily looks with such is genuinely proving beneficial in that regard and I know that the elation that always accompanies Halloween for me, will only help further.
I truly appreciate that and won't hesitate to confide in you, if I really need to talk about something that's eating away at my mind, sweet Sanne.
With all my heart, thank you,
♥ Jessica
Sometimes traveling or a vacation can help me forget my troubles. Othertimes,I can't help but focus in them. Maybe in part because if the lack of normal routine.
ReplyDeleteI hope you continue to stay above your troubles.
Wise, wise words, dear Sarah. I started to think about that very point as our trip progressed and my worries (from home) didn't budge much. Honestly, if anything, they've calmed down a touch since we got home (and certainly writing this post itself was beneficial there). I adore traveling, did really enjoy our time in Edmonton, and am grateful for this journey, but am also glad to be home and easing back into my usual routine once again.
DeleteThank you deeply,
♥ Jessica
I loved the Mandela quote, dear Jessica, cause it resonates with me, so much... like you, I also have big decisions in my life, soon... and I am afraid I will choose "fear". Same kind of things as when you said, that when you are away from home for just a bit, causes some anxiety. I loved your post... will think more carefully about the future decision... I looove classic cars, my favorite cars. And I loved to see that elegant mom and her 2 kids, what for a great style! I also loved the young girls with pajama pants, in the 30s. I know people make fun when I say that was a better era, but I keep on thinking this way :) Well, OK, now it's good too, some will say, and as I didn't live in the 30s - 50s, I cannot judge, true :) Hope you have a very nice week, dear Jessica, hugs and regards!
Sweet Denise, I'm deeply sorry that you're facing some hard, heavy decisions in your life right now as well. I hope with all my might that you're able to make them from a positive place of hope, not one of fear/worry.
DeletePlease know that I'm always here if you need someone to talk to absolutely anything.
Tons of hugs & understanding coming your way,
♥ Jessica
Adorable collection of pictures!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, my dear. Can you believe that this series has been appearing here periodically for seven years now? That may very well make it the longest continuously running one my blog. How time flies!
DeleteBig hugs coming your way,
♥ Jessica
Oh Jessica, dear friend, I can relate to your post and how when we are calm our minds are loud and play tricks on us. Indeed 2016 has been a tough year from the beginning and to think its not over yet-
ReplyDeleteI am sending good vibes your way. On the positive side, Halloween is a few weeks away :)
AND I absolutely loved the picture of the lady the grey suit with her children.
Thank you very much, sweet Lorena. I'm really sorry that you've found 2016 to be a trying, taxing and sometimes challenging year as well. I'm always here for you if you ever need someone to talk to about anything.
DeleteDefinitely! Let's focus on the positives, such as Halloween's return, and do our best to keep our chins up as we head into the last chapter of this year.
Thinking of you and sending lots of love and understanding your way,
♥ Jessica
The photo of the mother with her children is such wonderful quality it could almost have been taken yesterday!
ReplyDeleteSending positive thoughts and best wishes to you. 2016 has been a strange year that's brought many challenges to my door as well, not least that I feel I haven't had chance to pause once, which makes tackling everything that bit trickier. So if there's one thing I've learned its that you've got to allow yourself time to get through things and accept that sometimes circumstances just mean you're not in control and that's ok, you've just got to learn to cope best you can. Which is all totally obvious advice, but it's the best I got! You're a wonderfully strong lady though so it won't be long before you're through the other side one way or another :) I perhaps am not at my best inspirational speech writing pre 7am but I know you'll appreciate the thought xx
Isn't that the truth? The longer we go without proper respite, the more our burdens can start to weigh us down. I'd really hoped (so much!) that this trip would help me in that regard, but by and large, it didn't do much to lessen the load, so to speak. I did wholeheartedly enjoy our time in Edmonton though, please don't get me wrong, and am grateful for all of the wonderful memories that we made there.
DeleteI'm really sorry that this year has been a rocky one for you as well, my treasured friend, and sincerely hope that you're able to get some time to rest and recharge your batteries soon.
Huge hugs & appreciative thanks,
♥ Jessica
I just adore vintage photos, they seem to hold so much more feeling than photos taken today!
ReplyDeleteI am sending positive vibes your way, and hope that you are able to find peace with whatever life is throwing at you :) I know what it's like to have a grey cloud of thoughts hovering above you that won't seem to leave, but as time goes on, the clouds get smaller and eventually fade. Good luck with everything in the coming months, I hope it all works out! :)
Really beautifully said, honey, I completely agree. There is something almost magnetically magical about vintage photos. They are like single image time machines and in them, so often, we see relatable elements of ourselves.
DeleteThank you you deeply. I truly appreciate your kindhearted, caring words and really hope that you don't have any hefty clouds hanging over your head at the moment, too.
Huge hugs,
♥ Jessica
Sending heaps of wishes for good health and happiness for your "new year", Jessica. I love these photos - especially the woman with the milk - is it a drive through milk shop?? Fabulous trip back in time. xx
ReplyDeleteThank you sweetly, my caring friend. I really appreciate your kindhearted wishes.
ReplyDeleteIt looks to be - I've never seen another milk "depot" quite like this before. Such a great idea and throwback to a time when milk and various other dairy products were delivered/purchased much more frequently than most of us buy them these days.
Many hugs & happy Wednesday wishes,
♥ Jessica
Wonderful! I really enjoy looking at those old snapshots, thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteMany hugs,
Sandra <3
You're sincerely welcome, sweet Sandra. I'm delighted to know that you enjoyed this latest edition of Saturday Snapshots. Old photos are the best! :)
DeleteMany hugs & heartfelt thanks for all of your wonderful blog comments,
♥ Jessica
Thanks for your thoughts on the milk "depot". Oh to go shopping for milk in a car like that, and dressed like that... xx
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure, dear Elizabeth. Thank you very much for so thoughtfully reading the replies to your blog comments and for returning to, yourself in turn, reply as well. It's a joy to converse with you through our blogs.
DeleteBig hugs & cheerful weekend wishes,
♥ Jessica
I'm sorry to hear that things have been so challenging for you lately. Thank you for sharing what you did, though - I'm sure it's not easy. Please know, though, that you have folks all over the world who are thinking of you and praying for you! <3
ReplyDeleteThat is incredibly kind and caring of you to say, sweet Grace. Thank you very much. I'm happy to say that I'm doing a bit better on a lot of fronts now a week a later. Many issues/problems/sources of stress remain, but even just talking about the weight on my shoulders here has been so helpful.
DeleteThank you again. Huge hugs coming your way,
♥ Jessica
Such a great range of wonderful outfits in these fabulous photos. I love getting to see ordinary people in vintage photos. I really hope that your troubles get easier soon and that you are managing to hang in in there despite some difficulties. Look after yourself and take care.x
ReplyDeleteThank you deeply, my sweet friend. I am very glad to say that some of my concerns have eased up and/or long term plans are in place now to tackle them. I think that a lot of what lay behind my words here was simply the fact that I couldn't turn off my worries (or at least dial them down), as I usually can when we travel and then having guilt (while on holiday) about that fact, which created a bit of a vicious circle. That element aside though, Edmonton was fantastic and I'm immensely grateful that we got to spend the better part of two weeks there (especially since, in all likelihood, we won't be going on holiday again for quite some time).
DeleteAs we head into October, my absolute favourite month, I'm definitely in a better head space. My mood has perked up a fair bit and while there are still things weighing heavily on me, I'm feeling a lot happier/more like my usual self again.
Huge hugs & heartfelt thanks,
♥ Jessica